Thursday, April 2, 2009

How did you like last night's episode of American Idol?

Do you think America made the right choice by eliminate Meghan? How do you like the performance by Lady Gaga and David Cook?

Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular subject....what do you think? Do you agree with them or disagree please comment.

"I liked that it was only 1 hour long."

By : indee

"i love lady gaga so thats the only reason i watched it"



By: Sean

"Yes Megan needed to go. Ladt GaGa Horrible. David Cook Great."


"They made the right choice. Meghan can sing, she just doesn't picks good songs.

David Cooks song was boring.

Lady Gagas song sucked."

By : Scooby

"meghan said she didnt care about the judges advice so she obviously thought she to good for advice... so yes she shouldve left. Lady Gaga looked like a crackedhead... David Cook I fastforwarded thhrough cause it was boring"

By : kaylapar...

"no i dont think so, america voted totally wrong.idk what happened.megan was one of my faves. and she looked really cool! =(
david cook, he's a good singer..but idk kinda boring
and lady gaga,, i think its okay.i mean, we all know she's not the best at singing live..but, she is Lady Gaga!"

By : Andy

"yeah megan needed to go, it should've been either her or scott, only because if he wasnt blind i dont think he would be there. idk lady gaga to me seems like shes insane and i hated the music, but david cook is hot in more ways than 1"

By : xoxochee...

"Well I didn't like Lady GaGa and I honestly don't care for that David Cook song. I'm glad Meg went home. Matt Giraud is still the best."

By :Jerry's Girl

"Megan needed to go, she overstayed her welcome already... David Cook's performance was pretty good.. I fast forwarded through the other one's.."

By: cz73kz

"It was Megan's time to go. To me Lady Gaga is a MaDonna wannabe.
Really do not care for her music at all. She needs to come up with her own style and not use MaDonna's style. MaDonna wannabe all of the way. David Cook is really great!"

By : bratbrat...

"i want meghans tatoo's"

By: Donna

"I think Scott needs to go. He is very boring and never takes chances and never does anything different. Boring. That is why Adam is the best. He has shown he can sing anything and listens to the advice the judges give him. That's why he will win.
David Cook was better than what I expected.
Lady Gaga was a little far fetched for me, but she sure is pretty!"

By : Horse Up

"I'm glad Megan went home. She was acting beeyotchy by not caring.. yaknow? I loved Simon for his comment! :]

& I loveee David Cook! He is the best; therefore I loved "Come Back To Me". <3

& I hate Lady GaGa. Ew, to the maxx."

By: angel michelle

"I was very pleased with Megan going home, she definitely needed to. I liked David Cook's performance, but not Lady GaGa, it was just weird. But I have to say that was one awesome piano."

By :MrsBloom...

"I was so glad to see Megan go. And her smug attitude bit her in the a*ss. I loved what Simon said to her!
Lady Gaga sucked and David Cook was okay."

By : beespost

"I'm sooooo glad Megan is gone - her ridiculous bird thing that she does, her horribly anorexic body wiggling all over the place. Gross.

Gaga was scary. I mean, that was a really scary performance. I hate her music, and that Halloween-freak-show-performance sealed the deal.

David Cook - what a cutie!!"

By:♥♀ Dee ♀♥

"I do like the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" but last nites version was a bit odd. I liked David Cook's new song. Love him!
YES I do believe America finally got one right. Megan was the one to go, and if they want to get it right next week, Scott will be going home too. He really isn't that good, and I don't know why he is still there, unless he is getting the sympathy votes for being blind, which is wrong if thats the case. This is a singing competition, and for that he gets like a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale."

By: BoosGram...

"Do I think America made the right choice by eliminating Megan? Absolutely! I'm soooooooooooo glad she's gone! Good grief! I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. Plus she's made bad song choices every week and she's very arrogant when she receives criticism from the judges. "Well, I have a big fan base and they'll still vote for me." I was appalled when she said that (or it was something to that affect) last week. Perhaps her "fans" had a wake-up call. Oh, and when started cawing and flapping her arms when Ryan announced she was in the bottom three I literally exclaimed out loud, "What the hell?!?!?!?!?!" And when she told Simon that she basically didn't care what he thought, that further confirmed to me how egotistical she is. She was becoming a bit of a nuisance so I'm thrilled that she's gone.

And I thought Lady Gaga's performance was a bit odd. I noticed towards the end that it looked like she had a blue glittery lobster claw over one of her eyes and thought that was strange. Now, I've always been a fan of David Cook, but I thought his performance was just okay. It didn't "WOW" me, but I still love him."

By : Kori: despiser of trolls

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