Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Drop 2 dress sizes in 2 months?

i know it would be hard but is it possible to lose 2 dress sizes in 2 months with a lot of exercise and healthy eating could it be done?

*Note* Somebody in Yahoo asked this question and I believe the answers some Yahoo user give are really informative.

"if u get a proper answer to this please let me no i really struggling with my wait and moveing to spain in 2months i dont want everyone to theink a wale was washed to shore when i arrive at the beach"

By :babydoll

"well u could go on losing 2 stone which would be 3 and half pounds a week i reckon so :)"

By :pinkjolo...

"eat lots of tuna salad
get some curry powder and lentils pile them into cold water and wait until they are soft blend into soup.


also if you get hungry clean your teeth use plenty of mouth wash, makes food taste horrible for a few hours."

By :MeMe

"I don't know what exactly is 2 dress sizes. well if you do it the right way you'll get very close."

By :zzzzzzzz...

"It can be done - it depends on what size you are now (the bigger you are, the higher your basal metabolic rate, therefore the more calories you burn even at rest) and how much you HAVE to have unhealthy stuff (like chocolate every once in a while etc)

Don't be tempted with faddy diets - they don't work, and end up making you much fatter in the long run. You need to eat healthy foods and a balanced diet. Make sure you are eating enough - if you aren't your body goes into starvation mode and stores more fat. Do exercise as well, but in moderation,. You need to work your way up if you are not already very fit.

Remember, do it safely. You only get one body."

By :lilybell...

"“Lose 10 pounds in a week!”
“Lose 20 pounds in 20 days!”
“Lose 50 pounds by fairy dust!”

You have seen all the ads … all promising to help you lose weight instantly.

While some may work, many don’t. Sure, you can lose weight quick and many times you will, BUT…what they don’t tell you is that many times that rapid weight loss is water weight. AND IT WILL RETURN!

So, what we have to do is set realistic and achievable goals.

Remember our “One Pound at A Time” philosophy mentioned in the beginning?

That is our immediate goal. Start with ONE POUND! Then another and another, etc. Pretty soon, you will be reaching your goals and starting to feel and see the changes happening.

Once you have been successful with your smaller, short-term goals, start setting a little bit longer-term goals. “Today is Monday, July 9th. I will lose 5 pounds by July 31st.” That is not only reasonable, but achievable!

Think of this: if you set a goal of 5 pounds each month that is a total of 60 POUNDS in a year.

Stick to your goals the best you can. If you find that your goals are not becoming a reality, scale them back. Make them achievable, because that is a key ingredient to your successful Journey!"

By :Isa

"Exercising helped me to lose loads of weight after I married it together it along with using acai berry. I know they say that pills will not work, however they certainly worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There's a free trial on currently at http://sicavs.bosziplaza.com , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen?"

By :Gage T

"yes you can do anything you put your mind to! weight watchers is a good healthy way to lose weight or the special k diet claims you can drop a jean size in two weeks that would be a great kickstart!
you should use some sort of eating plan as its often hard to make the right choices and sometimes you think your being healthy but foods contain hidden fats.
in weight watchers for example a banana is higher in points than some crisps!
good luck"

By :Lauren W

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