Thursday, March 12, 2009

What do you think of Last night's American Idol?

Please specify how did you like the new rules ? Do you think American made the right choice by eliminate Jasmine Murry and Jorge Nunez ? Please specify with details. Thanks

For me personally, I really enjoyed watching last night's American Idol. I didn't think Jasmine should have eliminated, but America made the right choice with Jorge. With that said, I guess somebody had to leave in order to have the ultimate idol. As for the rule change, I think it is pretty good rule. That way an artist like Chris Doltry will not get eliminated in the future.

That is just my opinion, here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject.

"he new rules are stupid. Especially the one about saving a person. Then it turns out that people's vote really don't count, what about the people who pay for their calls/text? It's America's choice, not the judges. Idk what's up with all these crazy new rules... if it ain't broken,, DON"T FIX IT.

Also I think the right people went home. Jasmine was a good singer but not a great entertainer... pretty boring and bland.

Jorge. Eh."

By: Karilo

"I like the new rules. If only they made it last year, so Michael Johns and Carly Smithson could have been saved.
I'm kind of disappointed about Jasmine, I liked her. But if I had to choose two people to go home, it would have been those two."

By :esenjay3...

"the new rule is ok i sorta don't understand it
they should do it like rockstar supernova where america votes then who ever is in the bottom 3 have to sing and the judges vote who is out. The judges don't even do anything they just sit there. If there gunna ever use the save thingy they should use it on adam if he gets the lowest votes, he's so good :) yer the right people are gone there's only really 1 good singer (adam) and i guess you can say lil and danny are good but thats it"

By :Charlie :D

"the new rules are good, the judges love lil rounds, danny gorkey and adam, if either one of those people should go home before the final 5 they will be saved because those three are clearly the judges favorites. so they are saving that one vote for either one of those three. i wish people would stop saying adam is going to win. last year I thought melinda doolittle would win she was perfect the entire year and she came in third. now she is with Itunes. so he may be good but that doesn't mean he will win. and that is what this new rule is for, so he won't get voted out too early. but I like it better if the judges picked three to leave and then let the viewers vote from that three who will be going home."

By :dobby

"i did think jasmine had to go but jorge i think he deserved another chance but simon said flat out no....."

By:pattie j

"I think the new rule could be looked at one of two ways, or even both ways:

1) The producers are giving themselves more of a say in who stays in the competition. In my opinion, this is just the first step they will take to give themselves more control over results than the fans.

2) This keeps the public interested. For instance, you never know whether the person's really gone or not until the judges give the final say.

And, granted, they can only do so once, but it seems to me like just the beginning of the producers' schemes.

Yes, I think Jasmine and Jorge had to go. Although they both deserved their spots in the top 13, the competition really isn't suited to either of them - neither one had much of a personality, for starters. But anyways, I would have liked to see Megan leave, as she just gets on my nerves, but I guess I'm satisfied."

By:Blue Eyed Angel

"I think the new rule was needed because America has gotten it wrong in a lot of instances. The major ones being Daugthry, Doolittle, Carly, and Michael Johns voted out before others who shouldn't even be there anymore. Once AI got really popular a few years back America, in general, became a "lets screw with the system and vote the worst or nicest" and not necessarily the best singer. For me Taylor Hicks winning showcases this attitude.

I loved Jasmine but she hasn't shown her bubbly 17 yr old personality. She's been picking downer songs and I think this hurt her.

As for Jorge....I never liked him and felt he shouldn't have been in the Top 13, so for me this one was a no brainer and long overdue."

By :csscmom -- Mom of 4

"It was only right for them to eliminate Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nuñez. Anoop wasn't as bad as the other two.

Allison was IMPRESSIVE!
Alexis Grace was AWESOME!
Adam Lambert was BRILLIANT!
Lil Rounds started the night right!

The new rules are cool. They give hope for the BETTER singers. :)"

By :Aid B.

"I found a spoiler beforehand and already knew the surprise rule. I like the rule itself, but I think it's annoying how they're going to ask the judges to deliberate EVERY SINGLE TIME someone gets voted off. I think they should either just speak up if they want to choose them to save, or let it go. Not drag it out over every contestant. It really was an extra jab for them not just to get voted off -- but for the judges to say, nope, you're terrible, bye-bye.
I do agree in Jorge and Jasmine going. I would've sent Anoop packing, too -- made it for 3. But I guess we have to wait till next week till he goes. Ugh. Can you tell I'm not so excited about this season?

Oh, and how they were talking about Chris Daughtry could've been saved -- not true -- not according to this rule as they set it -- they'd only be able to save up to the top 5. Chris was voted off when it was top 4."

By : Fauna

"Jorge and jasmine---I am not surprised they got booted. They are good just to make it in the top 13, but not good enough to stay longer. I think anoop will go pretty soon.we'll see...
The rule--I have mixed feelings about it. Its not up to the people.The judges get the final say. But, maybe they should. The people could make a not so good vote and the judges could make a save. Oh well, it doesn't matter whether you like the rule or is still gonna be used."

By :kelliegi...

"I don't know what the big deal about Adam is. I don't think he's really that great. The style he sings is weird, and he dresses weird. But I am 29 so I guess that's what the young kids are into these days. lol! Anyway I was sad to see Jorge go, but I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a successful singer in his native language. I don't really know who my favorite is now."

By :its me

"I like the new rule. I am at least going to wait and see if it brings back my favorite :) Sometimes you have voting b/c of popularity rather than the best singers. We have all been stunned when certain people go home.

It's interesting b/c they have only the one save and all four judges all have to agree. It will be hard to get those four to agree on someone to save. I can see Paula wanting to save everyone but the others will know they need to save the "save" for a stunning elimination week.

They also have a time frame in which they have to use it.

I kinda wish they had given each judge one save. Then the next week if it was really meant to be then that person wouldn't be one of the two that gets eliminated.

When you have to sing certain bands/singers sometimes it's hard. You don't know the music or the singers and make bad choices thats not fair. I don't expect Reuben or Bo Bice to be know a lot about Country or some of these younger contestests to know about IDK Barry Manilow or Rod Stewart. It gives them a chance to have a bad week and still move on. Having one bad week overall doesn't mean they should leave. If they have more talent than the others who just happen to be more popular.

Jasmine --as cute and all as she was, she is very young and I think a bit overwhelmed by it all. I hope she does well and continues on her journey. She has a lot of talent

Jorge --I really liked him. I was hoping to see him get a bit further but we don't have a lot of Latin pop singers...yes Salina was very hot, Marc Anthony is doing well even Jennifer Lopez and Gloria Estefan (I know I spelled that wrong) but in the grand scheme of things they are few and far between. One of the reasons I like him was because he had a different sound to his voice.

I agree with the person who said they shouldn't have dragged it out over each contestant. That is just more hurtful."

By :Sarelda

"As much as I like Anoop, he should've gone home last night. Both Jorge and Jasmine would've gone home sooner or later anyway, but they both could've stayed another week.

I LOVE the new rule, but as my BFF pointed out (and he's probably right), the judges will never use that veto unless Danny or Adam are in danger. Everybody else can pretty much hang it up."

By :katanast...

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