Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is your opinion on Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympics?

Well in my own opinion,it was well organized from the open ceremony until the close ceremony. Everything looked really glamorous. Every venue was well hosted. Micheal Phelps broke the Olympic records in Beijing you can never change that. Beijing itself broke the record, it is the most expensive Olympic. The next Olympic is going to be held in Vancouver Canada. It is going to be the Winter Olympic. The next summer Olympic is going to be held in London English. Let's see if these countries can top Beijing Olympic in 2008.

Here is what some Yahoo users said about this particular topic....

"The opening dances, performances, etc. were so tight and clean and the images and appearances told us a lot about the Beijing culture and heritage and how disciplined everybody is when others are around. But now all the facilities and the whole city is going to shi*."


"I think it was well organised and had a very good opening ceremony."

By :Browni

"the biggest story was michael phelps, and bolt hussein"

By :DrewMack...

"The best Olympic ever."


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