Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tip Of The Day!!!
How To Ask Questions To An Interviewee
If you are asking questions to an interviewee, there are some things you can do to make your job, and theirs, much easier in the efficient exchange of information.
The first is to ask direct questions, with as few words as possible.
Don't beat around the bush and say:
"Please could you tell me a little bit about the key things that you might have done in situation X to achieve a desired target of Y"
But keep it simple and direct:
"Tell me how you achieved Y in situation X".
The filling words just give more for the candidate to think about and don't help; always ask the question in simple and succinct terms.
Notice the use of a clear leading word: HOW. Always couch questions with a word like how to allow focus for the candidate to answer. Rather than 'a little bit about' which is more vague and doesn't lead so much.
Also remember not to ask questions negatively. Don't ask:
"Tell me the things that didn't go right in the situation?" but rather
"What went well, and what could have gone better?"
Questions asked in the negative are proven not to be as effective at getting good quality responses as those couched in positive terms.
If you are asking questions to an interviewee, there are some things you can do to make your job, and theirs, much easier in the efficient exchange of information.
The first is to ask direct questions, with as few words as possible.
Don't beat around the bush and say:
"Please could you tell me a little bit about the key things that you might have done in situation X to achieve a desired target of Y"
But keep it simple and direct:
"Tell me how you achieved Y in situation X".
The filling words just give more for the candidate to think about and don't help; always ask the question in simple and succinct terms.
Notice the use of a clear leading word: HOW. Always couch questions with a word like how to allow focus for the candidate to answer. Rather than 'a little bit about' which is more vague and doesn't lead so much.
Also remember not to ask questions negatively. Don't ask:
"Tell me the things that didn't go right in the situation?" but rather
"What went well, and what could have gone better?"
Questions asked in the negative are proven not to be as effective at getting good quality responses as those couched in positive terms.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tips Of The Day!!!
Aloe Vera And Skin Care
Many people will have heard of aloe vera in the context of skin care. But what is aloe vera?
Well, aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the well known Lily family of flowers. It looks a little like a cactus, and has been used for its medicinal properties over the years - though only a couple of varieties have medicinal properties.
Much of the plant is water, but the outer leaf contains a sap that is used for lotions and gels and is beneficial. Rich in many vitamins and minerals, all together, these can have a powerful help in skin care.
Aloe vera can be used on the skin to help with many conditions, for instance bires or scrapes, eczema or mild burns.
Many people will have heard of aloe vera in the context of skin care. But what is aloe vera?
Well, aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the well known Lily family of flowers. It looks a little like a cactus, and has been used for its medicinal properties over the years - though only a couple of varieties have medicinal properties.
Much of the plant is water, but the outer leaf contains a sap that is used for lotions and gels and is beneficial. Rich in many vitamins and minerals, all together, these can have a powerful help in skin care.
Aloe vera can be used on the skin to help with many conditions, for instance bires or scrapes, eczema or mild burns.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Movie Reviews

Here are what some top movie critics have to say about this particular movie.
"March 21, 2009 | If Alex Proyas' "Knowing" were reasonably entertaining -- instead of just dour, pointless and tedious -- it would be a camp classic. My favorite moment is the one in which Nicolas Cage, as an MIT professor who's acquired a special sheet of paper that gives him the inside scoop on upcoming dire catastrophes, rings his estranged parents to warn them of impending global doom. He urges them to head underground: "The basement, the sewers, the T!" he offers helpfully.
Although I've ridden Boston's subway system many times and can vouch for its safety and relative efficiency, I wouldn't recommend it as a place to hide from the apocalypse. But according to the logic of "Knowing," well, why not? This is also a movie in which the Angel of Doom shows up in a black raincoat that looks as if it came from the sale rack at Brooks Brothers. (With his bleached-blond quiff, he also looks like Spike, from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," except with zero sexual charisma.)
No fewer than five people are credited with having worked on the script of "Knowing," though if it were left to me to guess, I would have put that number closer to 17. There's a lot going on in "Knowing," and important themes crisscross and swerve with abandon: Cage's character, John, has recently been widowed, and he and his son, Caleb (Chandler Canterbury), are still mourning her loss. We learn early on that John, a man of science, doesn't believe in heaven, or even in -- gasp! -- God. Then a page full of mysterious numbers falls into his possession: A troubled little girl scrawled them out in 1959; they've been locked away in a time capsule ever since. When John looks carefully at the numbers, he notes a terrible sense of logic to them: They make specific references to the dates of past disasters -- 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, any number of plane crashes and train derailments -- and John fears they may point to future catastrophes as well. Can he stop these tragedies? Will he regain his faith? And will he meet a cute babe -- one played by Rose Byrne -- in the interim?
You probably already know the answer to at least one of those questions. As for the others, Proyas ("I, Robot") makes sure we get to see a good selection of massive disasters, including a plane crash in which victims, burning to death, scream in pain. There's also a wildfire in which assorted moose, deer and bears -- also in flames, and clearly suffering -- stampede in fear. But hey, it's all CGI, so who cares? And it's all in the service of a greater idea: We must have Faith, with a capital F.
Cage used to be a pretty consistently terrific actor, and often he's been good even in the dumb, schlocky movies he's been choosing over the past 10 years or so. But in "Knowing," he mostly just stumbles around with his mouth hanging open, dumbstruck by his realization that he knows very little about the universe and, worse yet, has almost no control over it. Thus, he must put his faith in a power greater than his own. I hope that doesn't mean his agent."
By : Stephanie Zacharek
Knowing is a portentous numerological global-warming-to-the-nth-power thriller, in which Nicolas Cage plays an MIT professor who figures out that The End is near. If you want to know how inept the movie is...well, it's so inept that you may wish you were watching an M. Night Shyamalan version of the very same premise. At least Shyamalan, in his dud The Happening, is a compulsive audience-gooser, whereas Alex Proyas (The Crow), the director of Knowing, has no idea what to do between calamitous set pieces. There's one terrifying moment (it's featured in the television promos), where a jetliner comes hurtling out of a stormy sky with a nightmare suddenness that is up close and vivid. But Cage, gaunt and haunted (or maybe just vacant), spends far too much time doing his antsy-perturbed thing as he tries to decipher a sheet of numerals dug up from a time capsule — a code that foretells every global disaster of the past 50 years, as well as a few that have yet to happen.
As he ponders and marinates, we have time to consider questions like: Why, in the midst of this vaguely millennial muddle, does Cage's prof live in a mansion that's lit like the setting for a Disney ghost story? And what are those nicely attired blond alien attachés, who could be refugees from a Depeche Mode video, up to? You may also wonder what Cage, at this point in his career, does to psych himself up for a scene in which he's driving and screaming lines like, ''We have to go where the numbers want us to go!'' Knowing is a trash-compactor hodgepodge of Deep Impact, The Number 23, Close Encounters, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Too often, though, it's the movie that stands still, as it counts down to one of those ''mind-blowing'' digital cataclysms that dissipates the moment you walk up the aisle
By : Owen Gleiberman
UH-UH. Non. Nein. Neg ative. Sept. 11 is not to be used as the setup for a cheesy disaster prophecy flick.
In the fiercely ridiculous "Knowing," Nicolas Cage plays John, a widowed MIT professor looking at a page of random digits when the series 91101 leaps out at him. It's followed by the number of people killed that day. Other disasters listed include 041995, for the Oklahoma City bombing, and 022307, the day "The Number 23" was released.
The numerals, dropped into a time capsule by a disturbed little girl 50 years ago, include the date, location and death toll of every natural disaster in that period, plus a few into the future. The next one's here, so naturally John zips from Boston to Manhattan by the most logical method: the Brooklyn Bridge. He knows the disaster could be anything including a plane crashing on that spot, yet he thinks he has a scientific, MIT-ish method for foiling danger: to stand around looking for suspicious characters. Soon he's randomly chasing a guy whose crime appears to be wearing a jacket.
John's an agnostic who doesn't believe life has any meaning. "I think s - - t just happens," he says. I can vouch for that, having seen "National Treasure 2," but someone is sure helping to make it happen. Like Cage, who sticks to his habit of shouting punch lines, like a 16-year-old at a midnight screening of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." (Example: "I'm just trying to understand why THIS IS SAYING THEY WILL!")
John, in world-saving mode, winds up in the middle of more disaster areas than Anderson Cooper. Did you know that when a plane slams into the ground at high velocity, everyone on it initially survives? Yep, apparently they all get out and run around yelping as they burn. Now I know why the stuntmen call these scenes "fire gags."
Amid chatter about global warming, the sinister doings of whispery figures pursuing John's son, and the secrets known only by the daughter (Rose Byrne) of the girl who originally wrote the prophecy, the movie, directed by Alex Proyas ("I Robot") at least manages to keep you interested, if your eardrums are in the mood for a pummeling and your eyeballs like to drink up apocalyptic images.
At one point a woman on one side of me at the screening had both hands over her ears, while the girl to the other side had both hands over her eyes. I felt like the speak-no-evil monkey in the middle, but speak I must. The movie begins shameless, grows stupid and winds up silly. If the ending had less of the air of a crackpot religion and more pretentiousness, you could almost call it Shyamalanish.
Tips Of The Day!!!!
Get Great Hair
No matter how much effort, time or money you spend on the perfect hair cut or a color job, nothing is more attractive than a head of healthy hair. For healthy , shiny hair, you need to:
Eat healthy ? fresh vegetables, salads, fruits and fish.
Avoid cigarettes
Take vitamin supplements ? Vitamin B, C and E
Wash your hair regularly ? be gentle, use a mild shampoo and scrub with the pad of your fingers
Condition your hair regularly
Get a cut to complement your face, body, hair texture and lifestyle. Spend time deciding your cut ? consult your hair dresser and be confident and comfortable before you get your cut.
If you decide to color you hair, think about the colors you wear and are comfortable with. Remember to use color-specific shampoos and to do regular protein treatments.
No matter how much effort, time or money you spend on the perfect hair cut or a color job, nothing is more attractive than a head of healthy hair. For healthy , shiny hair, you need to:
Eat healthy ? fresh vegetables, salads, fruits and fish.
Avoid cigarettes
Take vitamin supplements ? Vitamin B, C and E
Wash your hair regularly ? be gentle, use a mild shampoo and scrub with the pad of your fingers
Condition your hair regularly
Get a cut to complement your face, body, hair texture and lifestyle. Spend time deciding your cut ? consult your hair dresser and be confident and comfortable before you get your cut.
If you decide to color you hair, think about the colors you wear and are comfortable with. Remember to use color-specific shampoos and to do regular protein treatments.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
10 Great Reasons to Exercise
Here is a great article which I found in Yahoo that I want to post in my blog and share it with whoever is reading it.
Provided by Caroline Biron
Need some motivation to get you exercising? Here are 10 great reasons that are sure to move (literally) you!
1. For more self confidence: when you feel more comfortable in your own skin, you gain self assurance and have a higher confidence in your abilities to surmount any obstacles that come your way.
2. For better sleep: Studies show that people who engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 or 40 minutes on a regular basis, fall asleep twice as easily as their sedentary counterparts.
3. For more energy: your body absorbs and processes oxygen more easily, which releases tension from your muscles (and head).
4. For better sex: great sex depends on good overall health and high cardiovascular endurance (among other things, of course). Being comfortable with your own body also helps you feel more liberated and open with your partner.
5. For your savings: people who don’t exercise on a regular basis pay, on average, 10% more for their annual medical expenses. Tack on an additional 8% if they are obese.
6. For long life: by exercising on a regular basis, you reduce your risk of health problems and disease, thus increasing your life expectancy.
7. For friendship: by engaging in physical activity (particularly team sports) you create bonds with other people who share your interests.
8. For less stress: when you exercise, your body releases the day’s stress and tension, and allows you to clear your mind and stop thinking about your problems, if even for a little while.
9. For snack control: new studies show that exercise is your best ally in the fight against snacking. It’s simple, regular physical activity reduces stress; by reducing stress, you reduce cravings.
10. For fun: physical activity should be enjoyable, that’s main reason to get moving.
Here are 10 slightly less great reasons :
1. To stop your arm from jiggling when you wave goodbye.
2. To pick up the sexy trainer at the gym.
3. To have an excuse to buy an iPod.
4. To look like Anna Kournikova.
5. To strut around in a bikini with pride.
6. To make your ex really sorry that he dumped you.
7. To fit into your skinny jeans.
8. To look hot for your new beau.
9. To buy the cute Madonna track suit at H&M.
10. To run after the bus (or the garbage truck) without passing out.
Provided by Caroline Biron
Need some motivation to get you exercising? Here are 10 great reasons that are sure to move (literally) you!
1. For more self confidence: when you feel more comfortable in your own skin, you gain self assurance and have a higher confidence in your abilities to surmount any obstacles that come your way.
2. For better sleep: Studies show that people who engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 or 40 minutes on a regular basis, fall asleep twice as easily as their sedentary counterparts.
3. For more energy: your body absorbs and processes oxygen more easily, which releases tension from your muscles (and head).
4. For better sex: great sex depends on good overall health and high cardiovascular endurance (among other things, of course). Being comfortable with your own body also helps you feel more liberated and open with your partner.
5. For your savings: people who don’t exercise on a regular basis pay, on average, 10% more for their annual medical expenses. Tack on an additional 8% if they are obese.
6. For long life: by exercising on a regular basis, you reduce your risk of health problems and disease, thus increasing your life expectancy.
7. For friendship: by engaging in physical activity (particularly team sports) you create bonds with other people who share your interests.
8. For less stress: when you exercise, your body releases the day’s stress and tension, and allows you to clear your mind and stop thinking about your problems, if even for a little while.
9. For snack control: new studies show that exercise is your best ally in the fight against snacking. It’s simple, regular physical activity reduces stress; by reducing stress, you reduce cravings.
10. For fun: physical activity should be enjoyable, that’s main reason to get moving.
Here are 10 slightly less great reasons :
1. To stop your arm from jiggling when you wave goodbye.
2. To pick up the sexy trainer at the gym.
3. To have an excuse to buy an iPod.
4. To look like Anna Kournikova.
5. To strut around in a bikini with pride.
6. To make your ex really sorry that he dumped you.
7. To fit into your skinny jeans.
8. To look hot for your new beau.
9. To buy the cute Madonna track suit at H&M.
10. To run after the bus (or the garbage truck) without passing out.
Tips Of The Day!!!!
Jet Lag
Travelling long distances overnight to different time zones by air can have your body complaining bitterly! You can experience extreme fatigue, vertigo, nausea and general irritation. To help prevent jet lag, start preparing at least a week before:
* Go to bed early to make sure you are well rested.
* Eat light meals and drink lots of liquids.
* Once on the plane, avoid coffee and alcohol.
* Skip the movies and try to sleep.
Travelling long distances overnight to different time zones by air can have your body complaining bitterly! You can experience extreme fatigue, vertigo, nausea and general irritation. To help prevent jet lag, start preparing at least a week before:
* Go to bed early to make sure you are well rested.
* Eat light meals and drink lots of liquids.
* Once on the plane, avoid coffee and alcohol.
* Skip the movies and try to sleep.
Friday, March 27, 2009
How did you like last night's episode of American Idol?
Do you think America made the right choice by eliminate Michael from the competition?
Here is what some Yahoo have to say about this particular subject.....do you agree with them? Please comment!!!
"That show is hella overrated"
By :Let'sRav...
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By : Mrs. Jeter
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By :Mrs. Jeter
"Well, I kinda figured Michael would go, I think it was his time. I was VERY suprised that Matt was in the bottom three and Megan wasn't, however Megan is my favorite and so I'm glad she was safe.
I found the performance of Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson creepy and uncomfortable for some reason. Lol.
Stevie Wonder was awesome."
By : Sara
"I kinda figured Micheal was going home but I think he was happy he was going home because of the coment his daughter made and his life is never going to be the same and he still get's to go on tour so that is cool but he knows that if god didn't want him to go farther he would have
I was glad Megan,Allison,Adam,Scott,and Danny were safe I like them
the perfomance by Stevie wonder was mind blowing but the performance by Joss Stone and Smoky Robinson was kinda weird overall I thought it was a good night"
By : Samantha <3's Dylan
"I think that they did - but I also think that Megan should've been in the bottom 3 instead of Matt. She should be the next to go."
By : Austin's mom
"no! i think megan should of gone home and i was so mad and surprised Matt was in the bottom 3. he didnt deserve to be there"
By : katt
Here is what some Yahoo have to say about this particular subject.....do you agree with them? Please comment!!!
"That show is hella overrated"
By :Let'sRav...
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By : Mrs. Jeter
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By :Mrs. Jeter
"Well, I kinda figured Michael would go, I think it was his time. I was VERY suprised that Matt was in the bottom three and Megan wasn't, however Megan is my favorite and so I'm glad she was safe.
I found the performance of Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson creepy and uncomfortable for some reason. Lol.
Stevie Wonder was awesome."
By : Sara
"I kinda figured Micheal was going home but I think he was happy he was going home because of the coment his daughter made and his life is never going to be the same and he still get's to go on tour so that is cool but he knows that if god didn't want him to go farther he would have
I was glad Megan,Allison,Adam,Scott,and Danny were safe I like them
the perfomance by Stevie wonder was mind blowing but the performance by Joss Stone and Smoky Robinson was kinda weird overall I thought it was a good night"
By : Samantha <3's Dylan
"I think that they did - but I also think that Megan should've been in the bottom 3 instead of Matt. She should be the next to go."
By : Austin's mom
"no! i think megan should of gone home and i was so mad and surprised Matt was in the bottom 3. he didnt deserve to be there"
By : katt
Thursday, March 26, 2009
How did you like last night's American Idol?
Did they do a good job in Motown music? Who do you think or want to get eliminated?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject, do you agree or disagree with them?
"for the most part, i liked last nights show. i think the bottom 3 should be megan, michael, and scott. i hope megan goes home, but i doubt it will be her, probably michael. i think he is better than her, just picked some bad songs recently."
By: hannahs mom
"For the most part is was overall okay. Some did bad, some did okay, some did good.
My favorite is Megan who did bad."
By : DT [=
"Allison and Adam did great. But Allison for me was amazing.
Kris and Matt were great.
Danny, Lil and Anoop were alright.
Megan (too bad though), Michael and Scott were TERRIBLE.
I want Michael S. or Scott be eliminated."
By :Denim ™
"Last night was more about the judges and their antic's then the Talent in the show, especially how they ignored the little 16 yr. old that sang last and was terrific. But the judges were tied up in coloring books and crayons."
By: kb8mmd1
"Well some were great and some were horrible! Over all it was OK last week was better.
Matt Giraud - Lets Get It On **** kara's crush did great
Kris Allen - How Sweet It Is *** still cute lol
Scott Macintyre - You Cant Hurry Love ** eh
Megan Joy - For Once In My Life NO STARS HORRIBLE
Anoop Desai - Ooh Baby Baby *** good
Michael Sarver - Aint too Proud To Beg ** not good, good attitude though
Lil Rounds - Heatwave *** stop sreaming at me
Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears ***** fave, falsettos were amazing
Danny Gokey - Get Ready **** great as always
Allison Iraheta - Papa Was A Rollin Stone *** sounds good but I just dnt like her
Bottom 3 will be Michael, Scott and Megan or maybe even Allison I hope
Michael will probably go but Megan deserves to go home but I doubt it."
By :aseret_m...
"With all the songs Motown has done I was expecting a lot more old school soul with lots of room for vocal interpretation. I was kinda disappointed with a few of the song choices. My favorites were Adam, Anoop and Danny.
I hope Megan goes this week."
By :beespost
"I think Megan was pretty awful, but I think Scott or Michael will go--hopefully Scott, he's really boring lately"
By:Julie V
"I think Megan, Michael, and Scott should be in the bottom 3, with Megan going home.
Yeah she's pretty but so what? Girl can't sing, and that's all there is to it. She gets on my nerves with her attitude.
Im pretty sure Michael will be going home though. His last few performances have been mediocre at best."
By :εϊз ıғ ÿọű ѕєєқ αღỹ εϊз
"I think for the most part the contestants did a good job. I think Megan will get eliminated. Her performance was just awful. I also don't know what Paula was doing for the majority of the performances but it wasn't really paying attention, she is just wacky,lol."
By : jessiely...
"I'm a huge Motown fan and I thought for the most part the show was good. But I wish someone had picked Just My Imagination (Runnin Away With Me)...that's my favourite Motown tune. Maybe too difficult, who knows?
I was disappointed in Lil Rounds. She should have shone on that stage and she was just ordinary for her standards. Not a good song choice for her vocal ability.
Megan was horrible. Michael was almost as bad and Scott was below average too. They were clearly the bottom 3. I don't know what the big fuss is over Kris Allen, he's just an alright singer yet people keep singing his praises.
Adam was friggin' amazing...I love that song so much. And his rendition is almost record worthy. I thought Anoop did well as did Matt and Allison, especially hitting her note at the end."
By : Kevin D (D. Original)
"Motwon music was gay, they need to let them do what they want. I love Megan the best, then Danny and Alison and Matt."
"Overall I think Motown night went fairly well. Contrary to what the judges said I actually like Danny's rendition of, "Get Ready." I personally thought he was the best last night. I have a strong feel he's gonna make it to the final two.
And I've never really be a fan of Adam, but I have to say that he sang REALLY well last night. It was refreshing to actually hear him sing as opposed to previous performances where I felt like he just screamed during the songs.
I also thought Anoop did well. His falsetto was very nice sounding. And I've been a fan of him since the day he auditioned and sang, "Thank You," by Boyz II Men. After he auditioned I searched for clips of him on You Tube and discovered that he sang in an all male a cappella (sp?) group for the University of North Carolina. After watching those clips it made me want him to succeed even more.
As for the bottom three, Dial Idol.com (a website the makes Idol predictions based on the busy signals a contestant's voting phone number receives) shows that Scott, Michael and Megan are in the bottom three. And I agree with the site's predictions as well. Scott is actually a much better piano player than a singer because his voice is just mediocre. Michael has a good voice, but he doesn't stand out nor have the caliber to compare to contestants like Danny or Allison. And as for Megan...good grief. I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. If it were up to me, she'd be the one who goes home tonight, but unfortunately it's not. And of course, Dial Idol's predictions are not 100% accurate so we'll just have to wait until tonight to see the results."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject, do you agree or disagree with them?
"for the most part, i liked last nights show. i think the bottom 3 should be megan, michael, and scott. i hope megan goes home, but i doubt it will be her, probably michael. i think he is better than her, just picked some bad songs recently."
By: hannahs mom
"For the most part is was overall okay. Some did bad, some did okay, some did good.
My favorite is Megan who did bad."
By : DT [=
"Allison and Adam did great. But Allison for me was amazing.
Kris and Matt were great.
Danny, Lil and Anoop were alright.
Megan (too bad though), Michael and Scott were TERRIBLE.
I want Michael S. or Scott be eliminated."
By :Denim ™
"Last night was more about the judges and their antic's then the Talent in the show, especially how they ignored the little 16 yr. old that sang last and was terrific. But the judges were tied up in coloring books and crayons."
By: kb8mmd1
"Well some were great and some were horrible! Over all it was OK last week was better.
Matt Giraud - Lets Get It On **** kara's crush did great
Kris Allen - How Sweet It Is *** still cute lol
Scott Macintyre - You Cant Hurry Love ** eh
Megan Joy - For Once In My Life NO STARS HORRIBLE
Anoop Desai - Ooh Baby Baby *** good
Michael Sarver - Aint too Proud To Beg ** not good, good attitude though
Lil Rounds - Heatwave *** stop sreaming at me
Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears ***** fave, falsettos were amazing
Danny Gokey - Get Ready **** great as always
Allison Iraheta - Papa Was A Rollin Stone *** sounds good but I just dnt like her
Bottom 3 will be Michael, Scott and Megan or maybe even Allison I hope
Michael will probably go but Megan deserves to go home but I doubt it."
By :aseret_m...
"With all the songs Motown has done I was expecting a lot more old school soul with lots of room for vocal interpretation. I was kinda disappointed with a few of the song choices. My favorites were Adam, Anoop and Danny.
I hope Megan goes this week."
By :beespost
"I think Megan was pretty awful, but I think Scott or Michael will go--hopefully Scott, he's really boring lately"
By:Julie V
"I think Megan, Michael, and Scott should be in the bottom 3, with Megan going home.
Yeah she's pretty but so what? Girl can't sing, and that's all there is to it. She gets on my nerves with her attitude.
Im pretty sure Michael will be going home though. His last few performances have been mediocre at best."
By :εϊз ıғ ÿọű ѕєєқ αღỹ εϊз
"I think for the most part the contestants did a good job. I think Megan will get eliminated. Her performance was just awful. I also don't know what Paula was doing for the majority of the performances but it wasn't really paying attention, she is just wacky,lol."
By : jessiely...
"I'm a huge Motown fan and I thought for the most part the show was good. But I wish someone had picked Just My Imagination (Runnin Away With Me)...that's my favourite Motown tune. Maybe too difficult, who knows?
I was disappointed in Lil Rounds. She should have shone on that stage and she was just ordinary for her standards. Not a good song choice for her vocal ability.
Megan was horrible. Michael was almost as bad and Scott was below average too. They were clearly the bottom 3. I don't know what the big fuss is over Kris Allen, he's just an alright singer yet people keep singing his praises.
Adam was friggin' amazing...I love that song so much. And his rendition is almost record worthy. I thought Anoop did well as did Matt and Allison, especially hitting her note at the end."
By : Kevin D (D. Original)
"Motwon music was gay, they need to let them do what they want. I love Megan the best, then Danny and Alison and Matt."
"Overall I think Motown night went fairly well. Contrary to what the judges said I actually like Danny's rendition of, "Get Ready." I personally thought he was the best last night. I have a strong feel he's gonna make it to the final two.
And I've never really be a fan of Adam, but I have to say that he sang REALLY well last night. It was refreshing to actually hear him sing as opposed to previous performances where I felt like he just screamed during the songs.
I also thought Anoop did well. His falsetto was very nice sounding. And I've been a fan of him since the day he auditioned and sang, "Thank You," by Boyz II Men. After he auditioned I searched for clips of him on You Tube and discovered that he sang in an all male a cappella (sp?) group for the University of North Carolina. After watching those clips it made me want him to succeed even more.
As for the bottom three, Dial Idol.com (a website the makes Idol predictions based on the busy signals a contestant's voting phone number receives) shows that Scott, Michael and Megan are in the bottom three. And I agree with the site's predictions as well. Scott is actually a much better piano player than a singer because his voice is just mediocre. Michael has a good voice, but he doesn't stand out nor have the caliber to compare to contestants like Danny or Allison. And as for Megan...good grief. I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. If it were up to me, she'd be the one who goes home tonight, but unfortunately it's not. And of course, Dial Idol's predictions are not 100% accurate so we'll just have to wait until tonight to see the results."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
How did you like the appearance by Barack Obama's appearance on The Tonight Show?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
"I personally enjoyed it, and I look forward to hearing him again tonight when he speaks again. Thank you."
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American.
BUT his comment about bowlling was funny.....poltical correctedness is for the birds."
He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
"I personally enjoyed it, and I look forward to hearing him again tonight when he speaks again. Thank you."
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American.
BUT his comment about bowlling was funny.....poltical correctedness is for the birds."
He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What do you think Victoria Secret really is?
We have all seen Victoria Secret's commercial on TV, which showed sexy ladies in sexy lingerie. However, what do you think Victoria Secret really is?
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic.....
"like what the secret is? i have no idea but my opinion is that the women's lingerie should be a secret (like bras and such) because it's hidden. but it's honestly just a store that sells lingerie and undergarmets for women that are high quality."
"victorias secret is she dosen't wear any panties, cause she sells them all :)"
By :Cassandra Got Suspended
"That Victoria is a guy...maybe named victor."
By: Jason Mesnick is stupid
"well it is a lingerie store. it is in the malls if you dont believe me, you can go see for yourself."
By: trixie
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic.....
"like what the secret is? i have no idea but my opinion is that the women's lingerie should be a secret (like bras and such) because it's hidden. but it's honestly just a store that sells lingerie and undergarmets for women that are high quality."
"victorias secret is she dosen't wear any panties, cause she sells them all :)"
By :Cassandra Got Suspended
"That Victoria is a guy...maybe named victor."
By: Jason Mesnick is stupid
"well it is a lingerie store. it is in the malls if you dont believe me, you can go see for yourself."
By: trixie
What did you think of Barack Obama's presidency so far?
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this topic.
"He's a jerk. Ask me in 4 more years if still have Freedom of Speech and my firearms."
By: HunterFi...
"It's getting worse by the minute. Wont be long until we have another Revolutionary War."
By:There and Back again
"We'll use taking care of big business special want to give them lots of money for the election so they're happy .done nothing for a little people .if people are working making products that would be no foreclosures ."
By: dennis w
"TERRIBLE!!!!!.Barack Obama is most likely the WORST president any country could have!!!!!!!"
By :Calvin79
"He has catalyzed the collapse of the United States."
By :Jordan A
"Hopes ran high when he was elected but now the truth comes out that he is worse than the former president Jimmy " Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter!"
By: fatboysd...
"He's a jerk. Ask me in 4 more years if still have Freedom of Speech and my firearms."
By: HunterFi...
"It's getting worse by the minute. Wont be long until we have another Revolutionary War."
By:There and Back again
"We'll use taking care of big business special want to give them lots of money for the election so they're happy .done nothing for a little people .if people are working making products that would be no foreclosures ."
By: dennis w
"TERRIBLE!!!!!.Barack Obama is most likely the WORST president any country could have!!!!!!!"
By :Calvin79
"He has catalyzed the collapse of the United States."
By :Jordan A
"Hopes ran high when he was elected but now the truth comes out that he is worse than the former president Jimmy " Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter!"
By: fatboysd...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Interesting Article Which I Found In Yahoo
This is an very interesting article which I found in Yahoo, I am sure a lot of people are going to find it interesting. Some of you might read this already.However I am sure a lot of your have not!!!
9 Reasons People Cheat
* by Rich Santos, Marie Claire, on Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05am PDT
Why do I find it so easy not to cheat?
Maybe I'm not very attractive, so my options are limited. Maybe I'm too jaded to go for the cheating opportunities. Maybe I still have some mental wounds lingering from when my dad temporarily moved out because he had met another woman. Maybe I'm too afraid that I've reached my sin quotient and one more big sin will keep me out of heaven.
Cheating is not a caught in the moment thing if you are really into your significant other, you miss them when you are not with them, you don't look for a way to hurt or deceive them.
I am just now patching up a friendship with someone I was seeing while they had a boyfriend (that may make me a cheater). At different points she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend, that they were back together, and that he was boring and I was fun. It was total confusion.
I told her she wasn't being fair to herself, me, or him.
Finally, she said, "you just don't understand, there are things you don't know." Thing is she's been cheating on him for a couple of years with different guys, and he keeps taking her back.
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored
I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.
I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
Posted by Rich
9 Reasons People Cheat
* by Rich Santos, Marie Claire, on Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05am PDT
Why do I find it so easy not to cheat?
Maybe I'm not very attractive, so my options are limited. Maybe I'm too jaded to go for the cheating opportunities. Maybe I still have some mental wounds lingering from when my dad temporarily moved out because he had met another woman. Maybe I'm too afraid that I've reached my sin quotient and one more big sin will keep me out of heaven.
Cheating is not a caught in the moment thing if you are really into your significant other, you miss them when you are not with them, you don't look for a way to hurt or deceive them.
I am just now patching up a friendship with someone I was seeing while they had a boyfriend (that may make me a cheater). At different points she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend, that they were back together, and that he was boring and I was fun. It was total confusion.
I told her she wasn't being fair to herself, me, or him.
Finally, she said, "you just don't understand, there are things you don't know." Thing is she's been cheating on him for a couple of years with different guys, and he keeps taking her back.
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored
I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.
I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
Posted by Rich
Friday, March 20, 2009
How did you like the appearance by Barack Obama's appearance on The Tonight Show?
Here are what some yahoo users are saying about this particular subject, do you agree or disagree?
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American."
By: Tired of the Crap~!
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
By:Matt P
"Obama is simply doing what he is told to do."
"He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
By: Christian Hotelier
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
By:naomi h
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American."
By: Tired of the Crap~!
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
By:Matt P
"Obama is simply doing what he is told to do."
"He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
By: Christian Hotelier
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
By:naomi h
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Do you have anything to say about Natasha Richardson's death?
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic!!!
"it's just a pity...who would have thought that a slight bump to her head would eventually kill her? there must have been an aneurysm or something that ruptured."
By :sugarbab...
"rest in peace natasha. you deserve it.
i also feel so sad for her husband and young boys. they must be so shocked and upset. my love goes out to them."
By :Bella
"It is a cryiing shame that this actress died so young. May Her sould rest in peace."
By:Lady Ebony
"I thought it was very tragic because she really looked like a down to earth gal. I only distinguished her from the mom in the Parent Trap with Lindsey Lohan. But she really seemed genuine and it was too bad she died young. At least her legacy will always be intact :)"
By :smiles10...
"I really feel bad foe Liam Neeson and her family. It's a sad shame, but her memory will live on."
By :isip5teq...
"tragic,my heart goes out to her family. puts things into perspective."
By :james f
"it's just a pity...who would have thought that a slight bump to her head would eventually kill her? there must have been an aneurysm or something that ruptured."
By :sugarbab...
"rest in peace natasha. you deserve it.
i also feel so sad for her husband and young boys. they must be so shocked and upset. my love goes out to them."
By :Bella
"It is a cryiing shame that this actress died so young. May Her sould rest in peace."
By:Lady Ebony
"I thought it was very tragic because she really looked like a down to earth gal. I only distinguished her from the mom in the Parent Trap with Lindsey Lohan. But she really seemed genuine and it was too bad she died young. At least her legacy will always be intact :)"
By :smiles10...
"I really feel bad foe Liam Neeson and her family. It's a sad shame, but her memory will live on."
By :isip5teq...
"tragic,my heart goes out to her family. puts things into perspective."
By :james f
What did you think of last night's episode of American Idol?
Do you think American made the right choice by eliminated Alexis? How did you like the duet by Carrie Underwood and Randy Travis?
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"I thought the duet was great! And I definitely am happy with America's choice! I have never, ever liked Alexis and I'm very pleased that she went home."
By: Blue Eyed Angel
"i wasnt pleased. but not super upset coz the ones i like are still in the competition.. i think the worst was michael.. she shouldnt leave.. bottom 2 maybe, but leaving? i find it so wrong.
the duet was awesome ! i think carrie was awesome and great."
By : Archie + Gossip girl!
"I was not happy with Alexis leaving the show. Last week, when they sang Michael Jackson songs, she had the best performance (IMHO), singing "Dirty Diana." She didn't do quite as well with her country song, but she was certainly not the worst. Sarver should've went home, not Alexis.
Carrie did most of the singing in the duet with Randy Travis, which I was happy about. I've never been much of a fan of Randy Travis anyways, but Carrie is awesome!"
By :Hoosier Daddy
"Heck no, America made a huge mistake. Alexis was one of the best. Michael should have gone home. He doesn't even get into his songs. He just stands up there and hardly moves.
The duet was ok. You could tell Randy hadn't sang live in a long time."
By :Jillian
"i was SHOCKED when alexis got into the bottom three, but i wasn't shocked to see her eliminated when she was up against michael sarver.
we all know this week alexis just wasn't her usual spectacular self (compare last week's dirty diana and this week's performance and you'll get what i mean) but i think most of us would agree that alexis has a world more of talent compared to michael sarver.
however, sarver's fan base is strong, consisting of people who would vote for him no matter how he is consistently average.he gets voters who like him because of the nice family guy he is, not necessarily because of his talent, or his performance each week.so knowing all that beforehand, i was very much prepared for ryan to say that alexis had the least number of votes.
as for carrie and randy, i thought it was pretty good!i don't really listen to country music, but i actually enjoyed the performance."
By :gutter_f...
"Alexis did have a great voice hands down! They are all very talented and amazing, OTHERWISE they wouldnt have made it this far! Someone has to go every week!!! So every week someone is going to complain because they are too good to leave! THEY ARE ALL GOOD PEOPLE!!!! And i'm sorry but Danny is going to win! :)
I loved Alexis at first and she seemed to really deserve to be the next American Idol... But in the last couple of episodes I have changed my mind... She got too cocky too fast. (Like Kayne West) She had no emotion ever, when Ryan asked her last night how emotional the show had been... you could tell nothing she said came from the heart, probably just a script she wrote. Go back and watch her addition, she was so sweet and spunky... and then the judges said she needed to change and she did. But she hasn't seemed very happy the last few weeks."
By :disclose...
"No, I think Alexis was the wrong choice. I think she has a lot of talent. I expected to see Michael Sarver go.
I'm not a country fan, but I did think the duet was very nice."
By :Shortie
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"I thought the duet was great! And I definitely am happy with America's choice! I have never, ever liked Alexis and I'm very pleased that she went home."
By: Blue Eyed Angel
"i wasnt pleased. but not super upset coz the ones i like are still in the competition.. i think the worst was michael.. she shouldnt leave.. bottom 2 maybe, but leaving? i find it so wrong.
the duet was awesome ! i think carrie was awesome and great."
By : Archie + Gossip girl!
"I was not happy with Alexis leaving the show. Last week, when they sang Michael Jackson songs, she had the best performance (IMHO), singing "Dirty Diana." She didn't do quite as well with her country song, but she was certainly not the worst. Sarver should've went home, not Alexis.
Carrie did most of the singing in the duet with Randy Travis, which I was happy about. I've never been much of a fan of Randy Travis anyways, but Carrie is awesome!"
By :Hoosier Daddy
"Heck no, America made a huge mistake. Alexis was one of the best. Michael should have gone home. He doesn't even get into his songs. He just stands up there and hardly moves.
The duet was ok. You could tell Randy hadn't sang live in a long time."
By :Jillian
"i was SHOCKED when alexis got into the bottom three, but i wasn't shocked to see her eliminated when she was up against michael sarver.
we all know this week alexis just wasn't her usual spectacular self (compare last week's dirty diana and this week's performance and you'll get what i mean) but i think most of us would agree that alexis has a world more of talent compared to michael sarver.
however, sarver's fan base is strong, consisting of people who would vote for him no matter how he is consistently average.he gets voters who like him because of the nice family guy he is, not necessarily because of his talent, or his performance each week.so knowing all that beforehand, i was very much prepared for ryan to say that alexis had the least number of votes.
as for carrie and randy, i thought it was pretty good!i don't really listen to country music, but i actually enjoyed the performance."
By :gutter_f...
"Alexis did have a great voice hands down! They are all very talented and amazing, OTHERWISE they wouldnt have made it this far! Someone has to go every week!!! So every week someone is going to complain because they are too good to leave! THEY ARE ALL GOOD PEOPLE!!!! And i'm sorry but Danny is going to win! :)
I loved Alexis at first and she seemed to really deserve to be the next American Idol... But in the last couple of episodes I have changed my mind... She got too cocky too fast. (Like Kayne West) She had no emotion ever, when Ryan asked her last night how emotional the show had been... you could tell nothing she said came from the heart, probably just a script she wrote. Go back and watch her addition, she was so sweet and spunky... and then the judges said she needed to change and she did. But she hasn't seemed very happy the last few weeks."
By :disclose...
"No, I think Alexis was the wrong choice. I think she has a lot of talent. I expected to see Michael Sarver go.
I'm not a country fan, but I did think the duet was very nice."
By :Shortie
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What did you think of last night's episode of American Idol?
Did you like the country week theme?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic....
"I don't think anybody really sounded country.I liked Anoop, Scott and Kris.Adam was the worst."
By :Melinda W
"I hated the country week theme! All my favourites dissapointed me. Adam's was.. weird."
"I'm not a big fan of country, but last night was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, I actually enjoyed some of the performances, I'm not a big fan of Adam either, but well, I'm still kinda on the fence about his performance, definitely different, lol, other than him, nobody really stood out for me though
My fave is still Danny though, I thought he did just an ok job last night though, I had a strange feeling he was going to sing that song ;)"
By : Chrys D
"ehh no!
but i thought adam did AWESOME, like every week.
and of course, so did danny.
their my favorite."
By: cutelill...
"I don't like country music so when I heard the theme for the week I was really disappointed. But a few of them did pretty well despite having to sing country."
By :beespost
"I'm not really into country, but do like some of the older things (I'm really not into anything in the last 20-25 years, frankly)
I always liked "Ring of Fire" but did not like the version last night. (Adam?) and I liked Patsy Cline's "Walking after Midnight" and had mixed emotions about the rendition. But when I found out she had the flu I was a little more understanding.
I thought Lil Rounds song was pretty good and thought the judges were down on her a little.
I haven't watched most of the Tuesday night show this year so I don't really know the names of most of the singers off hand."
"Adam was the absolute worst!! he sang that song(ring of fire) like he was singing in a gay bar or a gay parade, I know he is gay but if i didn't know it that performance just proved it. he was over the top flamboyant with that song and it sounded strange I agree with simon 100% about adam's performance it was rubbish. now every time I hear ring of fire I am going to see adam in my mind makeing all those sexy poses and googly eyes Ewwww!
Lil rounds, when simon said she sounded like she was forced to sing a song she didn't like at a wedding. I was thinking well, duh. she's an R&B singer and she is forced to sing country! what part of that did you not get simon. besides how many of you know of a black female country singer?? ..heres a hint , there aren't any!"
By: dobby
"I really think Kris and Anoop were at the forefront last night. They were both very captivating. I feel really strongly that Megan should go home. She seemed only to cough last night when she wasn't singing, talking to Ryan, or mugging for the camera. I am obviously not a fan of hers, I think she ruined that Patsy Cline song she attempted to sing. I think Scott is sort of sub par as well. He sang a very girly song, which was a bad decision on his part."
By :devotion...
"I liked it and thought for the most part, it was okay. Danny and Anoop did very well especially. But overall, the worst performance hands down was Adam. Yeah, I think everyone gets the point that he's not country but of all people and songs, he butchered the legendary Johnny Cash. I never have liked him to begin with (he sounds like a girl screaming into the mike) but last night he lost all of my respect and he should go home!"
By :MEL0929
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic....
"I don't think anybody really sounded country.I liked Anoop, Scott and Kris.Adam was the worst."
By :Melinda W
"I hated the country week theme! All my favourites dissapointed me. Adam's was.. weird."
"I'm not a big fan of country, but last night was not as bad as I thought it was going to be, I actually enjoyed some of the performances, I'm not a big fan of Adam either, but well, I'm still kinda on the fence about his performance, definitely different, lol, other than him, nobody really stood out for me though
My fave is still Danny though, I thought he did just an ok job last night though, I had a strange feeling he was going to sing that song ;)"
By : Chrys D
"ehh no!
but i thought adam did AWESOME, like every week.
and of course, so did danny.
their my favorite."
By: cutelill...
"I don't like country music so when I heard the theme for the week I was really disappointed. But a few of them did pretty well despite having to sing country."
By :beespost
"I'm not really into country, but do like some of the older things (I'm really not into anything in the last 20-25 years, frankly)
I always liked "Ring of Fire" but did not like the version last night. (Adam?) and I liked Patsy Cline's "Walking after Midnight" and had mixed emotions about the rendition. But when I found out she had the flu I was a little more understanding.
I thought Lil Rounds song was pretty good and thought the judges were down on her a little.
I haven't watched most of the Tuesday night show this year so I don't really know the names of most of the singers off hand."
"Adam was the absolute worst!! he sang that song(ring of fire) like he was singing in a gay bar or a gay parade, I know he is gay but if i didn't know it that performance just proved it. he was over the top flamboyant with that song and it sounded strange I agree with simon 100% about adam's performance it was rubbish. now every time I hear ring of fire I am going to see adam in my mind makeing all those sexy poses and googly eyes Ewwww!
Lil rounds, when simon said she sounded like she was forced to sing a song she didn't like at a wedding. I was thinking well, duh. she's an R&B singer and she is forced to sing country! what part of that did you not get simon. besides how many of you know of a black female country singer?? ..heres a hint , there aren't any!"
By: dobby
"I really think Kris and Anoop were at the forefront last night. They were both very captivating. I feel really strongly that Megan should go home. She seemed only to cough last night when she wasn't singing, talking to Ryan, or mugging for the camera. I am obviously not a fan of hers, I think she ruined that Patsy Cline song she attempted to sing. I think Scott is sort of sub par as well. He sang a very girly song, which was a bad decision on his part."
By :devotion...
"I liked it and thought for the most part, it was okay. Danny and Anoop did very well especially. But overall, the worst performance hands down was Adam. Yeah, I think everyone gets the point that he's not country but of all people and songs, he butchered the legendary Johnny Cash. I never have liked him to begin with (he sounds like a girl screaming into the mike) but last night he lost all of my respect and he should go home!"
By :MEL0929
Monday, March 16, 2009
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Payday Loan Was Rejected.
We all run into money problems. Payday loan is a great place to look for temporary financial help. Approval for the Payday loan can be done during the same business day as the application process, and a lot of people can receive the borrowed funds within 24 hours. The reason for that is because many Payaday loan companies do not require much personal information and they also do not run a credit check before issuing a loan. Not every application is accepted. There are occasions when an application for a payday loan is rejected. I am going to go through each one of them below
1. The applicant cannot provide evidence of employment. .Payday loans are given based on the applicant would receive enough funds from their employer to cover the loan. Once the applicant receives a pay check from their employer, he/she has to pay back the loan right away. If there is no employment can be verified, the Payday loan company cannot be sure to receive payment.
2. The applicant has filed for bankruptcy within the past year. Well, a lot of Payday loan companies do not run credit checks; however they still want to be certain that a person will be capable of fulfilling monetary obligations. Under the law, bankruptcy is basically states that a person is unable to support himself/herself financially, and most Payday loan companies believe that it takes more than one year to recover from such financial troubles.
3. The applicant has not been employed the length of time required by the particular lender. Most Payday loan companies prefer that the applicant has been at their present place of employment for at least half year. There are some Payday loan companies will do 3 month, however you will have to search for them.
4. The applicant does not meet the required monthly net income. A lot of Payday loan companies require that the applicant to have a net income of at least $1000 a month. If the applicant makes less than that, they would question the person’s ability to pay back the loan money and are hesitant to lend.
5. Last but certainly not the least, the applicant has a great deal of overdraft fees or insufficient funds charges from their financial institution. This will immediately serve as a warning to loan companies. They will assume that this person is not dependable and will not be able to pay back any loan that is given..
My advice for you is that if you apply for a payday loan and was rejected; make sure you ask for detailed information why it was rejected. It could be the reason I said above or it could be that you completed a portion of the application incorrectly, which you can correct and then reapply. However, if you find that you do not qualify for a payday loan with a particular company, take some time to research other potential lenders as many have varying requirements.
1. The applicant cannot provide evidence of employment. .Payday loans are given based on the applicant would receive enough funds from their employer to cover the loan. Once the applicant receives a pay check from their employer, he/she has to pay back the loan right away. If there is no employment can be verified, the Payday loan company cannot be sure to receive payment.
2. The applicant has filed for bankruptcy within the past year. Well, a lot of Payday loan companies do not run credit checks; however they still want to be certain that a person will be capable of fulfilling monetary obligations. Under the law, bankruptcy is basically states that a person is unable to support himself/herself financially, and most Payday loan companies believe that it takes more than one year to recover from such financial troubles.
3. The applicant has not been employed the length of time required by the particular lender. Most Payday loan companies prefer that the applicant has been at their present place of employment for at least half year. There are some Payday loan companies will do 3 month, however you will have to search for them.
4. The applicant does not meet the required monthly net income. A lot of Payday loan companies require that the applicant to have a net income of at least $1000 a month. If the applicant makes less than that, they would question the person’s ability to pay back the loan money and are hesitant to lend.
5. Last but certainly not the least, the applicant has a great deal of overdraft fees or insufficient funds charges from their financial institution. This will immediately serve as a warning to loan companies. They will assume that this person is not dependable and will not be able to pay back any loan that is given..
My advice for you is that if you apply for a payday loan and was rejected; make sure you ask for detailed information why it was rejected. It could be the reason I said above or it could be that you completed a portion of the application incorrectly, which you can correct and then reapply. However, if you find that you do not qualify for a payday loan with a particular company, take some time to research other potential lenders as many have varying requirements.
Benefit of The Gift Baskets
In a year, there are many occasions which gifts baskets will come into play. Birthday, graduation, weddings, or what have you. If you run into gift idea problems then gift baskets are the perfect solution. A birthday gift basket can actually be the perfect solution for just about anyone on your list celebrating their special day.
There are many advantages of buying a gift basket. One of many unique features about gift basket is that all the different types available. You can get a birthday gift basket that is humors, which contained gag gifts inside of it. You can also find anything from a very sweet birthday gift basket, to the more childish types, like Birthday in a Box. Regardless of what you want, you’re bound to find the perfect theme.
Another great feature about gift baskets is that unlike other gifts whoever you give the gift basket to they won’t just be receiving one specific present, but rather several small ones at a time. While normal small gifts are fine and dandy , however a lot of people will admit it’s nice getting an entire arm full of little presents, rather than one present they’ve probably already have . On top of that, a birthday gift basket are suited for both sexes; female or male. This idea can be considered as an original and unique. People will think that you put a lot of thoughts into it.
My advice for you is that don’t keep buy birthday greeting cards for someone over and over if you find buy a gift for that person is really difficult. Eventually they will get sick and tired of getting greeting cards. You can show how much you care or love them, by getting them a small birthday gift basket. It doesn’t have to be very expensive. This will eliminate the heartache that comes with shopping for that particular someone.
Well it may sound really strange however gift baskets can be very fun to pick out. The gift baskets can also be colorful and very decorative, and can have loads of items inside. Are you the type of person who hates having to mess with tape, wrapping paper, and scissors then getting a gift basket wouldn’t be a bad idea. Most of the all, you’ll never have to wrap anything .
I am sure there are many other benefits for giving away a gift basket. Those above are just some ideas which you can use. Be creative and have fun.
There are many advantages of buying a gift basket. One of many unique features about gift basket is that all the different types available. You can get a birthday gift basket that is humors, which contained gag gifts inside of it. You can also find anything from a very sweet birthday gift basket, to the more childish types, like Birthday in a Box. Regardless of what you want, you’re bound to find the perfect theme.
Another great feature about gift baskets is that unlike other gifts whoever you give the gift basket to they won’t just be receiving one specific present, but rather several small ones at a time. While normal small gifts are fine and dandy , however a lot of people will admit it’s nice getting an entire arm full of little presents, rather than one present they’ve probably already have . On top of that, a birthday gift basket are suited for both sexes; female or male. This idea can be considered as an original and unique. People will think that you put a lot of thoughts into it.
My advice for you is that don’t keep buy birthday greeting cards for someone over and over if you find buy a gift for that person is really difficult. Eventually they will get sick and tired of getting greeting cards. You can show how much you care or love them, by getting them a small birthday gift basket. It doesn’t have to be very expensive. This will eliminate the heartache that comes with shopping for that particular someone.
Well it may sound really strange however gift baskets can be very fun to pick out. The gift baskets can also be colorful and very decorative, and can have loads of items inside. Are you the type of person who hates having to mess with tape, wrapping paper, and scissors then getting a gift basket wouldn’t be a bad idea. Most of the all, you’ll never have to wrap anything .
I am sure there are many other benefits for giving away a gift basket. Those above are just some ideas which you can use. Be creative and have fun.
Friday, March 13, 2009
In Canada and in most of US states, there is no Capital Punishment. Should that be introduced? Why or why not?
In my own opinion, I truly believe the saying if you can't do the time don't do the crime. I am definitely for capital punishment in Canada even though there is none. There has to be a severe punishment for severe crime. You just can't take a life or two without being punished. However with that said, a criminal lawyer has to prove beyond the shadow of the doubt that particular person did commit that horrify crime and deserve the capital punishment Or else he might be executing an innocent man.
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"We absolutely need Capital Punishment.
If fear for your own life doesn't keep you from hurting someone else, what will?
And, if it really isn't a deterrent, at least it means that that person won't ever hurt anyone again, doesn't it?"
By :ItsMe
"Today's society is very violent. I think it's important to let people know there ARE SEVERE consequences for their selfish, ridiculous, actions.
People will tell you "they deserve their life, too".. No, they gave it up when they took someone else's, or destroyed a young child's because they couldn't keep their hands off.. People aren't scared of jail time anymore. They do their time, leave and commit more crimes. It's ridiculous."
By : Curious Me
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"We absolutely need Capital Punishment.
If fear for your own life doesn't keep you from hurting someone else, what will?
And, if it really isn't a deterrent, at least it means that that person won't ever hurt anyone again, doesn't it?"
By :ItsMe
"Today's society is very violent. I think it's important to let people know there ARE SEVERE consequences for their selfish, ridiculous, actions.
People will tell you "they deserve their life, too".. No, they gave it up when they took someone else's, or destroyed a young child's because they couldn't keep their hands off.. People aren't scared of jail time anymore. They do their time, leave and commit more crimes. It's ridiculous."
By : Curious Me
Different Ways To Advertise Your Home Business
Before you start your home business, you will need to consider different way to tell people around you about your business. When you tell people about your business, you are using a form of advertising. Below are some of the ways you can use to get the word out.
You may consider handing out business cards. Hand them out to friends, associates, or post it on the bulletin boards. However if you are trying to recruit people into your business then face to face contact can still be an excellent way to achieve that.
If you are internet savvy then email marketing is another way to promote your business when you want to build your own opt in list. This allows you to promote your business to it any time that you want to. It also gives you long term security as your list grows. However make sure you only email to those you know otherwise you would be considered a spammer. A lot of email account holders filter out spam email therefore they won’t see your email.
Now a days blogging is very popular and you can direct the blog traffic to your website. This considered as pre-selling. You will get targeted traffic to your home business website. When you combine blogging and social marketing websites you create traffic as well as search engine optimization benefits.
You may want to join a traffic exchange websites. These websites are a way to create website traffic. They are also an excellent way to build your mailing list for future follow up.
Different parts of the world have different rules, however taking out display ads is still a good way for people to learn about your business. Maybe sure you have a well designed website to promote your business.
Excellent way to advertise your business on the internet is through article marketing. Writing and submitting articles build your credibility as well as create back links where people can find your site.
Finally, pay per click advertising is the fastest way to get your ad in front of millions of people. For instance, you can set up a Google Adwords campaign and be on page 1 of the largest search engine in the world in a matter of minutes. This is something you should study and learn about before you jump into. It can be very costly if you don’t know you way around it.
You may consider handing out business cards. Hand them out to friends, associates, or post it on the bulletin boards. However if you are trying to recruit people into your business then face to face contact can still be an excellent way to achieve that.
If you are internet savvy then email marketing is another way to promote your business when you want to build your own opt in list. This allows you to promote your business to it any time that you want to. It also gives you long term security as your list grows. However make sure you only email to those you know otherwise you would be considered a spammer. A lot of email account holders filter out spam email therefore they won’t see your email.
Now a days blogging is very popular and you can direct the blog traffic to your website. This considered as pre-selling. You will get targeted traffic to your home business website. When you combine blogging and social marketing websites you create traffic as well as search engine optimization benefits.
You may want to join a traffic exchange websites. These websites are a way to create website traffic. They are also an excellent way to build your mailing list for future follow up.
Different parts of the world have different rules, however taking out display ads is still a good way for people to learn about your business. Maybe sure you have a well designed website to promote your business.
Excellent way to advertise your business on the internet is through article marketing. Writing and submitting articles build your credibility as well as create back links where people can find your site.
Finally, pay per click advertising is the fastest way to get your ad in front of millions of people. For instance, you can set up a Google Adwords campaign and be on page 1 of the largest search engine in the world in a matter of minutes. This is something you should study and learn about before you jump into. It can be very costly if you don’t know you way around it.
5 Facts About Friday the 13th
Here is an article about Friday The 13th which I found in Yahoo. I truly believe a lot of people are going to find this article pretty interesting.
LiveScience Staff
LiveScience.com livescience Staff
livescience.com – Thu Mar 12, 12:30 pm ET
If Friday the 13th is unlucky, then 2009 is an unusually unlucky year. This week's Friday the 13th is one of three to endure this year.
The first came last month. The next is in November. Such a rare triple-threat occurs only once every 11 years.
The origin of the link between bad luck and Friday the 13th is murky. The whole thing might date to Biblical times (the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus). By the Middle Ages, both Friday and 13 were considered bearers of bad fortune. In modern times, the superstition permeates society.
Here are five of our favorite Friday-the-13th facts:
1. Fear of Friday the 13th - one of the most popular myths in science - is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
2. Many hospitals have no room 13, while some tall buildings skip the 13th floor and some airline terminals omit Gate 13.
3. President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.
4. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend. "They only had food for 12." Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest.
5. The number 13 suffers from its position after 12, according to numerologists who consider the latter to be a complete number - 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 days of Christmas and 12 eggs in a dozen.
Pythagorean legacy
Meanwhile the belief that numbers are connected to life and physical things - called numerology - has a long history.
"You can trace it all the way from the followers of Pythagoras, whose maxim to describe the universe was 'all is number,'" says Mario Livio, an astrophysicist and author of "The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved" (Simon & Schuster, 2005). Thinkers who studied under the famous Greek mathematician combined numbers in different ways to explain everything around them, Livio said.
In modern times, numerology has become a type of para-science, much like the meaningless predictions of astrology, scientists say.
"People are subconsciously drawn towards specific numbers because they know that they need the experiences, attributes or lessons associated with them, that are contained within their potential," says professional numerologist Sonia Ducie. "Numerology can 'make sense' of an individual's life (health, career, relationships, situations and issues) by recognizing which number cycle they are in, and by giving them clarity."
However, mathematicians dismiss numerology, saying it lacks any scientific merit.
"I don't endorse this at all," Livio said, when asked to comment on the popularity of commercial numerology. Seemingly coincidental connections between numbers will always appear if you look hard enough, he said.
LiveScience Staff
LiveScience.com livescience Staff
livescience.com – Thu Mar 12, 12:30 pm ET
If Friday the 13th is unlucky, then 2009 is an unusually unlucky year. This week's Friday the 13th is one of three to endure this year.
The first came last month. The next is in November. Such a rare triple-threat occurs only once every 11 years.
The origin of the link between bad luck and Friday the 13th is murky. The whole thing might date to Biblical times (the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus). By the Middle Ages, both Friday and 13 were considered bearers of bad fortune. In modern times, the superstition permeates society.
Here are five of our favorite Friday-the-13th facts:
1. Fear of Friday the 13th - one of the most popular myths in science - is called paraskavedekatriaphobia as well as friggatriskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia is fear of the number 13.
2. Many hospitals have no room 13, while some tall buildings skip the 13th floor and some airline terminals omit Gate 13.
3. President Franklin D. Roosevelt would not travel on the 13th day of any month and would never host 13 guests at a meal. Napoleon and President Herbert Hoover were also triskaidekaphobic, with an abnormal fear of the number 13.
4. Mark Twain once was the 13th guest at a dinner party. A friend warned him not to go. "It was bad luck," Twain later told the friend. "They only had food for 12." Superstitious diners in Paris can hire a quatorzieme, or professional 14th guest.
5. The number 13 suffers from its position after 12, according to numerologists who consider the latter to be a complete number - 12 months in a year, 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods of Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 days of Christmas and 12 eggs in a dozen.
Pythagorean legacy
Meanwhile the belief that numbers are connected to life and physical things - called numerology - has a long history.
"You can trace it all the way from the followers of Pythagoras, whose maxim to describe the universe was 'all is number,'" says Mario Livio, an astrophysicist and author of "The Equation That Couldn't Be Solved" (Simon & Schuster, 2005). Thinkers who studied under the famous Greek mathematician combined numbers in different ways to explain everything around them, Livio said.
In modern times, numerology has become a type of para-science, much like the meaningless predictions of astrology, scientists say.
"People are subconsciously drawn towards specific numbers because they know that they need the experiences, attributes or lessons associated with them, that are contained within their potential," says professional numerologist Sonia Ducie. "Numerology can 'make sense' of an individual's life (health, career, relationships, situations and issues) by recognizing which number cycle they are in, and by giving them clarity."
However, mathematicians dismiss numerology, saying it lacks any scientific merit.
"I don't endorse this at all," Livio said, when asked to comment on the popularity of commercial numerology. Seemingly coincidental connections between numbers will always appear if you look hard enough, he said.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Discover the Proven Tips to Get Cheap Car Insurance Rates!
As populations grow the the demand for cars is getting higher and higher. That is because car is no longer a luxury item but is now considered as a necessity. Most family already have at one car ease their traveling burden. According to the law of supply and demand, when there is demand, there is always supply.
There are a few different ways that you can use to get cheap car insurance rates for your car. First of all, be a safe driver. A driver with a record of driving will be entitled to cheaper car insurance rates since they have lower risks of accidents and thus lessen the risk of car damages. A high risk driver on the other hand, who kept breaking the rules of the road and received many fines because of it will be quoted a higher car insurance rate by insurance company. Drivers who have not make any insurance claims or seldom do so during their years of driving will also get cheap insurance rates easier. Therefore always be a safe driver. Not only it will lower your car insurance rate, it will also reduce injuries.
As you may have noticed there are many insurance companies out there. Thus car insurance rates differ from every company. You should compare rates from as many insurance companies as you can find to make sure that you got the best deal. Most like your already have a car being insured by a particular insurance company, you can always remain with the company but you might want to consider changing your insurance policy to another insurance company if there are cheap auto insurance rate offered which are better than your present insurance company. Let's say for argument sake, if you have decided to stay with the present company, you can always choose another car insurance plan offered by them which might be cheaper than the one your car currently is insured by. Always use the internet to help you find different car insurance quotes
Have you noticed that whenever you call an insurance company, they always tend to ask you how far do you plan to travel each year? Well, drivers who require less traveling will so get higher chance of obtaining cheap auto insurance. The car is less exposed to the risk of damage when it is not being used frequently. Hence, the chances of the driver claiming insurance from the insurance company is also lower. The insurance company will therefore pass the savings to you and you will be able to get cheap car insurance rates.
It is considered a common sense that a car which is protected from accidents and other damages are in better position to receive cheap auto insurance. Try installing devices which can help to prevent car thefts and make sure that your car is following the safety measures such as having an airbag. By having a protected car, the risks of getting any mishaps on the car will be reduced and this will entitled the driver of the car to get a cheaper car insurance rate for the car.
Finally finding cheap car insurance rates might be a hassle for some people, but we can get a lot of benefits from it if we manage to find good yet cheap auto insurance.
There are a few different ways that you can use to get cheap car insurance rates for your car. First of all, be a safe driver. A driver with a record of driving will be entitled to cheaper car insurance rates since they have lower risks of accidents and thus lessen the risk of car damages. A high risk driver on the other hand, who kept breaking the rules of the road and received many fines because of it will be quoted a higher car insurance rate by insurance company. Drivers who have not make any insurance claims or seldom do so during their years of driving will also get cheap insurance rates easier. Therefore always be a safe driver. Not only it will lower your car insurance rate, it will also reduce injuries.
As you may have noticed there are many insurance companies out there. Thus car insurance rates differ from every company. You should compare rates from as many insurance companies as you can find to make sure that you got the best deal. Most like your already have a car being insured by a particular insurance company, you can always remain with the company but you might want to consider changing your insurance policy to another insurance company if there are cheap auto insurance rate offered which are better than your present insurance company. Let's say for argument sake, if you have decided to stay with the present company, you can always choose another car insurance plan offered by them which might be cheaper than the one your car currently is insured by. Always use the internet to help you find different car insurance quotes
Have you noticed that whenever you call an insurance company, they always tend to ask you how far do you plan to travel each year? Well, drivers who require less traveling will so get higher chance of obtaining cheap auto insurance. The car is less exposed to the risk of damage when it is not being used frequently. Hence, the chances of the driver claiming insurance from the insurance company is also lower. The insurance company will therefore pass the savings to you and you will be able to get cheap car insurance rates.
It is considered a common sense that a car which is protected from accidents and other damages are in better position to receive cheap auto insurance. Try installing devices which can help to prevent car thefts and make sure that your car is following the safety measures such as having an airbag. By having a protected car, the risks of getting any mishaps on the car will be reduced and this will entitled the driver of the car to get a cheaper car insurance rate for the car.
Finally finding cheap car insurance rates might be a hassle for some people, but we can get a lot of benefits from it if we manage to find good yet cheap auto insurance.
Three Easy Places to Find True Love?
We always say that life is not complete if we don't have anybody to love or vise versa. However, not every one is lucky enough to find that one right person. When love does not come to you, then you always tend to ask yourself over and over again,. "Where to find that particular person ?" Below are some suggesting of where a person can find true love.
On the World Wide Web - If you do not have many friends or you are new in town, then it is a good way of increasing your friends is on line. Make good friends of the people you come across on the internet. There are many dating website you can join. You will never know, one of those can one day become your mate which you spend the rest of your life with.. Take interest in the people who are close to your nature. And once you start trusting someone, then you can start going around with that person. This relation can turn into a lasting relation.
Look People Around You- Your true love can very well be close by you. All that you need to do is, have a look around. A far off your close friends that you might have known but never dared to fraternize. Then there can be your friend's sisters or brothers. You can go looking for the right one at your place of work or education places of some sort. There you can surely find someone to bring you into a lasting relation. You just need to be a bit vigilant, and see where your heart lies. Do a little bit homework after you found the mate of your choice, find out what you have in common with that particular person.
Check Out Your Contacts- It is very likely that the person you are looking for is already your friend. Start jotting down your contacts on a piece of paper, and see who is most close to you. It is best to have your true love in your friend. This will assure a bond of trust and understanding. Therefore scavenger your links, and see who you feel closely associated with. However it is best to wait for the right time. And let the true love itself approach you.. Good luck and good hunting.
On the World Wide Web - If you do not have many friends or you are new in town, then it is a good way of increasing your friends is on line. Make good friends of the people you come across on the internet. There are many dating website you can join. You will never know, one of those can one day become your mate which you spend the rest of your life with.. Take interest in the people who are close to your nature. And once you start trusting someone, then you can start going around with that person. This relation can turn into a lasting relation.
Look People Around You- Your true love can very well be close by you. All that you need to do is, have a look around. A far off your close friends that you might have known but never dared to fraternize. Then there can be your friend's sisters or brothers. You can go looking for the right one at your place of work or education places of some sort. There you can surely find someone to bring you into a lasting relation. You just need to be a bit vigilant, and see where your heart lies. Do a little bit homework after you found the mate of your choice, find out what you have in common with that particular person.
Check Out Your Contacts- It is very likely that the person you are looking for is already your friend. Start jotting down your contacts on a piece of paper, and see who is most close to you. It is best to have your true love in your friend. This will assure a bond of trust and understanding. Therefore scavenger your links, and see who you feel closely associated with. However it is best to wait for the right time. And let the true love itself approach you.. Good luck and good hunting.
How To Find Cheap Airline Tickets When You Travel
Before you go on any vacation or travel anywhere in the world, if you want to save money you should really consider doing some homework before you go. Below are some of the ways that you can save money on find cheap airline tickets.
Do your research on the internet, call airline booking agencies and watch the news programs to keep yourself up to date on discounts. There are a lot of promotional fares offered by different airline companies that are new in the industry. Compare prices between different websites.
When you are a frequent traveler maybe you should consider signing up for frequent flier miles. You could one day travel for absolutely FREE when you accumulate enough frequent flier miles.
Are you a senior or is there a senior going to be traveling with you? Maybe you should call the traveling agencies about senior discount. Maybe you can do the same thing if you are a student. Some airlines give discount to students.
It is a good idea to keep a flexible travel schedule. Roll with the punches. I mean if there is a promotion states that they only give discounts every Tuesdays like the movie theatres, maybe you should book your airline tickets on Tuesday. Did you know that, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays are the days that have fewer reservations therefore on these days that tickets are sold cheap. Monday is usually the busiest day of the week because it is a first of the working schedule for most people. Try not to book on Monday.
One thing I recommend not to do is make reservations to the first airline company you see with a promotion of some sort. You should consider taking your time be patient and find out if the promotion is indeed the cheapest in your area. Ask the agency clerk about other offers available. When search on line, make sure you check at least five sites before you decide where to buy your tickets.
Another place that you can purchase cheap airline tickets is through consolidators. If you don’t know then these are people who buy a lot of tickets at huge discount from the airline companies and resell them at whole sale prices. This helps the airline fill up still available seats. The good place to check for this is the travel section of the newspaper.
If you can avoid, try not to book on off peak hours schedule. Most likely if you book before seven in the morning flight or book the after seven in the evening flight, airline tickets are at their cheapest. This too, will be a wise decision since it is at these times that airlines are not overcrowded, thus getting more space for yourself and your luggage.
Remember always ask the airline ticket agent if that particular airline offers bonus traveling packages. Some airlines do offer packages such as car rental discount or a hotel room discount that comes with the airplane ticket.
Always consider book air tickets ahead of time. Discounts are usually offered to someone who reserves airline ticket three weeks or earlier beforehand. Don’t forget due to over crowding during the holidays, you may not use your frequent flier miles. Therefore it is a good idea to book in advance if you plan to travel during the holidays.
One final thought, staying with only one airline on your entire trip may too, give you discounts. Airlines offer special rates to round trip tickets or connecting flights.
I hope these advices helped you in finding cheap air fare. Enjoy your trip.
Do your research on the internet, call airline booking agencies and watch the news programs to keep yourself up to date on discounts. There are a lot of promotional fares offered by different airline companies that are new in the industry. Compare prices between different websites.
When you are a frequent traveler maybe you should consider signing up for frequent flier miles. You could one day travel for absolutely FREE when you accumulate enough frequent flier miles.
Are you a senior or is there a senior going to be traveling with you? Maybe you should call the traveling agencies about senior discount. Maybe you can do the same thing if you are a student. Some airlines give discount to students.
It is a good idea to keep a flexible travel schedule. Roll with the punches. I mean if there is a promotion states that they only give discounts every Tuesdays like the movie theatres, maybe you should book your airline tickets on Tuesday. Did you know that, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays are the days that have fewer reservations therefore on these days that tickets are sold cheap. Monday is usually the busiest day of the week because it is a first of the working schedule for most people. Try not to book on Monday.
One thing I recommend not to do is make reservations to the first airline company you see with a promotion of some sort. You should consider taking your time be patient and find out if the promotion is indeed the cheapest in your area. Ask the agency clerk about other offers available. When search on line, make sure you check at least five sites before you decide where to buy your tickets.
Another place that you can purchase cheap airline tickets is through consolidators. If you don’t know then these are people who buy a lot of tickets at huge discount from the airline companies and resell them at whole sale prices. This helps the airline fill up still available seats. The good place to check for this is the travel section of the newspaper.
If you can avoid, try not to book on off peak hours schedule. Most likely if you book before seven in the morning flight or book the after seven in the evening flight, airline tickets are at their cheapest. This too, will be a wise decision since it is at these times that airlines are not overcrowded, thus getting more space for yourself and your luggage.
Remember always ask the airline ticket agent if that particular airline offers bonus traveling packages. Some airlines do offer packages such as car rental discount or a hotel room discount that comes with the airplane ticket.
Always consider book air tickets ahead of time. Discounts are usually offered to someone who reserves airline ticket three weeks or earlier beforehand. Don’t forget due to over crowding during the holidays, you may not use your frequent flier miles. Therefore it is a good idea to book in advance if you plan to travel during the holidays.
One final thought, staying with only one airline on your entire trip may too, give you discounts. Airlines offer special rates to round trip tickets or connecting flights.
I hope these advices helped you in finding cheap air fare. Enjoy your trip.
What do you think of Last night's American Idol?
Please specify how did you like the new rules ? Do you think American made the right choice by eliminate Jasmine Murry and Jorge Nunez ? Please specify with details. Thanks
For me personally, I really enjoyed watching last night's American Idol. I didn't think Jasmine should have eliminated, but America made the right choice with Jorge. With that said, I guess somebody had to leave in order to have the ultimate idol. As for the rule change, I think it is pretty good rule. That way an artist like Chris Doltry will not get eliminated in the future.
That is just my opinion, here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject.
"he new rules are stupid. Especially the one about saving a person. Then it turns out that people's vote really don't count, what about the people who pay for their calls/text? It's America's choice, not the judges. Idk what's up with all these crazy new rules... if it ain't broken,, DON"T FIX IT.
Also I think the right people went home. Jasmine was a good singer but not a great entertainer... pretty boring and bland.
Jorge. Eh."
By: Karilo
"I like the new rules. If only they made it last year, so Michael Johns and Carly Smithson could have been saved.
I'm kind of disappointed about Jasmine, I liked her. But if I had to choose two people to go home, it would have been those two."
By :esenjay3...
"the new rule is ok i sorta don't understand it
they should do it like rockstar supernova where america votes then who ever is in the bottom 3 have to sing and the judges vote who is out. The judges don't even do anything they just sit there. If there gunna ever use the save thingy they should use it on adam if he gets the lowest votes, he's so good :) yer the right people are gone there's only really 1 good singer (adam) and i guess you can say lil and danny are good but thats it"
By :Charlie :D
"the new rules are good, the judges love lil rounds, danny gorkey and adam, if either one of those people should go home before the final 5 they will be saved because those three are clearly the judges favorites. so they are saving that one vote for either one of those three. i wish people would stop saying adam is going to win. last year I thought melinda doolittle would win she was perfect the entire year and she came in third. now she is with Itunes. so he may be good but that doesn't mean he will win. and that is what this new rule is for, so he won't get voted out too early. but I like it better if the judges picked three to leave and then let the viewers vote from that three who will be going home."
By :dobby
"i did think jasmine had to go but jorge i think he deserved another chance but simon said flat out no....."
By:pattie j
"I think the new rule could be looked at one of two ways, or even both ways:
1) The producers are giving themselves more of a say in who stays in the competition. In my opinion, this is just the first step they will take to give themselves more control over results than the fans.
2) This keeps the public interested. For instance, you never know whether the person's really gone or not until the judges give the final say.
And, granted, they can only do so once, but it seems to me like just the beginning of the producers' schemes.
Yes, I think Jasmine and Jorge had to go. Although they both deserved their spots in the top 13, the competition really isn't suited to either of them - neither one had much of a personality, for starters. But anyways, I would have liked to see Megan leave, as she just gets on my nerves, but I guess I'm satisfied."
By:Blue Eyed Angel
"I think the new rule was needed because America has gotten it wrong in a lot of instances. The major ones being Daugthry, Doolittle, Carly, and Michael Johns voted out before others who shouldn't even be there anymore. Once AI got really popular a few years back America, in general, became a "lets screw with the system and vote the worst or nicest" and not necessarily the best singer. For me Taylor Hicks winning showcases this attitude.
I loved Jasmine but she hasn't shown her bubbly 17 yr old personality. She's been picking downer songs and I think this hurt her.
As for Jorge....I never liked him and felt he shouldn't have been in the Top 13, so for me this one was a no brainer and long overdue."
By :csscmom -- Mom of 4
"It was only right for them to eliminate Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nuñez. Anoop wasn't as bad as the other two.
Allison was IMPRESSIVE!
Alexis Grace was AWESOME!
Adam Lambert was BRILLIANT!
Lil Rounds started the night right!
The new rules are cool. They give hope for the BETTER singers. :)"
By :Aid B.
"I found a spoiler beforehand and already knew the surprise rule. I like the rule itself, but I think it's annoying how they're going to ask the judges to deliberate EVERY SINGLE TIME someone gets voted off. I think they should either just speak up if they want to choose them to save, or let it go. Not drag it out over every contestant. It really was an extra jab for them not just to get voted off -- but for the judges to say, nope, you're terrible, bye-bye.
I do agree in Jorge and Jasmine going. I would've sent Anoop packing, too -- made it for 3. But I guess we have to wait till next week till he goes. Ugh. Can you tell I'm not so excited about this season?
Oh, and how they were talking about Chris Daughtry could've been saved -- not true -- not according to this rule as they set it -- they'd only be able to save up to the top 5. Chris was voted off when it was top 4."
By : Fauna
"Jorge and jasmine---I am not surprised they got booted. They are good just to make it in the top 13, but not good enough to stay longer. I think anoop will go pretty soon.we'll see...
The rule--I have mixed feelings about it. Its not up to the people.The judges get the final say. But, maybe they should. The people could make a not so good vote and the judges could make a save. Oh well, it doesn't matter whether you like the rule or not...it is still gonna be used."
By :kelliegi...
"I don't know what the big deal about Adam is. I don't think he's really that great. The style he sings is weird, and he dresses weird. But I am 29 so I guess that's what the young kids are into these days. lol! Anyway I was sad to see Jorge go, but I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a successful singer in his native language. I don't really know who my favorite is now."
By :its me
"I like the new rule. I am at least going to wait and see if it brings back my favorite :) Sometimes you have voting b/c of popularity rather than the best singers. We have all been stunned when certain people go home.
It's interesting b/c they have only the one save and all four judges all have to agree. It will be hard to get those four to agree on someone to save. I can see Paula wanting to save everyone but the others will know they need to save the "save" for a stunning elimination week.
They also have a time frame in which they have to use it.
I kinda wish they had given each judge one save. Then the next week if it was really meant to be then that person wouldn't be one of the two that gets eliminated.
When you have to sing certain bands/singers sometimes it's hard. You don't know the music or the singers and make bad choices thats not fair. I don't expect Reuben or Bo Bice to be know a lot about Country or some of these younger contestests to know about IDK Barry Manilow or Rod Stewart. It gives them a chance to have a bad week and still move on. Having one bad week overall doesn't mean they should leave. If they have more talent than the others who just happen to be more popular.
Jasmine --as cute and all as she was, she is very young and I think a bit overwhelmed by it all. I hope she does well and continues on her journey. She has a lot of talent
Jorge --I really liked him. I was hoping to see him get a bit further but we don't have a lot of Latin pop singers...yes Salina was very hot, Marc Anthony is doing well even Jennifer Lopez and Gloria Estefan (I know I spelled that wrong) but in the grand scheme of things they are few and far between. One of the reasons I like him was because he had a different sound to his voice.
I agree with the person who said they shouldn't have dragged it out over each contestant. That is just more hurtful."
By :Sarelda
"As much as I like Anoop, he should've gone home last night. Both Jorge and Jasmine would've gone home sooner or later anyway, but they both could've stayed another week.
I LOVE the new rule, but as my BFF pointed out (and he's probably right), the judges will never use that veto unless Danny or Adam are in danger. Everybody else can pretty much hang it up."
By :katanast...
For me personally, I really enjoyed watching last night's American Idol. I didn't think Jasmine should have eliminated, but America made the right choice with Jorge. With that said, I guess somebody had to leave in order to have the ultimate idol. As for the rule change, I think it is pretty good rule. That way an artist like Chris Doltry will not get eliminated in the future.
That is just my opinion, here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject.
"he new rules are stupid. Especially the one about saving a person. Then it turns out that people's vote really don't count, what about the people who pay for their calls/text? It's America's choice, not the judges. Idk what's up with all these crazy new rules... if it ain't broken,, DON"T FIX IT.
Also I think the right people went home. Jasmine was a good singer but not a great entertainer... pretty boring and bland.
Jorge. Eh."
By: Karilo
"I like the new rules. If only they made it last year, so Michael Johns and Carly Smithson could have been saved.
I'm kind of disappointed about Jasmine, I liked her. But if I had to choose two people to go home, it would have been those two."
By :esenjay3...
"the new rule is ok i sorta don't understand it
they should do it like rockstar supernova where america votes then who ever is in the bottom 3 have to sing and the judges vote who is out. The judges don't even do anything they just sit there. If there gunna ever use the save thingy they should use it on adam if he gets the lowest votes, he's so good :) yer the right people are gone there's only really 1 good singer (adam) and i guess you can say lil and danny are good but thats it"
By :Charlie :D
"the new rules are good, the judges love lil rounds, danny gorkey and adam, if either one of those people should go home before the final 5 they will be saved because those three are clearly the judges favorites. so they are saving that one vote for either one of those three. i wish people would stop saying adam is going to win. last year I thought melinda doolittle would win she was perfect the entire year and she came in third. now she is with Itunes. so he may be good but that doesn't mean he will win. and that is what this new rule is for, so he won't get voted out too early. but I like it better if the judges picked three to leave and then let the viewers vote from that three who will be going home."
By :dobby
"i did think jasmine had to go but jorge i think he deserved another chance but simon said flat out no....."
By:pattie j
"I think the new rule could be looked at one of two ways, or even both ways:
1) The producers are giving themselves more of a say in who stays in the competition. In my opinion, this is just the first step they will take to give themselves more control over results than the fans.
2) This keeps the public interested. For instance, you never know whether the person's really gone or not until the judges give the final say.
And, granted, they can only do so once, but it seems to me like just the beginning of the producers' schemes.
Yes, I think Jasmine and Jorge had to go. Although they both deserved their spots in the top 13, the competition really isn't suited to either of them - neither one had much of a personality, for starters. But anyways, I would have liked to see Megan leave, as she just gets on my nerves, but I guess I'm satisfied."
By:Blue Eyed Angel
"I think the new rule was needed because America has gotten it wrong in a lot of instances. The major ones being Daugthry, Doolittle, Carly, and Michael Johns voted out before others who shouldn't even be there anymore. Once AI got really popular a few years back America, in general, became a "lets screw with the system and vote the worst or nicest" and not necessarily the best singer. For me Taylor Hicks winning showcases this attitude.
I loved Jasmine but she hasn't shown her bubbly 17 yr old personality. She's been picking downer songs and I think this hurt her.
As for Jorge....I never liked him and felt he shouldn't have been in the Top 13, so for me this one was a no brainer and long overdue."
By :csscmom -- Mom of 4
"It was only right for them to eliminate Jasmine Murray and Jorge Nuñez. Anoop wasn't as bad as the other two.
Allison was IMPRESSIVE!
Alexis Grace was AWESOME!
Adam Lambert was BRILLIANT!
Lil Rounds started the night right!
The new rules are cool. They give hope for the BETTER singers. :)"
By :Aid B.
"I found a spoiler beforehand and already knew the surprise rule. I like the rule itself, but I think it's annoying how they're going to ask the judges to deliberate EVERY SINGLE TIME someone gets voted off. I think they should either just speak up if they want to choose them to save, or let it go. Not drag it out over every contestant. It really was an extra jab for them not just to get voted off -- but for the judges to say, nope, you're terrible, bye-bye.
I do agree in Jorge and Jasmine going. I would've sent Anoop packing, too -- made it for 3. But I guess we have to wait till next week till he goes. Ugh. Can you tell I'm not so excited about this season?
Oh, and how they were talking about Chris Daughtry could've been saved -- not true -- not according to this rule as they set it -- they'd only be able to save up to the top 5. Chris was voted off when it was top 4."
By : Fauna
"Jorge and jasmine---I am not surprised they got booted. They are good just to make it in the top 13, but not good enough to stay longer. I think anoop will go pretty soon.we'll see...
The rule--I have mixed feelings about it. Its not up to the people.The judges get the final say. But, maybe they should. The people could make a not so good vote and the judges could make a save. Oh well, it doesn't matter whether you like the rule or not...it is still gonna be used."
By :kelliegi...
"I don't know what the big deal about Adam is. I don't think he's really that great. The style he sings is weird, and he dresses weird. But I am 29 so I guess that's what the young kids are into these days. lol! Anyway I was sad to see Jorge go, but I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a successful singer in his native language. I don't really know who my favorite is now."
By :its me
"I like the new rule. I am at least going to wait and see if it brings back my favorite :) Sometimes you have voting b/c of popularity rather than the best singers. We have all been stunned when certain people go home.
It's interesting b/c they have only the one save and all four judges all have to agree. It will be hard to get those four to agree on someone to save. I can see Paula wanting to save everyone but the others will know they need to save the "save" for a stunning elimination week.
They also have a time frame in which they have to use it.
I kinda wish they had given each judge one save. Then the next week if it was really meant to be then that person wouldn't be one of the two that gets eliminated.
When you have to sing certain bands/singers sometimes it's hard. You don't know the music or the singers and make bad choices thats not fair. I don't expect Reuben or Bo Bice to be know a lot about Country or some of these younger contestests to know about IDK Barry Manilow or Rod Stewart. It gives them a chance to have a bad week and still move on. Having one bad week overall doesn't mean they should leave. If they have more talent than the others who just happen to be more popular.
Jasmine --as cute and all as she was, she is very young and I think a bit overwhelmed by it all. I hope she does well and continues on her journey. She has a lot of talent
Jorge --I really liked him. I was hoping to see him get a bit further but we don't have a lot of Latin pop singers...yes Salina was very hot, Marc Anthony is doing well even Jennifer Lopez and Gloria Estefan (I know I spelled that wrong) but in the grand scheme of things they are few and far between. One of the reasons I like him was because he had a different sound to his voice.
I agree with the person who said they shouldn't have dragged it out over each contestant. That is just more hurtful."
By :Sarelda
"As much as I like Anoop, he should've gone home last night. Both Jorge and Jasmine would've gone home sooner or later anyway, but they both could've stayed another week.
I LOVE the new rule, but as my BFF pointed out (and he's probably right), the judges will never use that veto unless Danny or Adam are in danger. Everybody else can pretty much hang it up."
By :katanast...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
What do you think of last night's American Idol?
Who do you think or should get eliminated by the American people? What do you think Ryan Seacrest meant by saying there is going to a "change in the rule which could alter the face of the competition" ? Any opinion ?
Here what are some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic...
"i think a previous idol (like Carrie Underwood) will voice an opinion/judge"
By :Murzy
"I enjoyed last nights show. Adam rocked the house. The Rockin Robin performance was fun, not my fav but fun.
I think that they will have guest judges like past winners come on and say what they think."
By :Kimberly
"i loved Matt's performance!!!
i was thinking that maybe the judges may have a vote that they split with america (kinda like dwts)
i think jorge or anoop should go ....... i liked anoop at first but not so much now"
By :love me only
Here what are some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic...
"i think a previous idol (like Carrie Underwood) will voice an opinion/judge"
By :Murzy
"I enjoyed last nights show. Adam rocked the house. The Rockin Robin performance was fun, not my fav but fun.
I think that they will have guest judges like past winners come on and say what they think."
By :Kimberly
"i loved Matt's performance!!!
i was thinking that maybe the judges may have a vote that they split with america (kinda like dwts)
i think jorge or anoop should go ....... i liked anoop at first but not so much now"
By :love me only
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Can anybody tell me exactly what I have to do to get more views of my Youtube video?
I recently created a video and I uploaded to Youtube, however I only got 7 views. Therefore my question is how exactly do I get more views? Please help. Thanks
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"i dont know like share it with people and ask people to share them too
(share them at youtube and other sites like myspace,facebook,bebo or friendster"
By: slipknot...
"The chance of your video being an instant hit are probably less than being struck by lightning. Just keep uploading videos over a wide range of subjects. Eventually someone will stumble on your video, like it, and subscribe to you because they like your other stuff too.
They may send it to their friends, or watch your other videos. Eventually the bandwagon will get rolling and you'll be getting a steady stream of views and subscribers."
By : mdawgig
"advertise it! tell all of your friends! and if its good, they will tell their friends, and then those friends will tell their friends, and so on and so forth. also, check and see if it is good. view it yourself! it is good....or is it just a totally jank film? and check other peoples' opinions! they will tell you if it is good or not!"
By :Kathy
"Put the link to it on this question
I'll watch it...Happily"
By: >o_OStarry Eyed>VandazZ
"put the link up so people click, such as putting a follow up message to this question. also if you have a myspace or facebook put it up on your status and people will see it. Aim or any instan messager put it in your pro that should help you get some. then if its good hopefully the word will travel of how good it is and more people will watch it, because of others telling them its a good video."
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"i dont know like share it with people and ask people to share them too
(share them at youtube and other sites like myspace,facebook,bebo or friendster"
By: slipknot...
"The chance of your video being an instant hit are probably less than being struck by lightning. Just keep uploading videos over a wide range of subjects. Eventually someone will stumble on your video, like it, and subscribe to you because they like your other stuff too.
They may send it to their friends, or watch your other videos. Eventually the bandwagon will get rolling and you'll be getting a steady stream of views and subscribers."
By : mdawgig
"advertise it! tell all of your friends! and if its good, they will tell their friends, and then those friends will tell their friends, and so on and so forth. also, check and see if it is good. view it yourself! it is good....or is it just a totally jank film? and check other peoples' opinions! they will tell you if it is good or not!"
By :Kathy
"Put the link to it on this question
I'll watch it...Happily"
By: >o_OStarry Eyed>VandazZ
"put the link up so people click, such as putting a follow up message to this question. also if you have a myspace or facebook put it up on your status and people will see it. Aim or any instan messager put it in your pro that should help you get some. then if its good hopefully the word will travel of how good it is and more people will watch it, because of others telling them its a good video."
In WWE, what do you think will happen in Wrestlemania ?
Do you think Shawn Michaels will break Undertaker's winning streak?
Is there going to be a big surprise happening in Wrestlemania, like Stone Cold Steve Austin shows up during a major match? What is your opinion?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"Streak will not end. Perhaps Austin vs. Jericho??"
By :Boris Badkak
"hbk will prove why he Mr. Wrestlemania!!!!!!
did you see how old undertaker look last night he starting to look like ric i think the taker should retire after this Wrestlemania and don' get me wrong i am a big undertaker fan but he now looking his age."
By :The One and Only Mick
"I really don't think Shawn Michael's will beat The Undertaker, unless he cheats. That would be a great idea to have Stone Cold Steve Austin to show up but for which match? Maybe for the Ric Flair and Y2Asshole? lol"
By :A.V.
"Undertaker will finally beat HBK
Austin will beat jericho"
By :Marc G
"I think HBK could really break the streak but i wish they used Ric Flair vs. Y2j at WRESTLEMANIA 25 with stone cold as ref"
By: Light_Ya...
"Undertaker win 17-0.Randy Orton and John Cena win the title,Jeff Hardy kill Matt Hardy,and Shelton Benjamin win MITB"
By :S
"HBK might break the undertaker winning streak."
By :Wilbur P
"HHH And Cena Champs
Jeff Smashes Matt
Mr Wrestlmania Wins
Y2J Get's Smashed By Stone Cold Steve Austin"
By :Deklan M
Is there going to be a big surprise happening in Wrestlemania, like Stone Cold Steve Austin shows up during a major match? What is your opinion?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"Streak will not end. Perhaps Austin vs. Jericho??"
By :Boris Badkak
"hbk will prove why he Mr. Wrestlemania!!!!!!
did you see how old undertaker look last night he starting to look like ric i think the taker should retire after this Wrestlemania and don' get me wrong i am a big undertaker fan but he now looking his age."
By :The One and Only Mick
"I really don't think Shawn Michael's will beat The Undertaker, unless he cheats. That would be a great idea to have Stone Cold Steve Austin to show up but for which match? Maybe for the Ric Flair and Y2Asshole? lol"
By :A.V.
"Undertaker will finally beat HBK
Austin will beat jericho"
By :Marc G
"I think HBK could really break the streak but i wish they used Ric Flair vs. Y2j at WRESTLEMANIA 25 with stone cold as ref"
By: Light_Ya...
"Undertaker win 17-0.Randy Orton and John Cena win the title,Jeff Hardy kill Matt Hardy,and Shelton Benjamin win MITB"
By :S
"HBK might break the undertaker winning streak."
By :Wilbur P
"HHH And Cena Champs
Jeff Smashes Matt
Mr Wrestlmania Wins
Y2J Get's Smashed By Stone Cold Steve Austin"
By :Deklan M
Do you think firing of head coach Guy Carbonneau by the Montreal Canadians was a good move? why or why not?
The Montreal Canadiens dismissed head coach Guy Carbonneau on Monday, two-thirds of the way through his third season. Executive Vice President and General Manager Bob Gainey will coach the Canadiens for the rest of this season. Do you think this is the right move by the Montreal Canadians hockey club? why or why not?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"The Habs are heading int he opposite direction right now. Their star players (*cough* Kovalev *cough*) aren't performing and the coaching is overusing players and tiring the team down. A coaching change is the best for the Habs, especially with all this pressure on their 100th anniversary to do good. Heck, before the season they were Stanley Cup favorites, now they are just a loss or 2 from falling out of the playoff race completely. I guess we'll hafta wait and see what happens down the home stretch now."
By :redsox_w...
"This late in the season? Bad move. Sounds like they are throwing in the towel."
By :Jason B
"Terrible move. The message you send the players by firing the coach this late in the season is either "We pack it in" or "STEP IT UP"...most of the time this backfires and the team goes down the tubes. This (from the outside) doesn't seem like a positive...the last months or so the team has been in ruins."
"Very good move. The Habs need a kick in the butt right now and I was never a Carbonneau fan to begin with. I don't think he had his players focus or respect. Go Habs Go"
By: The Crow
"This is a move that had to pain Gainey greatly. He and Carbonneau have been friends since the early 1980s, playing together with the Canadiens until Gainey's retirement in 1989, then working together in Dallas with the Stars when Gainey was that club's general manager — up to Carbonneau's hiring by Gainey, first as an assistant coach in 2005-06 and then taking over as head coach in 2006-07.
Carbonneau would receive a nomination as NHL Coach of the Year, guiding the Habs to a first overall finish in the Eastern Conference in 2007-08.
Expectations were high for the Canadiens this season. The team was celebrating its centennial and many experts (including yours truly) not only saw the Canadiens as having the potential to finish atop the East again, but also as legitimate Stanley Cup contenders.
Unfortunately, the season hasn't panned out as expected for the Canadiens and their demanding fan base. Following a strong start to the season in which the club was fourth overall in the conference by the All-Star break, the Canadiens have struggled through an 8-11-1 record in their last 20 games.
It does suck seeing Guy Carbonneau gone.... but he did struggle a bit after the all star break and i think it was a good move."
By :Da Dude
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"The Habs are heading int he opposite direction right now. Their star players (*cough* Kovalev *cough*) aren't performing and the coaching is overusing players and tiring the team down. A coaching change is the best for the Habs, especially with all this pressure on their 100th anniversary to do good. Heck, before the season they were Stanley Cup favorites, now they are just a loss or 2 from falling out of the playoff race completely. I guess we'll hafta wait and see what happens down the home stretch now."
By :redsox_w...
"This late in the season? Bad move. Sounds like they are throwing in the towel."
By :Jason B
"Terrible move. The message you send the players by firing the coach this late in the season is either "We pack it in" or "STEP IT UP"...most of the time this backfires and the team goes down the tubes. This (from the outside) doesn't seem like a positive...the last months or so the team has been in ruins."
"Very good move. The Habs need a kick in the butt right now and I was never a Carbonneau fan to begin with. I don't think he had his players focus or respect. Go Habs Go"
By: The Crow
"This is a move that had to pain Gainey greatly. He and Carbonneau have been friends since the early 1980s, playing together with the Canadiens until Gainey's retirement in 1989, then working together in Dallas with the Stars when Gainey was that club's general manager — up to Carbonneau's hiring by Gainey, first as an assistant coach in 2005-06 and then taking over as head coach in 2006-07.
Carbonneau would receive a nomination as NHL Coach of the Year, guiding the Habs to a first overall finish in the Eastern Conference in 2007-08.
Expectations were high for the Canadiens this season. The team was celebrating its centennial and many experts (including yours truly) not only saw the Canadiens as having the potential to finish atop the East again, but also as legitimate Stanley Cup contenders.
Unfortunately, the season hasn't panned out as expected for the Canadiens and their demanding fan base. Following a strong start to the season in which the club was fourth overall in the conference by the All-Star break, the Canadiens have struggled through an 8-11-1 record in their last 20 games.
It does suck seeing Guy Carbonneau gone.... but he did struggle a bit after the all star break and i think it was a good move."
By :Da Dude
What do you think of last night's premier of Dancing With The Stars?
Here are what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"I hate to say this because I like the show, but it was pretty boring. I don't think anyone was exceptional."
By :leslie
"It was what I expected. I happen to be addicted to that show every season anyway. I really liked Steve O and Ty Murray for the men. For the women Shawn Johnson was good."
By :Lisa T (Stop BSL)
"I loved it. I think it's great that Melissa gets to do the show. I'm sure she'll be really popular. Some people surprised me. It will be interesting to see who goes home next week.
My favs are:
Melissa (with Tony)
Gilles (with Cheryl)
Shawn (with Mark)
For the pros, I love Chelsie and Max, but unfortunately they don't have great partners this season."
By :dream
"well mellisa getting on the show ruined it for me :("
By :ohiomomm...
"I love that show, Max by the way is dancing with Denise Richards who is a real cry baby"
By :boo hoo
"not nearly as good as last years group. My favorites were Melissa and Giles. I think Steve Wozniak and Ty should be the first ones to go, they were painful to watch"
By :Julie V
"I think they all dance well I was impressed by Holly and Melissa because they both had a short time to learn the dance and performed it"
By :ephstige...
"It was not as good as the years past. There are only a few people who really danced well. The show is becoming way too provocative for family viewing now. Everything has a sexual connotation to it, which would be OK for 10 PM - but 8 PM is a bit early for that. I was sad to see Nancy O'Dell had hurt herself. I think she would have done great."
By: kincaid1
"I think Melissa did incredibly well for only two days training and the kind of week she’s been having. I think America DOES feel sorry for her the way Jason treated her, but if she doesn't do well,. they wont continue to vote for her to the end.
I'm sure her Dallas Cowboy Cheer leading training helped her pick up routines quickly. They do have very high standards. She also had ballet training which always is a plus.
I am rooting for her
Holly from "gossip Girls" the other last minute replacement, may be pretty, and maybe she didn't have a lot of practice time for the show, But, she was stiff and wooden. It seems often these really pretty girls,. (Like Kim Kardashian) have what it takes in the looks department but don't know how to use their bodies in a dancing routine. I look for her to be one of the first voted off the show.
I hate to say it but Holly seems like a typical "bimbo" to me as well.
Its early yet,. But I felt sorry a bit for Ty,. he was so stiff,. and awkward,,
Steve O did ok. but don't like his personality,.
Steve from Apple? well he knows he's not that great,. but he has a bizillion dollars so he’s just in it for fun.
Lil’ Kim.. maybe,. has potential.
Belinda Carlise? so-so, she doesn't have the energy you need to win,. and probably not the fan base.
Lawrence? athletes can go either way. sometimes though they start off badly and get better with time.
Gilles?.. we will see,. Cheryl is a good teacher. he might do ok.
David Grier? did alright.. not bad. could improve
I hated Denise Richards. that crying scene this early in the show, says she cant take the pressure. and I don’t think fans are that crazy about her either. her crybaby act turned me off right then and there. Maks is tough.. but he's good.
Shawn is also a cutie,. And I think her training as a gymnast will help her go far"
By :Rebecca B
"I hate to say this because I like the show, but it was pretty boring. I don't think anyone was exceptional."
By :leslie
"It was what I expected. I happen to be addicted to that show every season anyway. I really liked Steve O and Ty Murray for the men. For the women Shawn Johnson was good."
By :Lisa T (Stop BSL)
"I loved it. I think it's great that Melissa gets to do the show. I'm sure she'll be really popular. Some people surprised me. It will be interesting to see who goes home next week.
My favs are:
Melissa (with Tony)
Gilles (with Cheryl)
Shawn (with Mark)
For the pros, I love Chelsie and Max, but unfortunately they don't have great partners this season."
By :dream
"well mellisa getting on the show ruined it for me :("
By :ohiomomm...
"I love that show, Max by the way is dancing with Denise Richards who is a real cry baby"
By :boo hoo
"not nearly as good as last years group. My favorites were Melissa and Giles. I think Steve Wozniak and Ty should be the first ones to go, they were painful to watch"
By :Julie V
"I think they all dance well I was impressed by Holly and Melissa because they both had a short time to learn the dance and performed it"
By :ephstige...
"It was not as good as the years past. There are only a few people who really danced well. The show is becoming way too provocative for family viewing now. Everything has a sexual connotation to it, which would be OK for 10 PM - but 8 PM is a bit early for that. I was sad to see Nancy O'Dell had hurt herself. I think she would have done great."
By: kincaid1
"I think Melissa did incredibly well for only two days training and the kind of week she’s been having. I think America DOES feel sorry for her the way Jason treated her, but if she doesn't do well,. they wont continue to vote for her to the end.
I'm sure her Dallas Cowboy Cheer leading training helped her pick up routines quickly. They do have very high standards. She also had ballet training which always is a plus.
I am rooting for her
Holly from "gossip Girls" the other last minute replacement, may be pretty, and maybe she didn't have a lot of practice time for the show, But, she was stiff and wooden. It seems often these really pretty girls,. (Like Kim Kardashian) have what it takes in the looks department but don't know how to use their bodies in a dancing routine. I look for her to be one of the first voted off the show.
I hate to say it but Holly seems like a typical "bimbo" to me as well.
Its early yet,. But I felt sorry a bit for Ty,. he was so stiff,. and awkward,,
Steve O did ok. but don't like his personality,.
Steve from Apple? well he knows he's not that great,. but he has a bizillion dollars so he’s just in it for fun.
Lil’ Kim.. maybe,. has potential.
Belinda Carlise? so-so, she doesn't have the energy you need to win,. and probably not the fan base.
Lawrence? athletes can go either way. sometimes though they start off badly and get better with time.
Gilles?.. we will see,. Cheryl is a good teacher. he might do ok.
David Grier? did alright.. not bad. could improve
I hated Denise Richards. that crying scene this early in the show, says she cant take the pressure. and I don’t think fans are that crazy about her either. her crybaby act turned me off right then and there. Maks is tough.. but he's good.
Shawn is also a cutie,. And I think her training as a gymnast will help her go far"
By :Rebecca B
Drop 2 dress sizes in 2 months?
i know it would be hard but is it possible to lose 2 dress sizes in 2 months with a lot of exercise and healthy eating could it be done?
*Note* Somebody in Yahoo asked this question and I believe the answers some Yahoo user give are really informative.
"if u get a proper answer to this please let me no i really struggling with my wait and moveing to spain in 2months i dont want everyone to theink a wale was washed to shore when i arrive at the beach"
By :babydoll
"well u could go on losing 2 stone which would be 3 and half pounds a week i reckon so :)"
By :pinkjolo...
"eat lots of tuna salad
get some curry powder and lentils pile them into cold water and wait until they are soft blend into soup.
also if you get hungry clean your teeth use plenty of mouth wash, makes food taste horrible for a few hours."
By :MeMe
"I don't know what exactly is 2 dress sizes. well if you do it the right way you'll get very close."
By :zzzzzzzz...
"It can be done - it depends on what size you are now (the bigger you are, the higher your basal metabolic rate, therefore the more calories you burn even at rest) and how much you HAVE to have unhealthy stuff (like chocolate every once in a while etc)
Don't be tempted with faddy diets - they don't work, and end up making you much fatter in the long run. You need to eat healthy foods and a balanced diet. Make sure you are eating enough - if you aren't your body goes into starvation mode and stores more fat. Do exercise as well, but in moderation,. You need to work your way up if you are not already very fit.
Remember, do it safely. You only get one body."
By :lilybell...
"“Lose 10 pounds in a week!”
“Lose 20 pounds in 20 days!”
“Lose 50 pounds by fairy dust!”
You have seen all the ads … all promising to help you lose weight instantly.
While some may work, many don’t. Sure, you can lose weight quick and many times you will, BUT…what they don’t tell you is that many times that rapid weight loss is water weight. AND IT WILL RETURN!
So, what we have to do is set realistic and achievable goals.
Remember our “One Pound at A Time” philosophy mentioned in the beginning?
That is our immediate goal. Start with ONE POUND! Then another and another, etc. Pretty soon, you will be reaching your goals and starting to feel and see the changes happening.
Once you have been successful with your smaller, short-term goals, start setting a little bit longer-term goals. “Today is Monday, July 9th. I will lose 5 pounds by July 31st.” That is not only reasonable, but achievable!
Think of this: if you set a goal of 5 pounds each month that is a total of 60 POUNDS in a year.
Stick to your goals the best you can. If you find that your goals are not becoming a reality, scale them back. Make them achievable, because that is a key ingredient to your successful Journey!"
By :Isa
"Exercising helped me to lose loads of weight after I married it together it along with using acai berry. I know they say that pills will not work, however they certainly worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There's a free trial on currently at http://sicavs.bosziplaza.com , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen?"
By :Gage T
"yes you can do anything you put your mind to! weight watchers is a good healthy way to lose weight or the special k diet claims you can drop a jean size in two weeks that would be a great kickstart!
you should use some sort of eating plan as its often hard to make the right choices and sometimes you think your being healthy but foods contain hidden fats.
in weight watchers for example a banana is higher in points than some crisps!
good luck"
By :Lauren W
*Note* Somebody in Yahoo asked this question and I believe the answers some Yahoo user give are really informative.
"if u get a proper answer to this please let me no i really struggling with my wait and moveing to spain in 2months i dont want everyone to theink a wale was washed to shore when i arrive at the beach"
By :babydoll
"well u could go on losing 2 stone which would be 3 and half pounds a week i reckon so :)"
By :pinkjolo...
"eat lots of tuna salad
get some curry powder and lentils pile them into cold water and wait until they are soft blend into soup.
also if you get hungry clean your teeth use plenty of mouth wash, makes food taste horrible for a few hours."
By :MeMe
"I don't know what exactly is 2 dress sizes. well if you do it the right way you'll get very close."
By :zzzzzzzz...
"It can be done - it depends on what size you are now (the bigger you are, the higher your basal metabolic rate, therefore the more calories you burn even at rest) and how much you HAVE to have unhealthy stuff (like chocolate every once in a while etc)
Don't be tempted with faddy diets - they don't work, and end up making you much fatter in the long run. You need to eat healthy foods and a balanced diet. Make sure you are eating enough - if you aren't your body goes into starvation mode and stores more fat. Do exercise as well, but in moderation,. You need to work your way up if you are not already very fit.
Remember, do it safely. You only get one body."
By :lilybell...
"“Lose 10 pounds in a week!”
“Lose 20 pounds in 20 days!”
“Lose 50 pounds by fairy dust!”
You have seen all the ads … all promising to help you lose weight instantly.
While some may work, many don’t. Sure, you can lose weight quick and many times you will, BUT…what they don’t tell you is that many times that rapid weight loss is water weight. AND IT WILL RETURN!
So, what we have to do is set realistic and achievable goals.
Remember our “One Pound at A Time” philosophy mentioned in the beginning?
That is our immediate goal. Start with ONE POUND! Then another and another, etc. Pretty soon, you will be reaching your goals and starting to feel and see the changes happening.
Once you have been successful with your smaller, short-term goals, start setting a little bit longer-term goals. “Today is Monday, July 9th. I will lose 5 pounds by July 31st.” That is not only reasonable, but achievable!
Think of this: if you set a goal of 5 pounds each month that is a total of 60 POUNDS in a year.
Stick to your goals the best you can. If you find that your goals are not becoming a reality, scale them back. Make them achievable, because that is a key ingredient to your successful Journey!"
By :Isa
"Exercising helped me to lose loads of weight after I married it together it along with using acai berry. I know they say that pills will not work, however they certainly worked for me, and they have been featured on the Rachael Ray Show too. There's a free trial on currently at http://sicavs.bosziplaza.com , why not check it out, what is the worst that could happen?"
By :Gage T
"yes you can do anything you put your mind to! weight watchers is a good healthy way to lose weight or the special k diet claims you can drop a jean size in two weeks that would be a great kickstart!
you should use some sort of eating plan as its often hard to make the right choices and sometimes you think your being healthy but foods contain hidden fats.
in weight watchers for example a banana is higher in points than some crisps!
good luck"
By :Lauren W
What is your opinion on Beijing's 2008 Summer Olympics?
Well in my own opinion,it was well organized from the open ceremony until the close ceremony. Everything looked really glamorous. Every venue was well hosted. Micheal Phelps broke the Olympic records in Beijing you can never change that. Beijing itself broke the record, it is the most expensive Olympic. The next Olympic is going to be held in Vancouver Canada. It is going to be the Winter Olympic. The next summer Olympic is going to be held in London English. Let's see if these countries can top Beijing Olympic in 2008.
Here is what some Yahoo users said about this particular topic....
"The opening dances, performances, etc. were so tight and clean and the images and appearances told us a lot about the Beijing culture and heritage and how disciplined everybody is when others are around. But now all the facilities and the whole city is going to shi*."
"I think it was well organised and had a very good opening ceremony."
By :Browni
"the biggest story was michael phelps, and bolt hussein"
By :DrewMack...
"The best Olympic ever."
Here is what some Yahoo users said about this particular topic....
"The opening dances, performances, etc. were so tight and clean and the images and appearances told us a lot about the Beijing culture and heritage and how disciplined everybody is when others are around. But now all the facilities and the whole city is going to shi*."
"I think it was well organised and had a very good opening ceremony."
By :Browni
"the biggest story was michael phelps, and bolt hussein"
By :DrewMack...
"The best Olympic ever."
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sandra Bullock
Did you know that Sandra Bullock was selected as one of People magazine's 50 Most Beautiful People in the World in 1996 and 1999, and was also ranked #58 in Empire magazine's Top 100 Movie Stars of All Time list.
Things that make you go hummmmmm......
Things that make you go hummmmmm......
Do you think US should ban smoking in public areas?
In Ontario Canada, it is now illegal to smoke in the public places, like restaurants,movie theaters,malls ow what have you. Should US copy this idea? Why or why not?
Before I get into what some Yahoo saying about this topic. Here is my opinion on it. Well, I guess there is two sides to every story. Well the side who wants the ban mainly because they are sick and tired of inhaling second hand smoke. A lot of people get really sick or even killed from second hand smoke every year. The side who does not want the ban, mainly because they feel people should have to right to smoke where ever they like.
However with that said, I guess I am kind of bias since I am a non-smoker. I am for the ban instead of against.
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic, do you agree or disagree?
"Yes, if people smoke, thats their problem, but when they smoke in public, they subject other people to toxic chemicals"
"No. Its not in the Constitution.
IMO, It should be left up to the property owner.
If you want the government to control it, at least leave it up to the local municipality."
"Its already illegal in most of the USA to smoke in any of those places.. And yes I think its a good thing. I should be illegal to smoke in any public place inside or out. As well as in apartment buildings, yes the smoke does come through the vents I have had it happen. Its a gross habit that not only kills the smoker, but kills the people around them. If a smoker wants to commit slow suicide then thats their choice, but they shouldn't have the right to do it to other people"
By:bluesky on a cloudy day
"public is public, people drive cars in public companies pollute the public, why cant people smoke? im tired of non-smokers imposing their will on us smokers. i dont lobby for the abolition of alcohol cause i dont drink. there are more people dying of stds in the world than they are of second hand smoke. do i try to fight that? if you dont like my smoke, then move up wind. if you dont want me to smoke too bad, i dont want people drinking, driving and killing my cousin but they do.
people need to reflect on their own disgressions before they try to fix others"
"people can get used to it. second hand smoke is smelly. i would favor the ban."
Before I get into what some Yahoo saying about this topic. Here is my opinion on it. Well, I guess there is two sides to every story. Well the side who wants the ban mainly because they are sick and tired of inhaling second hand smoke. A lot of people get really sick or even killed from second hand smoke every year. The side who does not want the ban, mainly because they feel people should have to right to smoke where ever they like.
However with that said, I guess I am kind of bias since I am a non-smoker. I am for the ban instead of against.
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic, do you agree or disagree?
"Yes, if people smoke, thats their problem, but when they smoke in public, they subject other people to toxic chemicals"
"No. Its not in the Constitution.
IMO, It should be left up to the property owner.
If you want the government to control it, at least leave it up to the local municipality."
"Its already illegal in most of the USA to smoke in any of those places.. And yes I think its a good thing. I should be illegal to smoke in any public place inside or out. As well as in apartment buildings, yes the smoke does come through the vents I have had it happen. Its a gross habit that not only kills the smoker, but kills the people around them. If a smoker wants to commit slow suicide then thats their choice, but they shouldn't have the right to do it to other people"
By:bluesky on a cloudy day
"public is public, people drive cars in public companies pollute the public, why cant people smoke? im tired of non-smokers imposing their will on us smokers. i dont lobby for the abolition of alcohol cause i dont drink. there are more people dying of stds in the world than they are of second hand smoke. do i try to fight that? if you dont like my smoke, then move up wind. if you dont want me to smoke too bad, i dont want people drinking, driving and killing my cousin but they do.
people need to reflect on their own disgressions before they try to fix others"
"people can get used to it. second hand smoke is smelly. i would favor the ban."
9 Things That Will Hurt Your Credit Score?
Your credit score, a three-digit number that are ranging from 300 to 850 points, plays a significant role in our day to day life It lets potential lenders how well we can manage our finances. Below are nine things that can affect your credit score. Please pay close attention to it.
Missed payments
Ignoring your bills is much worse than paying late. Try not to stick your head in the sand and make the situation worse than it already is. After about six missed payments lenders typically charge your account off. This account status is one of the worst items on your credit report.
Late payments
Your payment history tends to be very important in the calculation of your credit score. If you don't fulfill your financial obligations on time, you may lose 100-200 points. It is important to make timely payments to maintain a positive rating.
Heavy debt
Credit bureaus calculate the ratio between your balance and available credit. If you borrow too much, the percentage of debt/available credit (also called utilization ratio) goes up. It will hurt your credit score. Always try to keep your debt lower than 30% of your spending limit.
Collection agencies
If you don't eliminate your debt, lenders can hire third-party agencies to collect payment from you. The name of the collection agency and the amount of money you owe will be listed in the report. Avoid these call whenever you can.
It will show that you are a high risk customer.
Cancelling old accounts
Fifteen percent of your credit score is determined by the length of your credit history. If you close your old accounts, you shorten your credit history.
Closing cards with available credit
When you cancel your card, the amount of available credit reduces, but your debt remains the same. Thus you increase your utilization ratio. That is not good for your credit score.
Declaring bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can put your credit score down into the lowest ranking. You will need to work hard to re-establish good rating. Look for alternative solutions to eliminate your debt. You can consult with a credit counselor or a debt relief agency.
Numerous inquiries
Applying several credit card applications within a short period of time will damage your credit score. The creditors can suggest that you are in a serious financial trouble. Don't apply for any plastic that captures your attention!
Having credit cards only
Your credit report reflects what types of credit you have had: credit cards, charge cards, retail accounts, and installment loans. It is advisable to have a healthy mix of credit to make your credit score higher.
Missed payments
Ignoring your bills is much worse than paying late. Try not to stick your head in the sand and make the situation worse than it already is. After about six missed payments lenders typically charge your account off. This account status is one of the worst items on your credit report.
Late payments
Your payment history tends to be very important in the calculation of your credit score. If you don't fulfill your financial obligations on time, you may lose 100-200 points. It is important to make timely payments to maintain a positive rating.
Heavy debt
Credit bureaus calculate the ratio between your balance and available credit. If you borrow too much, the percentage of debt/available credit (also called utilization ratio) goes up. It will hurt your credit score. Always try to keep your debt lower than 30% of your spending limit.
Collection agencies
If you don't eliminate your debt, lenders can hire third-party agencies to collect payment from you. The name of the collection agency and the amount of money you owe will be listed in the report. Avoid these call whenever you can.
It will show that you are a high risk customer.
Cancelling old accounts
Fifteen percent of your credit score is determined by the length of your credit history. If you close your old accounts, you shorten your credit history.
Closing cards with available credit
When you cancel your card, the amount of available credit reduces, but your debt remains the same. Thus you increase your utilization ratio. That is not good for your credit score.
Declaring bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can put your credit score down into the lowest ranking. You will need to work hard to re-establish good rating. Look for alternative solutions to eliminate your debt. You can consult with a credit counselor or a debt relief agency.
Numerous inquiries
Applying several credit card applications within a short period of time will damage your credit score. The creditors can suggest that you are in a serious financial trouble. Don't apply for any plastic that captures your attention!
Having credit cards only
Your credit report reflects what types of credit you have had: credit cards, charge cards, retail accounts, and installment loans. It is advisable to have a healthy mix of credit to make your credit score higher.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
What do you think Melissa Rycroft should do next?
After Jason Mesnick chose Molly over her?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"get her life back together. which she did. haven you heard shes seeing someone now."
By :Archie + Gossip girl!
"Hold her head high, live her life and be happy she didn't marry the fickle dweeb..
She's a great girl - has a supportive family and as she said on the Ellen Show - she has a new b/f.
She has moved on."
By :what's up?
"Melissa is back with a guy she used to date. SHe should keep a low profile and move on and hopefully get some normalcy back in her life. She's been in the limelight long enough."
By :leslie
"she should have already hired an agent and shop her name around for a hosting gig on a tv show unless she wants to act. she needs to get with it though because the fifteen minutes are ticking . she should be capable of being a long term success but she needs to get out there while she still public. she has the fifteen minutes of fame from the show now she needs to do something with it"
By :Tom R
"Defiantly stay away from the media > They can and will make her life miserable . I HATE Jason and how he humiliated her and hope Jason & Molly breaks up. She's way too good for him.
Melissa needs to keep her head and spirits high and start life without The Bachelor hanging over her head."
By :WHO am I ?? and why am I here ?
"Melissa Rycroft is a great girl with many things to lie ahead of her.I think she should become a teacher since she really loves kids. I also think she should just move on with her life and try to forget the betrayal even thought it's hard. Like Mel even said, people who betray you like that isn't worth being friends with. Rumor has it that she is replacing Nancy O'Dell's spot on Dancing With the Stars."
By :xoazncut...
"hope fully fall in love with a good guy she was my favorite"
By : cats and dogs
"Melissa is already doing things after her televised breakup with Jason. She is dating an old boyfriend, whom she has been on and off with and is joining Dancing With the Stars."
By : Lina
"Jilted by Jason Mesnick on the season finale of The Bachelor, Melissa Rycroft will rebound nicely — on Dancing With the Stars, PEOPLE has learned.
Rycroft, 25, is to fill the slot vacated by Access Hollywood host Nancy O’Dell, who had to withdraw from the competition on March 5 due to a knee injury. According to a source close to the production, the Dallas beauty, who has had only days to rehearse, is expected to perform live on Dancing’s Monday premiere.
Girl Next Door Holly Madison is believed to be taking over for singer Jewel, who also withdrew due to injury. Both Jewel and O’Dell have expressed their desire to return to the ballroom in the future.
A spokesperson for ABC declined to comment."
By :Margaret M M
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic...
"get her life back together. which she did. haven you heard shes seeing someone now."
By :Archie + Gossip girl!
"Hold her head high, live her life and be happy she didn't marry the fickle dweeb..
She's a great girl - has a supportive family and as she said on the Ellen Show - she has a new b/f.
She has moved on."
By :what's up?
"Melissa is back with a guy she used to date. SHe should keep a low profile and move on and hopefully get some normalcy back in her life. She's been in the limelight long enough."
By :leslie
"she should have already hired an agent and shop her name around for a hosting gig on a tv show unless she wants to act. she needs to get with it though because the fifteen minutes are ticking . she should be capable of being a long term success but she needs to get out there while she still public. she has the fifteen minutes of fame from the show now she needs to do something with it"
By :Tom R
"Defiantly stay away from the media > They can and will make her life miserable . I HATE Jason and how he humiliated her and hope Jason & Molly breaks up. She's way too good for him.
Melissa needs to keep her head and spirits high and start life without The Bachelor hanging over her head."
By :WHO am I ?? and why am I here ?
"Melissa Rycroft is a great girl with many things to lie ahead of her.I think she should become a teacher since she really loves kids. I also think she should just move on with her life and try to forget the betrayal even thought it's hard. Like Mel even said, people who betray you like that isn't worth being friends with. Rumor has it that she is replacing Nancy O'Dell's spot on Dancing With the Stars."
By :xoazncut...
"hope fully fall in love with a good guy she was my favorite"
By : cats and dogs
"Melissa is already doing things after her televised breakup with Jason. She is dating an old boyfriend, whom she has been on and off with and is joining Dancing With the Stars."
By : Lina
"Jilted by Jason Mesnick on the season finale of The Bachelor, Melissa Rycroft will rebound nicely — on Dancing With the Stars, PEOPLE has learned.
Rycroft, 25, is to fill the slot vacated by Access Hollywood host Nancy O’Dell, who had to withdraw from the competition on March 5 due to a knee injury. According to a source close to the production, the Dallas beauty, who has had only days to rehearse, is expected to perform live on Dancing’s Monday premiere.
Girl Next Door Holly Madison is believed to be taking over for singer Jewel, who also withdrew due to injury. Both Jewel and O’Dell have expressed their desire to return to the ballroom in the future.
A spokesperson for ABC declined to comment."
By :Margaret M M
Daylight savings in March?
Hello, I hope everybody remembered to set their clocks or their watched ahead an hour here in the Eastern Canada region.
This year is very strange. This year we begin Daylight Savings a month earlier. I have been in Canada for quite awhile now. If my memory serves me correct, the Daylight Savings always begin in the first weekend of April. I don't know why this year it happened a month earlier????!?!?!?
This year is very strange. This year we begin Daylight Savings a month earlier. I have been in Canada for quite awhile now. If my memory serves me correct, the Daylight Savings always begin in the first weekend of April. I don't know why this year it happened a month earlier????!?!?!?
Kimberly Kardashian, O J Simpson's Trial Lawyer's Daughter?
Earlier today today, I was surfing on the internet, I came across Kimberly Kardashian's name. I did a little bit research on line. I was surprised to know she was the daughter of O.J. Simpson's Trial lawyer, Robert Kardashian.
A brief overview of Kimberly Kardashian. She was born on October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, California.Her family was financially sound. Therefore she attended the best schools, ate at the best restaurant and wore the latest fashion.
Kimberly Kathleen Kardashian was born October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, California. The daughter of O.J. Simpson’s trial lawyer, Robert Kardashian, she and her siblings grew up in a world of immense privilege. They attended the best schools, they ate at the finest restaurants and they wore the latest designer fashions.
One of her best friend friend is Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton may have helped to Kim Kardashian's public profile. However Paris is not the only one. Kim Kardashian has been linked romantically with 98 Degrees' Nick Lacy, rapper The Game, actor Nick Cannon,Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, and R&B producer Damon Thomas, to whom she was married from 2000 until 2004.
A brief overview of Kimberly Kardashian. She was born on October 21, 1980 in Los Angeles, California.Her family was financially sound. Therefore she attended the best schools, ate at the best restaurant and wore the latest fashion.
Kimberly Kathleen Kardashian was born October 21, 1980, in Los Angeles, California. The daughter of O.J. Simpson’s trial lawyer, Robert Kardashian, she and her siblings grew up in a world of immense privilege. They attended the best schools, they ate at the finest restaurants and they wore the latest designer fashions.
One of her best friend friend is Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton may have helped to Kim Kardashian's public profile. However Paris is not the only one. Kim Kardashian has been linked romantically with 98 Degrees' Nick Lacy, rapper The Game, actor Nick Cannon,Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, and R&B producer Damon Thomas, to whom she was married from 2000 until 2004.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
What do you think will happen next week on American Idol?
Who do you think will get eliminated next week by the American people?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic.
"i'm not sure but i'm rooting for Danny and Adam and Kris, Alison's good too :P
i'm just relieved Tatiana's gone"
By: MaydayKa...
"paula will screw up again making people remember the show is scripted"
By: Amish Dude
"Hopefully Michael Sarver.."
By :Denim
"Paula is gonna do something cringe worthy.
Simon is gonna have a hairy chest.
Randy is gonna say ''Dawg'' in every sentence.
Kara is gonna speak for ages and say it was the wrong song choice.
Jasmine will be eliminated."
By :Hot Mess
"Hopefullt Jasmine will be gone.I can't believe they brought her back and not Kendall or or Kristen."
By :K R
"I am not sure, there are many possiblities out there. But what I do know is that 2, yes TWO, people are being voted out Wednesday night."
By : xoazncut...
"Hopefully Michael Sarver and Jasmine will get the boot.
Don't vote for them please. Pretty please? With sugar on top.
I am so tired of these spoilers. I don't want another Taylor Hicks."
By :Kryss
"my guesses for elimination:
to me, these three are the weakest links in terms of talent and who america will vote for.
those who i'm certain will be safe if not leading the pack:
danny gokey
adam lambert
anoop desai
lil rounds
By :gutter_f...
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this topic.
"i'm not sure but i'm rooting for Danny and Adam and Kris, Alison's good too :P
i'm just relieved Tatiana's gone"
By: MaydayKa...
"paula will screw up again making people remember the show is scripted"
By: Amish Dude
"Hopefully Michael Sarver.."
By :Denim
"Paula is gonna do something cringe worthy.
Simon is gonna have a hairy chest.
Randy is gonna say ''Dawg'' in every sentence.
Kara is gonna speak for ages and say it was the wrong song choice.
Jasmine will be eliminated."
By :Hot Mess
"Hopefullt Jasmine will be gone.I can't believe they brought her back and not Kendall or or Kristen."
By :K R
"I am not sure, there are many possiblities out there. But what I do know is that 2, yes TWO, people are being voted out Wednesday night."
By : xoazncut...
"Hopefully Michael Sarver and Jasmine will get the boot.
Don't vote for them please. Pretty please? With sugar on top.
I am so tired of these spoilers. I don't want another Taylor Hicks."
By :Kryss
"my guesses for elimination:
to me, these three are the weakest links in terms of talent and who america will vote for.
those who i'm certain will be safe if not leading the pack:
danny gokey
adam lambert
anoop desai
lil rounds
By :gutter_f...
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