Saturday, April 11, 2009
What did you think of Wednesday night's American Idol?
Do you think Scott was the right person to get eliminated? why or why not?
Do you think the judges should have used the Judge's save on Scott? why or why not?
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this you agree please comment.
"Scott, yup. He was starting to bore everyone
The jugdes shouldnt have used it on him - im glad they didnt, save it for the top 3 or 4"
By : Zippy
"yeah Scott needed to go, but i dont think Anoop should have been in the bottom 3 because he sang really well on tuesday."
By :katt
"I thought Anoop should go home, honestly. He has disappointed me every week since auditions. I love Scott, he's such a sweetie pie and when he start crying, I had to turn it off because that would have made me ball like a baby. I definitely think there is a niche for him somewhere. Just because they don't win doesn't mean they won't make it big. Look at my main man Daughtry."
By : monmichk...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Tip Of The Day!
Acne: How To Stop It!
If you have acne or spots of any kind, then the first thing to remember is that you should not pop them. Whilst some people get some sort of strange satisfaction from popping their spots, overall it can do more harm than good.
The reason for this is that it can actually cause more spots, as the grease that you rub into your skin will cause more spots in that area, and you can even cause scarring to occur which can remain for a long time.
However, if you want to reduce the outbreak of spots that occurs on your skin, then you should consider avoiding certain products that contain grains of any sort - for instance cereals and bread. This seems to reduce the outbreak.
More acne advice
On Ebay they are selling a great guide on how to improve your acne in 20 days. I bought it and the majority of the info. was very useful here is the link
Hi evry1 i sufer frm spots i dontsuggest sudo creme cause it maks ur skin all broken. try tea tree oil and within three hrs u'll be grand good luck claire xxxooo
I wash ma face every night before i go to bed then i wash the soap off with cold a warter that seems to work quite well
Try tea tree oil its works so well use it in the bath and wash your face withit aswell as using your normal face wash dont be fooled by the shiny patches they go away in half an hour its truely worth it
Also try using a whitening toothpaste that does NOT include mint as an ingredient. Apply before bed ,after rinsing your face with cool water, in a thin layer over the specific zit. Works GREAT!!!!
Putting an ice pack on your spot for 10 minutes really compresses it and makes it easier to cover up.
I'm getting over some spots i had, but like 3 weeks ago all these like tiny little bumps started covering my forehead, they're not read and they don't have a head, and you can't see them that much, but under the sun you can totally tell, they're not like horrible but i'm getting sick of them, does anyone know hoe to get rid of them? i don't wanna pop them cause it'll leave scars.
For acne I agree you should never ever pick/pop the spot as it will make matters worse. I advise:
*Making fruit smoothies(eg. strawberries, bananas and raspberries but NO milk or ice cream) and vegetable juices (cucumber, beetroot, carrot and tomato is exceptionally good for your skin)
*Drinking 2 litres of water a day will flush away toxins in your body
*Following a GENTLE skincare regime will remove dirt and trapped oil, but be careful not to overdo it and cause more oil.
*Never touch your face with your hands, sleep on a fresh pillow case every night and clean the telephone headset every time before you use it with an anti-bacterial wipe.
*If you have spots around your hairline, it is cause by the oils in your hair getting trapped in your pores, take a cleansing wipe with you to work/school and cleanse your hairline (and face if you want too) to stop the oil clogging your pores!
*Go to your local GP to see if you have an allergy to wheat and/or dairy products.
Good luck guys! Please visit my profile and send me a message with specific questions about acne or other subjects.
I dont suffer from acne but at the odd time when i get it it is dredful.i would recomend washing ur face with warm water and a facail scrub then stand under ur shower with hot water then get cold water and it should go away within 2-4 hours
I used get acne and spots on a regular basis but after some trial and error i have found a way that can get the break out to spots and acne to a bare minimum, but it will take some will power to keep at it (trust me the results are great) firstly eat alot of fruit and drinks lots of water, i have natural oily skin but i find this helps keep the oil levels down. Secondly iwash my faace 2 or 3 times aday with sopa and clearasel ultra and thirdly i put abit of washing up liquid on my spots like suggested by another person on this site. Ive only used this way for a couple of days and ive found the results very very good :)
I think that toothpaste leaves marks on your skin after the spots have gone so I don't recommend using toothpaste on your face. I heard that lavender oil is good for scars left by spots-the whole tea tree thing doesn't really work that well for me. Sudo-crem is great to use at night, just slap it on all over your face + in the morning the redness will be gone from all your spots. But you are still left wit dry skin from it. Does anyone know any good treatment 4 dry skin, apart from loads of water??
XxxNiamh :)
Well, i've had acne since i was 10 (ish) and i tried everything under the sun (sudo creme, tea tree oil) but nothing worked.. I went to the GP about a year and a half ago and he prescribed me many different medications but still, nothing worked. I finally got a referral for a dermotologist a few months ago and i am due to start (ro)accutane in two weeks. Hopefully it will work!
I just want to say to all the other girls out there that i know its difficult when you see all your friends with perfectly clear skin but if you persist,m you WILL get rid of them!..I have to think positive because this is the last treatment i can get without going for laser treatment.
If your skin really is bad (and im not just talking about the odd spot) then go and see your GP! It's nothing to be embarrassed about! Even though the treatments didn't work for me it doesn't mean that they cant work for you. If you try, you can beat it!
Anyways good luck! x
drink one pint of water before you to bed.
steam your face.
avoid touching skin
moisturize skin using creams
Argh where do I start?! I'm 14 and I've had spots for about...2 years now!! When I first got them, it was ONLY on my forehead area..the rest was flawless! Then, over the summer, they seemed to fade, I was delighted. Even though they were at least 50 % better, they started to spread around. I didn't get them on my forhead, but on my cheeks instead. About 3 months ago now, I got clinique face wash, toner and moisteriser! That worked!! Ok, they definitly didnt go, but it was 100 percent better. Sadly, I think my skin has become ammune to it :( ....... Im currently on the pill to try and calm down the hormones, i tend to get reeli greasy skin. Its awful!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it. I've been reading all the suggestions.....................So confusing though, because one person ses Oh my god that reeli works...n then the next one says it made them break out. I know people have different skin types but I really dont fancy risking it! haha please come up with something soon!! xx
I don't usually get spots but when I do it's really bad I find that if u wash ur face with hot water and soap (I mean really hot water! this opens ur pours and cleans them) and then straight away wash ur face with soap and freezing cold water (this closes ur pours and stops dirt from getting back in) and then just dry your face with a clean towel.
I have used all the creams oils... etc, but they will NOT go away.
I hope i don't have to wait a few year but in 2-3 year, but could they just eventually go away
Hey i hope this has sent it my first time! any how if you have dry to normal skin and it suffers from spots you should go to boots its best to get a hydrating make up cleaner a really good one is 'the sanctuary hydrating cleanser' this is the best one i've used then you should use a face scrub called 'smooth operator strawberry face scrub' these are vert gentle products and for a moisturiser i think 'Botanics day shift moisture lotion' is wicked all these do work as i use them and they can all be bought from boots plus it takes about a week to see how good they are i hope this helps good luck!
I suffer from really bad spots - i have been for almost 1 year now. Ive tried all the clearasil stuff which doesnt work for me , so i have started to clense,tone and moisturise my face every morning and night. Its cleared my skin a bit, give it a try!
I have clear skin most of the time and get the occaisonal break out. But dont worry if this happens to you.
* dont pile on conceler as it is greasy and makes spots worse-just use a little bit to cover the spot.
* use hot then cold water to clear your pores
*take off make up as soon as you get home to help stop greasyness
*dont worry about eating chocolate it dosent make any difference - just makes u fat =]
* SMILE! If you look happy no one notices your spots-look sad and everyone comes up to you and peers into ur face to ask whats wrong not good with a face ful of sopts. lol xD
Feel good about yourself and look after your skin! =P
Im 13 And I Always Have Odd Spots.. My Skin Was Spot Free But Then Ive Recently Got About 5 Spots On My Chin Ive Been Putting Cream On And It Doesnt Do Anything. I Also Wash My Face And Nothing Seems To Be Happening. What Do I Do?!
Using vinegar on cotton wool pads really worked for me but i also washed my faced mornin and night wiv salt water! it really worked for me, had clear skin in less than a week and i feel great!
Don't eat too much junk food it is full of grease which just transfers straight to your skin yuck!
Hey people this is what i do to get rid of spots
1.get a gud nights sleep
2.have a shower every morning
3.wash your skin with a cream e.g. pan oxyl you can get hold of this by goin 2 da doctors it really works.
4.drink lots of water and veg and fruit
5.Dont smoke (did u no that women hu smoke have more chance of getting acne
6.Dont keep touching your spots.
7.get lots of fresh air
8.cleanse tone and moustirise your skin ( you should stop using tomer when you get to about 30)
9. And be confident u are hu u ar
1 of u peeps rote that peeps tease u cause if ur spots im 13 and i gt bulluied cause of it 2.My tip is look at them no 1s perfect.
Peeps peeps peeps i no whats its like when u are SPOTTY ITS HORRID y dnt u look around for recipes 2 make face masks n stuff i dnt use tooth paste on my spots but i fink nail polish reover works if u dab it on a cotton wool bud and then ur face.But b carefull u dnt breath 2 much in though lol cause its not gud 4 u hope ive helped keep trying 2 gt tht perfecto skin hope ive helped
feel sorry 4 u all :0) beth :o
Hello im 14 years old, and i have the WORST acne eva, ive tryed clean and clear,toothpaste and clearasil and none of them worked. But then i found the right thing and its FREE!!!
all u ave 2 do is drink WATER, about 4-5 glasses a day and u will see in a weeks times ur skin will be sooo much clearer!!! i hope my advice helped u. GOOD LUCK XXX
Heyy ppl ive onstly tried everything unda the sun 4 mi skin but just recently(yesterday) i tried the hot water cold water thing my face turned the colour of a tomarto but afta 1\2 an hour it went down and i woke uo nxt mornin my spots had dried up they looked miles beta but when i read i cant were make up cause it clogs up pores i was literly cryin no make up but it will all be worth it + try this if you have quite ily skin lke me
*get some simple foing face wash(no perfume)add some salt then wash face wih quite hot water then streight afa cold water. then i patted my face down to dry it then i got a tee tree wipes and wiped my face down with tht then i used clerasel 3 day ceam youll wake up the nxt morning with your spotts dried up and they wouldve shrank plus i also woke up with baby soft skin hope ive help plz tell me if i have helped XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
Help !
i have spots and my friends have suggested sudocream i havent tried it yet but im thinking has anyone got any other suggestions for this ! it is really getting me down at the moment ! please help. thanks x
I have really big pores so i am constantly looking after my skin 0 cleanse, tone, mosturise! I rarely break out and when i do i get a few little ones, i find that sudo cream works for ONLY redness when the spot is going down! to get rid of the spot i use neutrogena treatment gel and its mazin if u got oily skin.
I have generally okay skin but i get the occasional horrible spot! I have tried sudocrem, toothpaste, clearisil and more but none have worked. I am going to try the hot water thing today and hopefully it will clear up my spots!
I just held an icepack on the spot for 10 minutes, and It hasn't fully gone yet, but its gone down loads.
I recommend this.
Works a treat! :)
I have really bad acne and ive found out a product called glycerin is supposed to help but it was making my acne even worse so i found a glycerin free product and it made it so much better
I think if you yous teatree oil it works a tret
Hey to help anyone i find clean&clear a pretty good brand for spots i use it and it keeps them under control!! but can any1 help me i use alot of skincare products but on my forehead i have VERY dry skin and i cant get rid of it!! does any1 know a sensitive skincare product to stop spots?!?! PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!
I'm 19 now and i've had spots since i was abou 12; there's not been one day during that time when my skin has been completely spot free and it's really starting to depress me. Over the last year, there has been a noticable difference in my skin which i hope is me getting older and growing out of it but i still get regular breakouts (usually just before time of the month) and right now it's particularly bad. I have a small cluster of spots all together on one side of my chin and two of them are HUGE, really red and really sore - i feel like everyone is staring at them today and it's really getting to me. In the past i've tried every spot cream available to buy; some are good at first but my skin has soon got immune to them all. Toothpaste does work well to dry them out but only if you don't use it regularly as again, you get immune quickly (be prepared though, it can sting lots!) Tea tree oil has never really worked at all for me and the amount of chocolate i eat has never made a differnce.
I also went on antibiotics form teh doctors for a year for my spots and afterwards tried a contraceptive pill that also has affects against acne - both made an improvement to my spots but cauused bad side affects such as headaches and mood swings so i had to come off them.
The best treatments i have found are:
1) Drink lots of water, stick with it and you can really notice a difference
2) Only ever pop the spot if you have cleanser and some type of spot cream to put on it afterwards to clean it and always wash your hands before and after to stop spreading spots elsewhere - also, put a small piece of tissue paper over it afterwards to stop the juice that comes out turning into another whitehead.
3) The best thing so far that i have found top put on my spots is Savlon cream; a large amount smeared over the spot and left on over night does dry it out well and will make it look less reda nd slightly smaller but it has never completely got rid of a spot justovernight for me.
4) Most of all, take off your make-up completely everyday, never go to sleep in it; wash your face well and use a suitable face mask once a week to thoroughly clean out your skin.
Thanks for the advice on here about washing with cold water and then hot water, i'm going to give that a try tonight! Also, i know you shouldn't wear make-up as it makes the spots worse but it's easier to say than do - i just don't have the confidence to go out sometimes without make-up when my spots are really bad; i know that sounds sad and maybe a little shallow but they can just make you feel so rubbish about yourself. If you feel you have to cover them up i would suggest buying foundation that is specifically for oily skin and don't just buy a cheap one, better quality will be better for your skin. Also, only use a thin layer as piling the make-up on can sometimes just make the spot look even uglier, especially if it has a head.
I use freederm
I have used it for some time and think yes, it is really good because when a spot come it goes straight away ,
but it does not stop them from re-appearing
almost as soon as it is gone it comes back!
Hi all
just a quick tip....dont use normal body moisurisers on your face unless stated. These are normally very oily to help nourish ur more dryer and harder skin. Theses oils are too much on the face which is more sensitive. Buy one moisturiser for legs, arms etc and a seperate face and neck moisturiser. I didnt realise at first but now i stick to olay and my skins soft and far less greasey/spotty
Okay, so i'm training to be a beauty therapist and i hope i can help you all...
Firstly using cleansers, toners and moistureiser only cleans out the imprities in your skin. You still get spots, so this does not help although it does help with the overall appearance.
women UNDER 30 should not wear foundation, it clogs the pores and infects. which again causes spots. go for the tinted moisturiser, this will allow your skin to breathe.
also spots can be caused from diet, smoking, drinking, age, and sleep.
you can try anything from nail polish remover to toothpaste to sudocream it depends on your skin type. do not put anything too strong or a non aniseptic on your face, this will just feed the spot which will cause it to get bigger.
also, to maintain your skin after the spots are gone use cleanser toner and moisturiser yourspots wont come back. what also helps is using a SPF EVERYDAY, wehter its sunny or not, the sun will cause pre-mature aging and damage capillaries, which i think you'll agree is not a good look.
I hope i helped abit.
Much love and good luck :)
Well iv'e used cleariseal witch i did not think was all that useful my skin just went saw for a couple of hours but people are different it mite work for you. if you have spots on your forhead then pin your hair back and let the air get to it ,drink plenty of water,dont use foundation all the time only for odd ocastions,wash morning and nite with cold and hot water
sorry if you dont find my tips useful but im only trying to help
tiny.x GOOD LUCK
Is Tea Tree oil good for your skin? I have heard it can dry it out?
I started to drink alot more water than I usually did before and rubbed sudocrem on my face every night, after a couple of days my spots are alomst gone which is why I recomend water as the sudocrem didn't work on its own before .
If you have acne or spots of any kind, then the first thing to remember is that you should not pop them. Whilst some people get some sort of strange satisfaction from popping their spots, overall it can do more harm than good.
The reason for this is that it can actually cause more spots, as the grease that you rub into your skin will cause more spots in that area, and you can even cause scarring to occur which can remain for a long time.
However, if you want to reduce the outbreak of spots that occurs on your skin, then you should consider avoiding certain products that contain grains of any sort - for instance cereals and bread. This seems to reduce the outbreak.
More acne advice
On Ebay they are selling a great guide on how to improve your acne in 20 days. I bought it and the majority of the info. was very useful here is the link
Hi evry1 i sufer frm spots i dontsuggest sudo creme cause it maks ur skin all broken. try tea tree oil and within three hrs u'll be grand good luck claire xxxooo
I wash ma face every night before i go to bed then i wash the soap off with cold a warter that seems to work quite well
Try tea tree oil its works so well use it in the bath and wash your face withit aswell as using your normal face wash dont be fooled by the shiny patches they go away in half an hour its truely worth it
Also try using a whitening toothpaste that does NOT include mint as an ingredient. Apply before bed ,after rinsing your face with cool water, in a thin layer over the specific zit. Works GREAT!!!!
Putting an ice pack on your spot for 10 minutes really compresses it and makes it easier to cover up.
I'm getting over some spots i had, but like 3 weeks ago all these like tiny little bumps started covering my forehead, they're not read and they don't have a head, and you can't see them that much, but under the sun you can totally tell, they're not like horrible but i'm getting sick of them, does anyone know hoe to get rid of them? i don't wanna pop them cause it'll leave scars.
For acne I agree you should never ever pick/pop the spot as it will make matters worse. I advise:
*Making fruit smoothies(eg. strawberries, bananas and raspberries but NO milk or ice cream) and vegetable juices (cucumber, beetroot, carrot and tomato is exceptionally good for your skin)
*Drinking 2 litres of water a day will flush away toxins in your body
*Following a GENTLE skincare regime will remove dirt and trapped oil, but be careful not to overdo it and cause more oil.
*Never touch your face with your hands, sleep on a fresh pillow case every night and clean the telephone headset every time before you use it with an anti-bacterial wipe.
*If you have spots around your hairline, it is cause by the oils in your hair getting trapped in your pores, take a cleansing wipe with you to work/school and cleanse your hairline (and face if you want too) to stop the oil clogging your pores!
*Go to your local GP to see if you have an allergy to wheat and/or dairy products.
Good luck guys! Please visit my profile and send me a message with specific questions about acne or other subjects.
I dont suffer from acne but at the odd time when i get it it is dredful.i would recomend washing ur face with warm water and a facail scrub then stand under ur shower with hot water then get cold water and it should go away within 2-4 hours
I used get acne and spots on a regular basis but after some trial and error i have found a way that can get the break out to spots and acne to a bare minimum, but it will take some will power to keep at it (trust me the results are great) firstly eat alot of fruit and drinks lots of water, i have natural oily skin but i find this helps keep the oil levels down. Secondly iwash my faace 2 or 3 times aday with sopa and clearasel ultra and thirdly i put abit of washing up liquid on my spots like suggested by another person on this site. Ive only used this way for a couple of days and ive found the results very very good :)
I think that toothpaste leaves marks on your skin after the spots have gone so I don't recommend using toothpaste on your face. I heard that lavender oil is good for scars left by spots-the whole tea tree thing doesn't really work that well for me. Sudo-crem is great to use at night, just slap it on all over your face + in the morning the redness will be gone from all your spots. But you are still left wit dry skin from it. Does anyone know any good treatment 4 dry skin, apart from loads of water??
XxxNiamh :)
Well, i've had acne since i was 10 (ish) and i tried everything under the sun (sudo creme, tea tree oil) but nothing worked.. I went to the GP about a year and a half ago and he prescribed me many different medications but still, nothing worked. I finally got a referral for a dermotologist a few months ago and i am due to start (ro)accutane in two weeks. Hopefully it will work!
I just want to say to all the other girls out there that i know its difficult when you see all your friends with perfectly clear skin but if you persist,m you WILL get rid of them!..I have to think positive because this is the last treatment i can get without going for laser treatment.
If your skin really is bad (and im not just talking about the odd spot) then go and see your GP! It's nothing to be embarrassed about! Even though the treatments didn't work for me it doesn't mean that they cant work for you. If you try, you can beat it!
Anyways good luck! x
drink one pint of water before you to bed.
steam your face.
avoid touching skin
moisturize skin using creams
Argh where do I start?! I'm 14 and I've had spots for about...2 years now!! When I first got them, it was ONLY on my forehead area..the rest was flawless! Then, over the summer, they seemed to fade, I was delighted. Even though they were at least 50 % better, they started to spread around. I didn't get them on my forhead, but on my cheeks instead. About 3 months ago now, I got clinique face wash, toner and moisteriser! That worked!! Ok, they definitly didnt go, but it was 100 percent better. Sadly, I think my skin has become ammune to it :( ....... Im currently on the pill to try and calm down the hormones, i tend to get reeli greasy skin. Its awful!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it. I've been reading all the suggestions.....................So confusing though, because one person ses Oh my god that reeli works...n then the next one says it made them break out. I know people have different skin types but I really dont fancy risking it! haha please come up with something soon!! xx
I don't usually get spots but when I do it's really bad I find that if u wash ur face with hot water and soap (I mean really hot water! this opens ur pours and cleans them) and then straight away wash ur face with soap and freezing cold water (this closes ur pours and stops dirt from getting back in) and then just dry your face with a clean towel.
I have used all the creams oils... etc, but they will NOT go away.
I hope i don't have to wait a few year but in 2-3 year, but could they just eventually go away
Hey i hope this has sent it my first time! any how if you have dry to normal skin and it suffers from spots you should go to boots its best to get a hydrating make up cleaner a really good one is 'the sanctuary hydrating cleanser' this is the best one i've used then you should use a face scrub called 'smooth operator strawberry face scrub' these are vert gentle products and for a moisturiser i think 'Botanics day shift moisture lotion' is wicked all these do work as i use them and they can all be bought from boots plus it takes about a week to see how good they are i hope this helps good luck!
I suffer from really bad spots - i have been for almost 1 year now. Ive tried all the clearasil stuff which doesnt work for me , so i have started to clense,tone and moisturise my face every morning and night. Its cleared my skin a bit, give it a try!
I have clear skin most of the time and get the occaisonal break out. But dont worry if this happens to you.
* dont pile on conceler as it is greasy and makes spots worse-just use a little bit to cover the spot.
* use hot then cold water to clear your pores
*take off make up as soon as you get home to help stop greasyness
*dont worry about eating chocolate it dosent make any difference - just makes u fat =]
* SMILE! If you look happy no one notices your spots-look sad and everyone comes up to you and peers into ur face to ask whats wrong not good with a face ful of sopts. lol xD
Feel good about yourself and look after your skin! =P
Im 13 And I Always Have Odd Spots.. My Skin Was Spot Free But Then Ive Recently Got About 5 Spots On My Chin Ive Been Putting Cream On And It Doesnt Do Anything. I Also Wash My Face And Nothing Seems To Be Happening. What Do I Do?!
Using vinegar on cotton wool pads really worked for me but i also washed my faced mornin and night wiv salt water! it really worked for me, had clear skin in less than a week and i feel great!
Don't eat too much junk food it is full of grease which just transfers straight to your skin yuck!
Hey people this is what i do to get rid of spots
1.get a gud nights sleep
2.have a shower every morning
3.wash your skin with a cream e.g. pan oxyl you can get hold of this by goin 2 da doctors it really works.
4.drink lots of water and veg and fruit
5.Dont smoke (did u no that women hu smoke have more chance of getting acne
6.Dont keep touching your spots.
7.get lots of fresh air
8.cleanse tone and moustirise your skin ( you should stop using tomer when you get to about 30)
9. And be confident u are hu u ar
1 of u peeps rote that peeps tease u cause if ur spots im 13 and i gt bulluied cause of it 2.My tip is look at them no 1s perfect.
Peeps peeps peeps i no whats its like when u are SPOTTY ITS HORRID y dnt u look around for recipes 2 make face masks n stuff i dnt use tooth paste on my spots but i fink nail polish reover works if u dab it on a cotton wool bud and then ur face.But b carefull u dnt breath 2 much in though lol cause its not gud 4 u hope ive helped keep trying 2 gt tht perfecto skin hope ive helped
feel sorry 4 u all :0) beth :o
Hello im 14 years old, and i have the WORST acne eva, ive tryed clean and clear,toothpaste and clearasil and none of them worked. But then i found the right thing and its FREE!!!
all u ave 2 do is drink WATER, about 4-5 glasses a day and u will see in a weeks times ur skin will be sooo much clearer!!! i hope my advice helped u. GOOD LUCK XXX
Heyy ppl ive onstly tried everything unda the sun 4 mi skin but just recently(yesterday) i tried the hot water cold water thing my face turned the colour of a tomarto but afta 1\2 an hour it went down and i woke uo nxt mornin my spots had dried up they looked miles beta but when i read i cant were make up cause it clogs up pores i was literly cryin no make up but it will all be worth it + try this if you have quite ily skin lke me
*get some simple foing face wash(no perfume)add some salt then wash face wih quite hot water then streight afa cold water. then i patted my face down to dry it then i got a tee tree wipes and wiped my face down with tht then i used clerasel 3 day ceam youll wake up the nxt morning with your spotts dried up and they wouldve shrank plus i also woke up with baby soft skin hope ive help plz tell me if i have helped XxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxXxX
Help !
i have spots and my friends have suggested sudocream i havent tried it yet but im thinking has anyone got any other suggestions for this ! it is really getting me down at the moment ! please help. thanks x
I have really big pores so i am constantly looking after my skin 0 cleanse, tone, mosturise! I rarely break out and when i do i get a few little ones, i find that sudo cream works for ONLY redness when the spot is going down! to get rid of the spot i use neutrogena treatment gel and its mazin if u got oily skin.
I have generally okay skin but i get the occasional horrible spot! I have tried sudocrem, toothpaste, clearisil and more but none have worked. I am going to try the hot water thing today and hopefully it will clear up my spots!
I just held an icepack on the spot for 10 minutes, and It hasn't fully gone yet, but its gone down loads.
I recommend this.
Works a treat! :)
I have really bad acne and ive found out a product called glycerin is supposed to help but it was making my acne even worse so i found a glycerin free product and it made it so much better
I think if you yous teatree oil it works a tret
Hey to help anyone i find clean&clear a pretty good brand for spots i use it and it keeps them under control!! but can any1 help me i use alot of skincare products but on my forehead i have VERY dry skin and i cant get rid of it!! does any1 know a sensitive skincare product to stop spots?!?! PLEASE REPLY!!!!!!!
I'm 19 now and i've had spots since i was abou 12; there's not been one day during that time when my skin has been completely spot free and it's really starting to depress me. Over the last year, there has been a noticable difference in my skin which i hope is me getting older and growing out of it but i still get regular breakouts (usually just before time of the month) and right now it's particularly bad. I have a small cluster of spots all together on one side of my chin and two of them are HUGE, really red and really sore - i feel like everyone is staring at them today and it's really getting to me. In the past i've tried every spot cream available to buy; some are good at first but my skin has soon got immune to them all. Toothpaste does work well to dry them out but only if you don't use it regularly as again, you get immune quickly (be prepared though, it can sting lots!) Tea tree oil has never really worked at all for me and the amount of chocolate i eat has never made a differnce.
I also went on antibiotics form teh doctors for a year for my spots and afterwards tried a contraceptive pill that also has affects against acne - both made an improvement to my spots but cauused bad side affects such as headaches and mood swings so i had to come off them.
The best treatments i have found are:
1) Drink lots of water, stick with it and you can really notice a difference
2) Only ever pop the spot if you have cleanser and some type of spot cream to put on it afterwards to clean it and always wash your hands before and after to stop spreading spots elsewhere - also, put a small piece of tissue paper over it afterwards to stop the juice that comes out turning into another whitehead.
3) The best thing so far that i have found top put on my spots is Savlon cream; a large amount smeared over the spot and left on over night does dry it out well and will make it look less reda nd slightly smaller but it has never completely got rid of a spot justovernight for me.
4) Most of all, take off your make-up completely everyday, never go to sleep in it; wash your face well and use a suitable face mask once a week to thoroughly clean out your skin.
Thanks for the advice on here about washing with cold water and then hot water, i'm going to give that a try tonight! Also, i know you shouldn't wear make-up as it makes the spots worse but it's easier to say than do - i just don't have the confidence to go out sometimes without make-up when my spots are really bad; i know that sounds sad and maybe a little shallow but they can just make you feel so rubbish about yourself. If you feel you have to cover them up i would suggest buying foundation that is specifically for oily skin and don't just buy a cheap one, better quality will be better for your skin. Also, only use a thin layer as piling the make-up on can sometimes just make the spot look even uglier, especially if it has a head.
I use freederm
I have used it for some time and think yes, it is really good because when a spot come it goes straight away ,
but it does not stop them from re-appearing
almost as soon as it is gone it comes back!
Hi all
just a quick tip....dont use normal body moisurisers on your face unless stated. These are normally very oily to help nourish ur more dryer and harder skin. Theses oils are too much on the face which is more sensitive. Buy one moisturiser for legs, arms etc and a seperate face and neck moisturiser. I didnt realise at first but now i stick to olay and my skins soft and far less greasey/spotty
Okay, so i'm training to be a beauty therapist and i hope i can help you all...
Firstly using cleansers, toners and moistureiser only cleans out the imprities in your skin. You still get spots, so this does not help although it does help with the overall appearance.
women UNDER 30 should not wear foundation, it clogs the pores and infects. which again causes spots. go for the tinted moisturiser, this will allow your skin to breathe.
also spots can be caused from diet, smoking, drinking, age, and sleep.
you can try anything from nail polish remover to toothpaste to sudocream it depends on your skin type. do not put anything too strong or a non aniseptic on your face, this will just feed the spot which will cause it to get bigger.
also, to maintain your skin after the spots are gone use cleanser toner and moisturiser yourspots wont come back. what also helps is using a SPF EVERYDAY, wehter its sunny or not, the sun will cause pre-mature aging and damage capillaries, which i think you'll agree is not a good look.
I hope i helped abit.
Much love and good luck :)
Well iv'e used cleariseal witch i did not think was all that useful my skin just went saw for a couple of hours but people are different it mite work for you. if you have spots on your forhead then pin your hair back and let the air get to it ,drink plenty of water,dont use foundation all the time only for odd ocastions,wash morning and nite with cold and hot water
sorry if you dont find my tips useful but im only trying to help
tiny.x GOOD LUCK
Is Tea Tree oil good for your skin? I have heard it can dry it out?
I started to drink alot more water than I usually did before and rubbed sudocrem on my face every night, after a couple of days my spots are alomst gone which is why I recomend water as the sudocrem didn't work on its own before .
Did you know.....?
Did you know......hoping to attract tourists all over the world, the Italian town of Riccione hosted a series of kissing contests in July 2003. The contests were held on land,underwater,and even on a basketball court to see which couple would sink the most basketball while joined at the lip!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Essential Interview Tips
All of us have to go through them at some stage - whether it is to get into school or simply for that all elusive first job that you have been looking forward to(!) all your life.
Whatever the reason, virtually everyone goes through an interview at some stage of their life. Which, for many, is unfortunate, since they can be a very nerve-wracking process indeed. We can go in with all the best intentions, and end up waffling, or not saying enough, or a whole host of things. Either way, most people feel that they do not do themselves justice in an interview for a cornucopia of reasons.
This being the case, what can you do about it? How can you ensure that you give your best at interview - and hence be satisfied with the outcome whether or not you get the job, because remember not getting the job does by no means mean that you did not do well in the interview - it could simply be that you were not the best candidate or they were looking for a different mix of experience and abilities.
Well here are my tips on how to perform well at interview.
The first tip is actually before the interview - make sure that you send in a clear, uptodate CV, that does not sell yourself short but lists all your achievements. If you are required, bring one along with you to the interview as well as any certificates they may require. Read or listen carefully to all the information that you are given before the interview - if told to check-in 15 minutes before so, then do so.
Thus, the most important thing is to be punctual. If this means taking the earlier train than you normally would, then do so. Also, make sure that you dress appropriately - in most instances, this will require wearing a suit or at least dressing smartly; if this is not the case you will probably be told in advance.
Once at the interview, make sure that you are looking your best. If you have walked through a hurricane to get there, then make sure that you are dry and your hair is brushed - people want to employ those who take a pride in themselves and their appearance. Because first impressions are so important, if you are all over the place, as it were, then you many not be able to recover.
When you are called into interview, stand up straight and try your best to relax. if this means taking a few deep breaths before you go into that room, then by all means do so, tense then loosen your shoulders. Remember to smile when you get into the room - remember, first impressions again. Smile and be polite. Shake hands as appropriate, and wait to be told to be seated - don't just go in and sit down.
Throughout the interview be as happy and enthusiastic as possible, smiling and not looking glum. If you are tired, do not say so - remember you want to create a positive impression in their mind, so don't use any negatives about yourself or your situation.
Right, so you are in the interview. What now? You will no doubt be asked a variety of questions about the job, why you want the job and why you think you are suitable for the job. It is a good idea to have thought about these before you get into the room, but do not make the mistake than many do and learn prepared answers. That's because these will sound false and delivered in the interview, and they may not exactly fit the question.
So listen to the question. It is amazing how many people don't. When you answer, speak confidentally and slightly more slowly than you do normally - people have a tendency to gabble when under pressure. Also don't feel that you must speak and speak - say what you want to say, by all means, but then don't repeat it a hundred times. You won't be wanted, nor have the time to do this in most jobs.
Do not moan about previous jobs and bosses you have had, whether justified or not - no-one wants a moaner. Remember that you need to be positive throughout.
If you are asked about your strengths, don't be modest. If you are asked about your weaknesses, then make sure they can easily be turned into positives - don't say 'oh I am always late' because then they will run a mile. Perhaps sometimes you are too loyal, or over-enthusiastic to take the lead in certain circumstances which can lead you to take a little too much responsibility sometimes. Make them almost positive negatives.
Don't lie. Some people fall into this trap, and often they are caught out. It is hard to tell a lie convincingly as well, and they are usually found out because they need to pause longer when asked certain questions. You want to get the job truthfully.
Do not be defensive with your body language - don't fold your arms and lean back in your chair. Instead remain open and friendly, and if you want use your hands for emphasis - this looks confident. However don't go overboard and look as though you are conducting an orchestra, a trap that many people on tv fall into as you will have no doubt noticed at some stage!
You might like to try mirroring the person interviewing you - copying their body pose, and pattern of speech. This will help subconsciously build a rapport between you.
If you are asked a toughie, and most people are at some stage, then do feel prepared to ask for a minute to think about it. This is not a bad thing at all but shows that you are treating the interview seriously and want to give your best shot at giving a good answer rather than rushing a bad one. This will impress them if anything and is certainly not a bad point. Silences in interviews should not be awkward moments.
Afterwards thank the the interviewer, and if you get the opportunity to ask some questions do so, or if you really have covered everything in the interview, then say something like 'no, thanks, we have covered all the issues comprehensively in the course of this interview', or words to that effect - make it look as though you have taken the interview seriously and have prepared for it.
So, those are the tips. They may sound basic, but then the whole interview process is. They want someone who is happy, enthusiastic and confident. Yet surprisingly few people do this. But with the attitude and advice above and a little quality preparation, making sure you know why you want the job and why you think you would be good at it, then you can give it your best shot.
There is no magic trick to interviews, just follow the above and you will no doubt be able to do yourself justice. Also remember that you can get much better with practice, and having mock interviews where practical beforehand could be a good idea.
Good luck!
Whatever the reason, virtually everyone goes through an interview at some stage of their life. Which, for many, is unfortunate, since they can be a very nerve-wracking process indeed. We can go in with all the best intentions, and end up waffling, or not saying enough, or a whole host of things. Either way, most people feel that they do not do themselves justice in an interview for a cornucopia of reasons.
This being the case, what can you do about it? How can you ensure that you give your best at interview - and hence be satisfied with the outcome whether or not you get the job, because remember not getting the job does by no means mean that you did not do well in the interview - it could simply be that you were not the best candidate or they were looking for a different mix of experience and abilities.
Well here are my tips on how to perform well at interview.
The first tip is actually before the interview - make sure that you send in a clear, uptodate CV, that does not sell yourself short but lists all your achievements. If you are required, bring one along with you to the interview as well as any certificates they may require. Read or listen carefully to all the information that you are given before the interview - if told to check-in 15 minutes before so, then do so.
Thus, the most important thing is to be punctual. If this means taking the earlier train than you normally would, then do so. Also, make sure that you dress appropriately - in most instances, this will require wearing a suit or at least dressing smartly; if this is not the case you will probably be told in advance.
Once at the interview, make sure that you are looking your best. If you have walked through a hurricane to get there, then make sure that you are dry and your hair is brushed - people want to employ those who take a pride in themselves and their appearance. Because first impressions are so important, if you are all over the place, as it were, then you many not be able to recover.
When you are called into interview, stand up straight and try your best to relax. if this means taking a few deep breaths before you go into that room, then by all means do so, tense then loosen your shoulders. Remember to smile when you get into the room - remember, first impressions again. Smile and be polite. Shake hands as appropriate, and wait to be told to be seated - don't just go in and sit down.
Throughout the interview be as happy and enthusiastic as possible, smiling and not looking glum. If you are tired, do not say so - remember you want to create a positive impression in their mind, so don't use any negatives about yourself or your situation.
Right, so you are in the interview. What now? You will no doubt be asked a variety of questions about the job, why you want the job and why you think you are suitable for the job. It is a good idea to have thought about these before you get into the room, but do not make the mistake than many do and learn prepared answers. That's because these will sound false and delivered in the interview, and they may not exactly fit the question.
So listen to the question. It is amazing how many people don't. When you answer, speak confidentally and slightly more slowly than you do normally - people have a tendency to gabble when under pressure. Also don't feel that you must speak and speak - say what you want to say, by all means, but then don't repeat it a hundred times. You won't be wanted, nor have the time to do this in most jobs.
Do not moan about previous jobs and bosses you have had, whether justified or not - no-one wants a moaner. Remember that you need to be positive throughout.
If you are asked about your strengths, don't be modest. If you are asked about your weaknesses, then make sure they can easily be turned into positives - don't say 'oh I am always late' because then they will run a mile. Perhaps sometimes you are too loyal, or over-enthusiastic to take the lead in certain circumstances which can lead you to take a little too much responsibility sometimes. Make them almost positive negatives.
Don't lie. Some people fall into this trap, and often they are caught out. It is hard to tell a lie convincingly as well, and they are usually found out because they need to pause longer when asked certain questions. You want to get the job truthfully.
Do not be defensive with your body language - don't fold your arms and lean back in your chair. Instead remain open and friendly, and if you want use your hands for emphasis - this looks confident. However don't go overboard and look as though you are conducting an orchestra, a trap that many people on tv fall into as you will have no doubt noticed at some stage!
You might like to try mirroring the person interviewing you - copying their body pose, and pattern of speech. This will help subconsciously build a rapport between you.
If you are asked a toughie, and most people are at some stage, then do feel prepared to ask for a minute to think about it. This is not a bad thing at all but shows that you are treating the interview seriously and want to give your best shot at giving a good answer rather than rushing a bad one. This will impress them if anything and is certainly not a bad point. Silences in interviews should not be awkward moments.
Afterwards thank the the interviewer, and if you get the opportunity to ask some questions do so, or if you really have covered everything in the interview, then say something like 'no, thanks, we have covered all the issues comprehensively in the course of this interview', or words to that effect - make it look as though you have taken the interview seriously and have prepared for it.
So, those are the tips. They may sound basic, but then the whole interview process is. They want someone who is happy, enthusiastic and confident. Yet surprisingly few people do this. But with the attitude and advice above and a little quality preparation, making sure you know why you want the job and why you think you would be good at it, then you can give it your best shot.
There is no magic trick to interviews, just follow the above and you will no doubt be able to do yourself justice. Also remember that you can get much better with practice, and having mock interviews where practical beforehand could be a good idea.
Good luck!
Did you know......?
Did you know......the streets are packed, the techno music is loud, and the people are "styling" in their most outrageous outfits. More than 500,000 music fans gathered in Berlin for the 2003 Loveparade. It all started in 1989, shortly before the all of the Berlin Wall, with a DJ called Dr.Motte, who led about 150 people in a musical demonstration for "peace,tolerance,respect,and understanding between nations." Since then, the parade has become an annual event for lovers of electronic dance music from all around the globe.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
What did you think of last night's American Idol?
Who do you think or what to get eliminated tonight? Do you think whatever the judges says would reflect the way Americans vote? why or why not?
I am NOT a music critic I don't know whole lot about music. I believe they all did really good job. However if you really want my opinion, I believe Annop should go tonight. On top of that, I do believe whatever the judge says before the voting period begins would definitely would persuade how American vote.
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this you agree? Please comment.
"it was ok"
By: scherzad...
"Adam is an amazing performer. Scott was the worse. I think the final three tonight will be Scott, Kris and Lil. With Scott going home. I think the judges comments were on the mark last night."
"I personally don't like Scott or Lil! I think one of them should go home. Adam is really a great singer along with Allison. I think what the judges say doesn't impact the way we vote, because were going to vote for who we like, not based on who they like."
By : Melanie
"Adam and Allison did great last night. I think they should be the final two. Scott will probably go home unless he can pull out enough pity votes, he just doesn't have the voice to move on. He is good, but after a while, it all sounds the same for him."
By : deathnot...
I am NOT a music critic I don't know whole lot about music. I believe they all did really good job. However if you really want my opinion, I believe Annop should go tonight. On top of that, I do believe whatever the judge says before the voting period begins would definitely would persuade how American vote.
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this you agree? Please comment.
"it was ok"
By: scherzad...
"Adam is an amazing performer. Scott was the worse. I think the final three tonight will be Scott, Kris and Lil. With Scott going home. I think the judges comments were on the mark last night."
"I personally don't like Scott or Lil! I think one of them should go home. Adam is really a great singer along with Allison. I think what the judges say doesn't impact the way we vote, because were going to vote for who we like, not based on who they like."
By : Melanie
"Adam and Allison did great last night. I think they should be the final two. Scott will probably go home unless he can pull out enough pity votes, he just doesn't have the voice to move on. He is good, but after a while, it all sounds the same for him."
By : deathnot...
Tip Of The Day!
How To Avoid Sun Damage On Holiday
With some simple, practical steps, you can avoid the perils of sun damage to your skin whilst on holiday.
The key tip is to avoid the midday sun; that is the sun whilst at its peak of strength. During the day between 11 - 3 therefore, always try and stay in the shade - whether you are after a tan or not.
After 3, or before 11, if you go in the sun, ensure that you cover up. That means noe just sunscreen on a naked body, but rather use a T-shirt, a hat, and sunglasses to reduce glare.
Use a high factor sunscreen - at least 15 - and also remember that one application is not enough; rather you need to re-apply every half an hour maximum.
In this way, you can have a great holiday, enjoy the sun, without the risk of skin damage.
With some simple, practical steps, you can avoid the perils of sun damage to your skin whilst on holiday.
The key tip is to avoid the midday sun; that is the sun whilst at its peak of strength. During the day between 11 - 3 therefore, always try and stay in the shade - whether you are after a tan or not.
After 3, or before 11, if you go in the sun, ensure that you cover up. That means noe just sunscreen on a naked body, but rather use a T-shirt, a hat, and sunglasses to reduce glare.
Use a high factor sunscreen - at least 15 - and also remember that one application is not enough; rather you need to re-apply every half an hour maximum.
In this way, you can have a great holiday, enjoy the sun, without the risk of skin damage.
Did you know......?
Did you is against the law to walk a pet snake on a leash through a public park in Osnago, Italy. Snake walking had become a popular trend there until the town's mayor decided that the fad was too dangerous.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Tip Of The Day!
How To Add Interest To Your Film
If you are filming then you will know that standard home videos can be plain and dull. Why?
Because the shots used tend to always be the same or pretty similar.
Therefore why not vary this by taking high angle low angle zoomed in and zoomed out shots - and any other you can think of.
Why? Because they add visual interest and a different view to the scenario and help mix things up.
If used effectively then these different angles for instance can also help convey the mood and realism of the scene more - for instance if filming through the eyes of a child then naturally the shot should be lower to account for their height for instance.
If you are filming then you will know that standard home videos can be plain and dull. Why?
Because the shots used tend to always be the same or pretty similar.
Therefore why not vary this by taking high angle low angle zoomed in and zoomed out shots - and any other you can think of.
Why? Because they add visual interest and a different view to the scenario and help mix things up.
If used effectively then these different angles for instance can also help convey the mood and realism of the scene more - for instance if filming through the eyes of a child then naturally the shot should be lower to account for their height for instance.
Did you know.......?
It is custom in Brasov, Romania, for wedding guests to throw the groom into the air three times, but they're supposed to catch hm three times as well. Wehn a tossing attempt at one wedding ended in failure, the bridegroom suffered head and chest injuries and ended up speeding his honeymoon in the hospital.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Did you watch Wrestlemania 25 last night?
If you did, that did you think of it? Were some of the results just like you predicted?
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular you agree? Please comment. Thanks
"Yes, wish I didnt, falling asleep at work as a result.
Not really as predicted, results-wise, also never predicted the take v hbk match to be that good, and the rest of the show to be so bad."
By: masti
"Yes I did and the matches did not go the way I throught they would"
By: Kenneth S
"Yeah, good thing its easter half term, or i would be recked in school"
By no means do I want to offend anyone at all,but God...those were the most boring 4 hours of my life.
It started out great,actually,the MITB match was pretty entertaining.I'll let the whole CM Punk winning thing go and give it a nice 7 out of 10.The divas match was funny,though I had hoped they'd introduce them all,I don't think I saw everyone as the camera was from a very distant angle.Of course,when we found out that neither Trish or Lita were participating,we couldn't have hopes up for anything good,but WWE took the circumstances and managed to cheat their way into amusing us.Long live Santina.
This is where the good stuff ended,though.I can't say the matches were bad,they were just slow and boring.Mysterio vs Jbl was a joke(as much as I dislike the Wrestling God,I felt sorry for him)and the potentially awesome Hardy match,or HHH vs Orton turned fail.
I liked the fact that Matt won,though,it would've been a little cheesy if the feud had a "good conquers all" end.It makes me want to see how far they're willing to take it.
Cena won and there was no doubt that he would,though I have to admit he earned it.Lifting up a 700 pounder alone wins you some respect imo,not to mention with an surgered neck.My predictions for this WM were all wrong and I wouldn't mind one bit,had the event been worth it.
I'm also dissappointed that Punk didn't cash in the briefcase that same night,I was looking forward to it.Also,the fact that the Colons match was a dark one didn't help one bit,I wanted to see Miz and Morrison lose with my own eyes.
What can I say?This was supposed to be a silver anniversiry,but turned out nothing special.Kinda like the 500th epsiode of Smackdown.Better luck in 25 years,WWE!"
By : Jolene
"I thought it was awesome it's one of the best i've seen"
By : JeffHard...
"Wrestlemania XXV definitely did not live up to the hype. I didn't even see Primo and Carlito vs Miz and Morrison..................did anyone?"
By : metsfan 7
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular you agree? Please comment. Thanks
"Yes, wish I didnt, falling asleep at work as a result.
Not really as predicted, results-wise, also never predicted the take v hbk match to be that good, and the rest of the show to be so bad."
By: masti
"Yes I did and the matches did not go the way I throught they would"
By: Kenneth S
"Yeah, good thing its easter half term, or i would be recked in school"
By no means do I want to offend anyone at all,but God...those were the most boring 4 hours of my life.
It started out great,actually,the MITB match was pretty entertaining.I'll let the whole CM Punk winning thing go and give it a nice 7 out of 10.The divas match was funny,though I had hoped they'd introduce them all,I don't think I saw everyone as the camera was from a very distant angle.Of course,when we found out that neither Trish or Lita were participating,we couldn't have hopes up for anything good,but WWE took the circumstances and managed to cheat their way into amusing us.Long live Santina.
This is where the good stuff ended,though.I can't say the matches were bad,they were just slow and boring.Mysterio vs Jbl was a joke(as much as I dislike the Wrestling God,I felt sorry for him)and the potentially awesome Hardy match,or HHH vs Orton turned fail.
I liked the fact that Matt won,though,it would've been a little cheesy if the feud had a "good conquers all" end.It makes me want to see how far they're willing to take it.
Cena won and there was no doubt that he would,though I have to admit he earned it.Lifting up a 700 pounder alone wins you some respect imo,not to mention with an surgered neck.My predictions for this WM were all wrong and I wouldn't mind one bit,had the event been worth it.
I'm also dissappointed that Punk didn't cash in the briefcase that same night,I was looking forward to it.Also,the fact that the Colons match was a dark one didn't help one bit,I wanted to see Miz and Morrison lose with my own eyes.
What can I say?This was supposed to be a silver anniversiry,but turned out nothing special.Kinda like the 500th epsiode of Smackdown.Better luck in 25 years,WWE!"
By : Jolene
"I thought it was awesome it's one of the best i've seen"
By : JeffHard...
"Wrestlemania XXV definitely did not live up to the hype. I didn't even see Primo and Carlito vs Miz and Morrison..................did anyone?"
By : metsfan 7
A great article which I found in Yahoo
Should you stop shampooing your hair (so much)?
by Jennifer Romolini, Shine staff, on Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:20am PDT
I came across a story on Jezebel yesterday about the "no-poo" movement, a silly name for a concept that essentially says we Americans are washing our hair too much.
According to the original report on NPR, folks in the U.S. shampoo about 5 times a week, which is twice as much as Italians and Spaniards. Though we've been sold the "squeaky-clean hair is better" line through bouncy Salon Selectives-type commercials for decades, in reality, dermatologists believe frequent washing strips the hair of beneficial oil, causing follicular damage and drying out our manes.
This makes a ton of sense to me. Much to my husband's and closest friends' horror, I've long thought that Americans are overly obsessed with hygiene and freakish with how frequently we need to shower. I'm also unnerved by the numerous, super-powered products we use to keep us from smelling anywhere near human—think of the foaming washes on top of flowery exfoliators on top of soap; the industrial-strength, aluminum-based antiperspirants; and don't even get me started on any of in the scary, scented Massengill-type goods. This is not to say I go out smelling like I don't have a home—I've just never felt comfortable subscribing to an extreme "cleanliness is next to Godliness" doctrine. No one needs to be that clean.
My personal hygiene issues aside, there's another reason to cease lathering up so much, and this is where the "no-poo" movement was born. Shampoo comes in plastic bottles and plastic is (obviously) bad for the environment. So, in an effort to shrink their carbon footprint, some eco-conscious circles have gone to hair-product extremes. In the NPR article, one blogger admits to not using shampoo for three months and just rinsing her hair with baking soda and vinegar, which is kind of yucky. Eventually the woman had a bad case of dandruff and started using bar shampoo (which I've never tried because it seems like it would tangle the heck out of my hair. Has anyone tried it?), but she says that, during the experiment, her hair wasn't greasy at all, it just kind of smelled like pickles and she plans on going on a shampoo-fast again.
The NPR story is chock-full of interesting facts, including how our great-grandmothers only cleansed their heads once a month, that is until a 1908 New York Times story suggested they clean up every two weeks. Were these people gross? I don't know. One could argue that infrequent washing is a wise decision in these crappy economic times, and, if one used less shampoo, one could afford a better brand. Um, but going dirty for a month? That seems insane and like you would have no friends and probably, somehow, lose your job.
OK. Now your turn to weigh in: How often do you wash your hair?
Follow up article
When It Comes To Shampoo, Less Is More
by Allison Aubrey
· Americans love to shampoo. We lather up an average of 4.59 times a week, twice as much as Italians and Spaniards, according to shampoo-maker Procter & Gamble.
But that's way too often, say hair stylists and dermatologists. Daily washing, they say, strips the hair of beneficial oil (called sebum) and can damage our locks.
Shampoo Is Big Business
The current trend of frequent shampoos may have started on May 10, 1908, when the New York Times published a column advising women that it was OK to wash their hair every two weeks. At that time, once a month was the norm.
Decades later, TV marketing campaigns began to convince us that daily washing was the thing to do. A 1970s Faberge ad for Farrah Fawcett shampoo is one example.
"All you have to do is watch her running in slow motion on a beach with her hair flopping gracefully in the wind," says Steve Meltzer, a former ad executive. The idea was, "Wash your hair with this stuff, and you, too, can be like Farrah Fawcett," Meltzer says.
Madison Avenue sold people on the idea that they could shampoo their way back to beauty.
Ads also convinced us that daily hair washing is healthy. Remember the Breck girls? Or how about Christie Brinkley's body-building for hair ad with Prell?
Skipping Shampoos Is, Well, Un-American
Americans took easily to the idea that we should shampoo frequently. And lots of us find it disgusting to shampoo any less than once a day. Take some fitness-conscious college students from Georgetown University, for example. When I told them about the old-time advice to wash once a month, they almost gagged.
"That is way too little hair shampooing," laughs Jane Caudell-Feagan.
"If I don't shower every day, my hair gets greasy, so I think it's completely heinous," says her friend Ashley Carlini. After a workout, they say, it would be disgusting not to wash your hair.
Eco-Conscious 'No-'Poo' Movement
Given our cultural propensity to lather up frequently, it may be shocking that in some eco-conscious circles of society, some people are giving up shampoo.
"There's a lot of people doing this no-shampoo movement," says 20-something blogger Jeanne Haegele. She writes a blog called LifeLessPlastic.
In an attempt to buy fewer items with plastic packaging, Haegele recently went three months without using any shampoo. Instead, she washed her hair with baking soda twice a week and conditioned it with a vinegar rinse.
She says her hair didn't smell, and her friends were very supportive. "Maybe they were secretly wondering why I smelled like a jar of pickles," she says jokingly.
She ended the no-'poo experiment after developing a bad case of dandruff, but Haegele says she might try it again.
She recalls the biggest surprise was that her hair didn't get very greasy. For now, she's using shampoo bars a few times a week.
Dermatologist Recommends Shampooing Less
Experts say Haegele's observations are not flaky. As she washed less, her sebaceous glands began producing less sebum oil.
"If you wash your hair every day, you're removing the sebum," explains Michelle Hanjani, a dermatologist at Columbia University. "Then the oil glands compensate by producing more oil," she says.
She recommends that patients wash their hair no more than two or three times a week.
There's also a lot of variation among hair types. African-Americans and people with curly hair can go even longer between washes compared to folks with straight hair.
So, it seems, less is more. And maybe our grandmothers were on to something after all.
by Jennifer Romolini, Shine staff, on Thu Mar 26, 2009 9:20am PDT
I came across a story on Jezebel yesterday about the "no-poo" movement, a silly name for a concept that essentially says we Americans are washing our hair too much.
According to the original report on NPR, folks in the U.S. shampoo about 5 times a week, which is twice as much as Italians and Spaniards. Though we've been sold the "squeaky-clean hair is better" line through bouncy Salon Selectives-type commercials for decades, in reality, dermatologists believe frequent washing strips the hair of beneficial oil, causing follicular damage and drying out our manes.
This makes a ton of sense to me. Much to my husband's and closest friends' horror, I've long thought that Americans are overly obsessed with hygiene and freakish with how frequently we need to shower. I'm also unnerved by the numerous, super-powered products we use to keep us from smelling anywhere near human—think of the foaming washes on top of flowery exfoliators on top of soap; the industrial-strength, aluminum-based antiperspirants; and don't even get me started on any of in the scary, scented Massengill-type goods. This is not to say I go out smelling like I don't have a home—I've just never felt comfortable subscribing to an extreme "cleanliness is next to Godliness" doctrine. No one needs to be that clean.
My personal hygiene issues aside, there's another reason to cease lathering up so much, and this is where the "no-poo" movement was born. Shampoo comes in plastic bottles and plastic is (obviously) bad for the environment. So, in an effort to shrink their carbon footprint, some eco-conscious circles have gone to hair-product extremes. In the NPR article, one blogger admits to not using shampoo for three months and just rinsing her hair with baking soda and vinegar, which is kind of yucky. Eventually the woman had a bad case of dandruff and started using bar shampoo (which I've never tried because it seems like it would tangle the heck out of my hair. Has anyone tried it?), but she says that, during the experiment, her hair wasn't greasy at all, it just kind of smelled like pickles and she plans on going on a shampoo-fast again.
The NPR story is chock-full of interesting facts, including how our great-grandmothers only cleansed their heads once a month, that is until a 1908 New York Times story suggested they clean up every two weeks. Were these people gross? I don't know. One could argue that infrequent washing is a wise decision in these crappy economic times, and, if one used less shampoo, one could afford a better brand. Um, but going dirty for a month? That seems insane and like you would have no friends and probably, somehow, lose your job.
OK. Now your turn to weigh in: How often do you wash your hair?
Follow up article
When It Comes To Shampoo, Less Is More
by Allison Aubrey
· Americans love to shampoo. We lather up an average of 4.59 times a week, twice as much as Italians and Spaniards, according to shampoo-maker Procter & Gamble.
But that's way too often, say hair stylists and dermatologists. Daily washing, they say, strips the hair of beneficial oil (called sebum) and can damage our locks.
Shampoo Is Big Business
The current trend of frequent shampoos may have started on May 10, 1908, when the New York Times published a column advising women that it was OK to wash their hair every two weeks. At that time, once a month was the norm.
Decades later, TV marketing campaigns began to convince us that daily washing was the thing to do. A 1970s Faberge ad for Farrah Fawcett shampoo is one example.
"All you have to do is watch her running in slow motion on a beach with her hair flopping gracefully in the wind," says Steve Meltzer, a former ad executive. The idea was, "Wash your hair with this stuff, and you, too, can be like Farrah Fawcett," Meltzer says.
Madison Avenue sold people on the idea that they could shampoo their way back to beauty.
Ads also convinced us that daily hair washing is healthy. Remember the Breck girls? Or how about Christie Brinkley's body-building for hair ad with Prell?
Skipping Shampoos Is, Well, Un-American
Americans took easily to the idea that we should shampoo frequently. And lots of us find it disgusting to shampoo any less than once a day. Take some fitness-conscious college students from Georgetown University, for example. When I told them about the old-time advice to wash once a month, they almost gagged.
"That is way too little hair shampooing," laughs Jane Caudell-Feagan.
"If I don't shower every day, my hair gets greasy, so I think it's completely heinous," says her friend Ashley Carlini. After a workout, they say, it would be disgusting not to wash your hair.
Eco-Conscious 'No-'Poo' Movement
Given our cultural propensity to lather up frequently, it may be shocking that in some eco-conscious circles of society, some people are giving up shampoo.
"There's a lot of people doing this no-shampoo movement," says 20-something blogger Jeanne Haegele. She writes a blog called LifeLessPlastic.
In an attempt to buy fewer items with plastic packaging, Haegele recently went three months without using any shampoo. Instead, she washed her hair with baking soda twice a week and conditioned it with a vinegar rinse.
She says her hair didn't smell, and her friends were very supportive. "Maybe they were secretly wondering why I smelled like a jar of pickles," she says jokingly.
She ended the no-'poo experiment after developing a bad case of dandruff, but Haegele says she might try it again.
She recalls the biggest surprise was that her hair didn't get very greasy. For now, she's using shampoo bars a few times a week.
Dermatologist Recommends Shampooing Less
Experts say Haegele's observations are not flaky. As she washed less, her sebaceous glands began producing less sebum oil.
"If you wash your hair every day, you're removing the sebum," explains Michelle Hanjani, a dermatologist at Columbia University. "Then the oil glands compensate by producing more oil," she says.
She recommends that patients wash their hair no more than two or three times a week.
There's also a lot of variation among hair types. African-Americans and people with curly hair can go even longer between washes compared to folks with straight hair.
So, it seems, less is more. And maybe our grandmothers were on to something after all.
Tip Of The Day!
How To Be A Great Romantic
To be a great romantic you will see from this section a large selection of tips.
Here is one of the all time classic ways to be romantic - when it comes to the bath!
Why not try to re-create the classic love scene from so many romantic films.
Really go to town buying some candles and lighting them around the bath.
Combine this lovely soft, romantic lighting with the following:
Some relaxing music playing in the background and also of course something like a nice scented candle or incense burning as well.
If feeling extra indulgent, consider sprinkling some flower petals on the floor of the bath room.
This should really help to melt her heart and the stresses of the day away!
Did you know.......?
Some animal lovers in Australia keep cockroaches as pets, but they're not just ordinary cockroaches. They're wingless Australian burrowing cockroaches-and they're as big as the palm of your hand!!!
The advantages of having one of those monsters for a pet? They don't fetch or roll over, but one other hand, they don't bite, they're not a fussy eaters, and they don't need to be taken for a walk in the rain at five o'clock in the morning.
The advantages of having one of those monsters for a pet? They don't fetch or roll over, but one other hand, they don't bite, they're not a fussy eaters, and they don't need to be taken for a walk in the rain at five o'clock in the morning.
Earth Quake in Italy
Here is an article which I found in yahoo on the earthquake in Italy which it just happened. It reminded me of the powerful earthquake happened in China last year. A lot of school kids died from that earthquake.
Powerful earthquake in central Italy kills 50
By MARTA FALCONI, Associated Press Writer Marta Falconi, Associated Press Writer – 39 mins ago
L'AQUILA, Italy – A powerful earthquake in mountainous central Italy knocked down whole blocks of buildings early Monday as residents slept, killing at least 50 people and trapping many more, officials said. Thousands were homeless.
The earthquake's epicenter was about 70 miles (110 kilometers) northeast of Rome near the medieval city of L'Aquila. It struck at 3:32 a.m. local time (0132 GMT) in a quake-prone region that has had at least nine smaller jolts since the beginning of April. The U.S. Geological Survey said Monday's quake was magnitude 6.3, but Italy's National Institute of Geophysics put it at 5.8.
Interior Minister Roberto Moroni, arriving in L'Aquila hours after the quake, said 50 people had been killed.
Officials said the death toll was likely to rise as rescue crews clawed through the debris of fallen homes.
L'Aquila Mayor Massimo Cialente said some 100,000 people had left their homes and that many buildings in the city's historic center were damaged. Slabs of walls, twisted steel supports, furniture and wire fences were strewn about the streets and a gray dust carpeted sidewalks, cars and residents.
As ambulances screamed through the city, firefighters aided by dogs worked feverishly to reach people trapped in fallen buildings, including a student dormitory where half a dozen university students were believed still inside.
Outside the half-collapsed dorm, tearful young people huddled together, wrapped in blankets, some still in their slippers after being roused from sleep by the quake.
"We managed to come down with other students but we had to sneak through a hole in the stairs as the whole floor came down," said student Luigi Alfonsi, 22. "I was in bed — it was like it would never end as I heard pieces of the building collapse around me."
The town of Castelnuovo also appeared hard hit, with five confirmed dead there.
Premier Silvio Berlusconi declared a state of emergency, freeing up federal funds to deal with the disaster. He canceled a visit to Russia and planned to go to L'Aquila to deal with the crisis.
Residents and rescue workers hauled away debris from collapsed buildings by hand.
Firefighters pulled a woman covered in dust from the debris of her four-story home. Rescue crews demanded quiet as they listened for signs of life from other people believed still trapped inside.
Parts of L'Aquila's main hospital were evacuated because they were at risk of collapse, forcing the wounded to be treated in the open air or taken elsewhere.
Bloodied victims waited to be tended to in hospital hallways or outside in the hospital courtyard. Only two operating rooms were working. Civil protection crews were erecting a field hospital to deal with the influx of wounded.
On the city's dusty streets, as aftershocks continued to rumble through, residents hugged one another, prayed quietly or frantically tried to call relatives. Residents covered in dust pushed carts full of clothes and blankets that they had hastily packed before fleeing their homes.
"We left as soon as we felt the first tremors," said Antonio D'Ostilio, 22, as he stood on a street in L'Aquila with a huge suitcase piled with clothes he had thrown together. "We woke up all of a sudden and we immediately ran downstairs in our pajamas."
Agostino Miozzo, an official with the Civil Protection Department, said between 10,000 and 15,000 buildings were damaged. He said stadiums and sporting fields were being readied to house the homeless.
"This means that the we'll have several thousand people to assist over the next few weeks and months," Miozzo told Sky Italia. "Our goal is to give shelter to all by tonight."
ANSA said the dome of a church in L'Aquila collapsed, while the city's cathedral also suffered damage.
The Israeli Embassy in Rome said that officials were trying to make contact with a few Israeli citizens believed to be in the region who had not been in touch with their families. Embassy spokeswoman Rachel Feinmesser did not give an exact number.
L'Aquila lies in a valley surrounded by the Apennine mountains. It is the regional capital of the Abruzzo region, with about 70,000 inhabitants.
The last major quake to hit central Italy was a 5.4-magnitude temblor that struck the south-central Molise region on Oct. 31, 2002, killing 28 people, including 27 children who died when their school collapsed.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Did you know.......?
Did you know that ......When people living in Battle Mountain, Nevada USA learned that their town was voted the "Armpit of Nation" by The Washington Post Newspaper, they decided not to make a big stink about it. Instead, with the sponsorship of Proctor & Gamble, the company that makes Old Spice produces, they hosted the Old Spice Festival of the Pit. The celebration featured such attractions as the deodorant toss, the sweaty T-shirt contest, and the armpit beauty pageant. A stinky time was had by all.
Tip Of The Day!
How To Create A Great Essay
To write a great essay, you need to make sure that you work logically.
Start with a beginning, have a middle and an end.
Write a quick list of key words or key points before hand to plan the essay and work them in.
Remember to ask yourself several questions about the question for instance what, why, where, when and how and try to go through them one by one and answer them all during the course of your essay.
The more thorough your treatment of the subject probably the better you will be able to do and the better your mark.
For essays not in exams, a good tip is to try to find a relevant quotation that you can use at the start or somewhere in the essay to support what you are writing.
This may be from the book or topic itself or a quote from some other author that sums up or expresses the viewpoint that you are looking to create.
To write a great essay, you need to make sure that you work logically.
Start with a beginning, have a middle and an end.
Write a quick list of key words or key points before hand to plan the essay and work them in.
Remember to ask yourself several questions about the question for instance what, why, where, when and how and try to go through them one by one and answer them all during the course of your essay.
The more thorough your treatment of the subject probably the better you will be able to do and the better your mark.
For essays not in exams, a good tip is to try to find a relevant quotation that you can use at the start or somewhere in the essay to support what you are writing.
This may be from the book or topic itself or a quote from some other author that sums up or expresses the viewpoint that you are looking to create.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
This is a great article which I found in Yahoo!!!
This is a great article which I found in Yahoo that I believe a lot of people are going to find it interesting.
Medical emergencies in the air rise as more people with existing conditions travel
By Anne-Marie Tobin, The Canadian Press
TORONTO - If you've ever been on a plane, feeling a little dizzy or under the weather, the thought might cross your mind: How would the airline deal with a medical emergency in the air?
In fact, it's a relatively common occurrence, and each airline has its own set of protocols for helping someone in distress.
WestJet has seen its number of incidents increase. There were 888 health-related issues in the air last year, including nine instances when planes were diverted for medical reasons, said Mark Frezell, director of in-flight for the airline.
"One, it's due to the growth in our flights, and second, I believe it's attributed to our aging population," he said from Calgary.
Last month, a paper published in The Lancet looked at medical issues associated with commercial flights, and said that almost two billion people travel aboard commercial airlines every year.
"In-flight medical events are increasingly frequent because a growing number of individuals with pre-existing medical conditions travel by air," it said.
Resources to deal with such situations include basic and advanced medical kits, automated external defibrillators and support from medical staff on the ground, said co-author Dr. Mark Gendreau of Lahey Clinic Medical Center in Burlington, Mass.
"To their credit, the airlines have really stepped up and enhanced their ability to deal with in-flight medical emergencies, over, I would say, the last eight years," he said in an interview.
Typically, flight attendants or the captain will ask if there's a doctor on board to assist, and will check credentials before accepting the help. A satellite phone or radio will be used to contact physicians on the ground.
WestJet and many other airlines around the world have contracts with MedAire, an Arizona-based company that took its first call at the MedLink Global Response Center in 1987.
It draws upon the expertise of physicians in the emergency department of Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, and has access to more than 100 medical specialties.
MedLink receives about 17,000 calls a year from airplanes, said Heidi Giles MacFarlane, vice-president of strategic development. Altogether, there were 649 medical-related diversions in 2007, meaning that a plane had to land somewhere other than its planned destination so that a passenger could receive care.
But diversions are upsetting to passengers, require reprogramming of navigation equipment and can affect the landings and takeoffs of other flights, according to Gendreau.
"Airports charge the airline a fee for diverting the aircraft to their airport unexpectedly," he said. "And this is not cheap. It can range from $5,000 to $25,000 depending on the airport."
At Air Canada, spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick says the airline's top priority is the safety of all customers and crew.
"This is why it is very important that customers with medical conditions such as recent major surgery, or certain known illnesses or injuries, be approved for travel before the departure (48 hours)," he said in an email.
MacFarlane said the typical incidents on board are usually not that devastating.
"The most common injury - there are two, actually, that compete for top place. And one is appendage injuries from meal carts and beverage carts, so people get their knees hit frequently or their toes run over from the carts. And then objects falling from overhead storage bins."
On the illness side, fainting is the most common event, she said.
There are a number of contributing factors. For instance, someone might be winded from having run from a tight connection, or just be generally unwell.
"As you go up in altitude you become oxygen deprived, or what they call hypoxic," she said.
In 2007, MedAire's top medical complaint overall was neurological at 5,836 cases, followed by gastrointestinal at 3,373, respiratory at 1,699, cardiovascular at 1,393 and orthopedic at 733.
Recently, they received a call about a child who had ingested silica beads from a shoebox, and the parents were quite distraught, said MacFarlane.
"The MedLink physician was able to involve the poison control centre at the hospital to specifically discuss the chemical dangers of silica gel, which, by the way, happened to be benign - other than perchance making the child vomit."
In terms of flight attendant training, Frezell said WestJet goes above and beyond Transport Canada standards that require a first-aid course once every three years.
"We try and teach them not only the skill and procedures around first aid but then how to manage the situation, and that's a big part of it," he said.
"Some specific things this year that we're working on - we usually hit this every year - is CPR and using the automated external defibrillators, AEDs. They're on every aircraft."
Gendreau said that in the United States, medical kits are part of the cockpit checklist and the plane can't leave the ground without them.
He gives a lot of talks to physicians on the topic of offering in-flight medical assistance.
"And the airlines are notorious for - you're assisting in an in-flight emergency and you ask 'Can you please get me the medical kit?' And they come back with this Mickey Mouse kit that has bandages, Band-Aids and a stethoscope, but not that real enhanced kit."
"And as I tell the physicians, you have to specifically tell them 'I want the advanced medical kit please."'
A death on board is the worst experience, the experts agree. In 2007 there were 77 deaths on board flights that MedAire was assisting.
"In the event that someone appears to have expired, we would typically advise them to continue on (to the intended destination), and then we would provide advice on how to best handle the situation given the circumstances," MacFarlane said.
On the flip side, she said two babies were born on flights in recent months, and the mothers and babies were fine.
"It's very, very frightening from a number of perspectives because you're dealing with not just one life, but suddenly two. And there's nothing more rewarding than being told that the baby's been born and is crying - and it's usually not just the baby that's crying at that point."
Frezell said WestJet has never had the experience. "We haven't had to give birth, which is great. That's not part of our first-aid program, so we'd be doing a diversion for that."
Medical emergencies in the air rise as more people with existing conditions travel
By Anne-Marie Tobin, The Canadian Press
TORONTO - If you've ever been on a plane, feeling a little dizzy or under the weather, the thought might cross your mind: How would the airline deal with a medical emergency in the air?
In fact, it's a relatively common occurrence, and each airline has its own set of protocols for helping someone in distress.
WestJet has seen its number of incidents increase. There were 888 health-related issues in the air last year, including nine instances when planes were diverted for medical reasons, said Mark Frezell, director of in-flight for the airline.
"One, it's due to the growth in our flights, and second, I believe it's attributed to our aging population," he said from Calgary.
Last month, a paper published in The Lancet looked at medical issues associated with commercial flights, and said that almost two billion people travel aboard commercial airlines every year.
"In-flight medical events are increasingly frequent because a growing number of individuals with pre-existing medical conditions travel by air," it said.
Resources to deal with such situations include basic and advanced medical kits, automated external defibrillators and support from medical staff on the ground, said co-author Dr. Mark Gendreau of Lahey Clinic Medical Center in Burlington, Mass.
"To their credit, the airlines have really stepped up and enhanced their ability to deal with in-flight medical emergencies, over, I would say, the last eight years," he said in an interview.
Typically, flight attendants or the captain will ask if there's a doctor on board to assist, and will check credentials before accepting the help. A satellite phone or radio will be used to contact physicians on the ground.
WestJet and many other airlines around the world have contracts with MedAire, an Arizona-based company that took its first call at the MedLink Global Response Center in 1987.
It draws upon the expertise of physicians in the emergency department of Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Phoenix, and has access to more than 100 medical specialties.
MedLink receives about 17,000 calls a year from airplanes, said Heidi Giles MacFarlane, vice-president of strategic development. Altogether, there were 649 medical-related diversions in 2007, meaning that a plane had to land somewhere other than its planned destination so that a passenger could receive care.
But diversions are upsetting to passengers, require reprogramming of navigation equipment and can affect the landings and takeoffs of other flights, according to Gendreau.
"Airports charge the airline a fee for diverting the aircraft to their airport unexpectedly," he said. "And this is not cheap. It can range from $5,000 to $25,000 depending on the airport."
At Air Canada, spokesman Peter Fitzpatrick says the airline's top priority is the safety of all customers and crew.
"This is why it is very important that customers with medical conditions such as recent major surgery, or certain known illnesses or injuries, be approved for travel before the departure (48 hours)," he said in an email.
MacFarlane said the typical incidents on board are usually not that devastating.
"The most common injury - there are two, actually, that compete for top place. And one is appendage injuries from meal carts and beverage carts, so people get their knees hit frequently or their toes run over from the carts. And then objects falling from overhead storage bins."
On the illness side, fainting is the most common event, she said.
There are a number of contributing factors. For instance, someone might be winded from having run from a tight connection, or just be generally unwell.
"As you go up in altitude you become oxygen deprived, or what they call hypoxic," she said.
In 2007, MedAire's top medical complaint overall was neurological at 5,836 cases, followed by gastrointestinal at 3,373, respiratory at 1,699, cardiovascular at 1,393 and orthopedic at 733.
Recently, they received a call about a child who had ingested silica beads from a shoebox, and the parents were quite distraught, said MacFarlane.
"The MedLink physician was able to involve the poison control centre at the hospital to specifically discuss the chemical dangers of silica gel, which, by the way, happened to be benign - other than perchance making the child vomit."
In terms of flight attendant training, Frezell said WestJet goes above and beyond Transport Canada standards that require a first-aid course once every three years.
"We try and teach them not only the skill and procedures around first aid but then how to manage the situation, and that's a big part of it," he said.
"Some specific things this year that we're working on - we usually hit this every year - is CPR and using the automated external defibrillators, AEDs. They're on every aircraft."
Gendreau said that in the United States, medical kits are part of the cockpit checklist and the plane can't leave the ground without them.
He gives a lot of talks to physicians on the topic of offering in-flight medical assistance.
"And the airlines are notorious for - you're assisting in an in-flight emergency and you ask 'Can you please get me the medical kit?' And they come back with this Mickey Mouse kit that has bandages, Band-Aids and a stethoscope, but not that real enhanced kit."
"And as I tell the physicians, you have to specifically tell them 'I want the advanced medical kit please."'
A death on board is the worst experience, the experts agree. In 2007 there were 77 deaths on board flights that MedAire was assisting.
"In the event that someone appears to have expired, we would typically advise them to continue on (to the intended destination), and then we would provide advice on how to best handle the situation given the circumstances," MacFarlane said.
On the flip side, she said two babies were born on flights in recent months, and the mothers and babies were fine.
"It's very, very frightening from a number of perspectives because you're dealing with not just one life, but suddenly two. And there's nothing more rewarding than being told that the baby's been born and is crying - and it's usually not just the baby that's crying at that point."
Frezell said WestJet has never had the experience. "We haven't had to give birth, which is great. That's not part of our first-aid program, so we'd be doing a diversion for that."
This commercial is very funny!!!
I found this commercial to be very funny and I wanted to share with the world!!!
I would love to hear your comments. Please leave your comments below. Thanks
I would love to hear your comments. Please leave your comments below. Thanks
Tip Of The Day!!!!
Drinks To Serve At A Drinks Party
Of course, there are some drinks that it goes without saying that you should have ready for any decent drinks party.
They are, of course, some wines and beers. However also be sure to include some non alcoholic drinks and have plenty of different mixers ready so that people can create their own or their favourite combinations!
With cocktails pick ones that can be mixed in a reasonable sized quantity rather than fiddly ones which can only be done individually.
If you are wondering what quantities to provide, then a good estimate would be to ensure that you have about half a bottle of wine per person at the event.
Of course, there are some drinks that it goes without saying that you should have ready for any decent drinks party.
They are, of course, some wines and beers. However also be sure to include some non alcoholic drinks and have plenty of different mixers ready so that people can create their own or their favourite combinations!
With cocktails pick ones that can be mixed in a reasonable sized quantity rather than fiddly ones which can only be done individually.
If you are wondering what quantities to provide, then a good estimate would be to ensure that you have about half a bottle of wine per person at the event.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Tip Of The Day!!!
How To Find The Right Job For You
When you get a new job, sometimes it can feel like a one way street - you are interviewed by the company, they decide whether you are right for them, they judge everything about you...
But do you stop and judge them too?
The thing is, that the job process is too way - the company has to be right for you too. And that's where many people go wrong.
Have you ever hated going to work pretty much every day - the reason usually is something cultural, they don't do things the way that you like, or it just doesn't seem a good fit with you.
If this sounds familiar, then you need to ensure that you use your opportunity to ask questions at an interview to deduce the mentality of the company.
In addition, see if you can chat to some other employees as that is often the best way to get behind the corporate gloss and see what really goes on in a company.
When you get a new job, sometimes it can feel like a one way street - you are interviewed by the company, they decide whether you are right for them, they judge everything about you...
But do you stop and judge them too?
The thing is, that the job process is too way - the company has to be right for you too. And that's where many people go wrong.
Have you ever hated going to work pretty much every day - the reason usually is something cultural, they don't do things the way that you like, or it just doesn't seem a good fit with you.
If this sounds familiar, then you need to ensure that you use your opportunity to ask questions at an interview to deduce the mentality of the company.
In addition, see if you can chat to some other employees as that is often the best way to get behind the corporate gloss and see what really goes on in a company.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
What did you do for April Fool's day?
Did you pull any pranks at all? If you did, can you tell us about it?
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular you agree or disagree please comment. Thanks.
"Yeah i told my mum that Dad was cheating on her."
By: Mmmmadel...
By : MimicMol...
"I cracked a Chuck Norris joke at work with a co-worker."
By: tom_robe...
By : Gen Gen
"I didn't pull any but I got a good one played on me. My best friend I haven't talked in a couple weeks since we both work and she's away at school. But she sent me a pic of her hand with a ring on. And says that her boyfriend of 3 months asked her to marry him. The big days would be this summer. I was so mad because I have been with my boyfriend 5 years and still no ring. But she said april fools."
By : Jordan Staal's #1 Fan
"I took my GFs car out to get some modifcations done
to it rims,kits,an audio package. Meanwhile she woke up the
day of April 1s an relised her car i brought her 2 years ago wanst in the drive way, She freaked out then i send her i told her i will sort it out at lunch time i drove the car back home after being modified an told her it the police an i found it. Then she clicked what i got done to teh car it was brillant"
"i duct taped some of my sister's stuff to the ceiling....not as uhh brilliant as the other answers but still pretty funny"
By: Kaci
"well my mom thinks she is the best jokester in the house....
so just to prove her wrong,
i cut off an old dolls hair and scattered it around her head, greased her doorknobs, set her alarm for 4 a.m., and covered her door with cling wrap.
when the alarm woke her up and she saw the hair, she went to the bathroom to check it out but couldnt open the door. then when she finnaly got her bedroom door open to yell at me, she tried to walk out and bounced off onto the floor.
it was hysterical."
By: NINJA(loves em)
"the usual...
post it note over the bottom of the mouse so it wouldn't work
saran wrap on all the toilets.
toothpaste under the door handles
TPing my brother's room (took him half an hour to get rid of all the toilet paper. i used three rolls)
green food coloring in the milk
alarm clocks for 3 AM
sister's hand in warm water so she peed herself
etc etc.
and my most epic prank...
three mice released in the house with 1 2 and 4 written on mom was looking for number three all day until i finally said april fools at 12. LOL! I tried to get pigs but i couldn't. :( good thing. my mom was even pissed with the mouse thing"
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular you agree or disagree please comment. Thanks.
"Yeah i told my mum that Dad was cheating on her."
By: Mmmmadel...
By : MimicMol...
"I cracked a Chuck Norris joke at work with a co-worker."
By: tom_robe...
By : Gen Gen
"I didn't pull any but I got a good one played on me. My best friend I haven't talked in a couple weeks since we both work and she's away at school. But she sent me a pic of her hand with a ring on. And says that her boyfriend of 3 months asked her to marry him. The big days would be this summer. I was so mad because I have been with my boyfriend 5 years and still no ring. But she said april fools."
By : Jordan Staal's #1 Fan
"I took my GFs car out to get some modifcations done
to it rims,kits,an audio package. Meanwhile she woke up the
day of April 1s an relised her car i brought her 2 years ago wanst in the drive way, She freaked out then i send her i told her i will sort it out at lunch time i drove the car back home after being modified an told her it the police an i found it. Then she clicked what i got done to teh car it was brillant"
"i duct taped some of my sister's stuff to the ceiling....not as uhh brilliant as the other answers but still pretty funny"
By: Kaci
"well my mom thinks she is the best jokester in the house....
so just to prove her wrong,
i cut off an old dolls hair and scattered it around her head, greased her doorknobs, set her alarm for 4 a.m., and covered her door with cling wrap.
when the alarm woke her up and she saw the hair, she went to the bathroom to check it out but couldnt open the door. then when she finnaly got her bedroom door open to yell at me, she tried to walk out and bounced off onto the floor.
it was hysterical."
By: NINJA(loves em)
"the usual...
post it note over the bottom of the mouse so it wouldn't work
saran wrap on all the toilets.
toothpaste under the door handles
TPing my brother's room (took him half an hour to get rid of all the toilet paper. i used three rolls)
green food coloring in the milk
alarm clocks for 3 AM
sister's hand in warm water so she peed herself
etc etc.
and my most epic prank...
three mice released in the house with 1 2 and 4 written on mom was looking for number three all day until i finally said april fools at 12. LOL! I tried to get pigs but i couldn't. :( good thing. my mom was even pissed with the mouse thing"
How did you like last night's episode of American Idol?
Do you think America made the right choice by eliminate Meghan? How do you like the performance by Lady Gaga and David Cook?
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular subject....what do you think? Do you agree with them or disagree please comment.
"I liked that it was only 1 hour long."
By : indee
"i love lady gaga so thats the only reason i watched it"
By: Sean
"Yes Megan needed to go. Ladt GaGa Horrible. David Cook Great."
"They made the right choice. Meghan can sing, she just doesn't picks good songs.
David Cooks song was boring.
Lady Gagas song sucked."
By : Scooby
"meghan said she didnt care about the judges advice so she obviously thought she to good for advice... so yes she shouldve left. Lady Gaga looked like a crackedhead... David Cook I fastforwarded thhrough cause it was boring"
By : kaylapar...
"no i dont think so, america voted totally wrong.idk what happened.megan was one of my faves. and she looked really cool! =(
david cook, he's a good singer..but idk kinda boring
and lady gaga,, i think its okay.i mean, we all know she's not the best at singing live..but, she is Lady Gaga!"
By : Andy
"yeah megan needed to go, it should've been either her or scott, only because if he wasnt blind i dont think he would be there. idk lady gaga to me seems like shes insane and i hated the music, but david cook is hot in more ways than 1"
By : xoxochee...
"Well I didn't like Lady GaGa and I honestly don't care for that David Cook song. I'm glad Meg went home. Matt Giraud is still the best."
By :Jerry's Girl
"Megan needed to go, she overstayed her welcome already... David Cook's performance was pretty good.. I fast forwarded through the other one's.."
By: cz73kz
"It was Megan's time to go. To me Lady Gaga is a MaDonna wannabe.
Really do not care for her music at all. She needs to come up with her own style and not use MaDonna's style. MaDonna wannabe all of the way. David Cook is really great!"
By : bratbrat...
"i want meghans tatoo's"
By: Donna
"I think Scott needs to go. He is very boring and never takes chances and never does anything different. Boring. That is why Adam is the best. He has shown he can sing anything and listens to the advice the judges give him. That's why he will win.
David Cook was better than what I expected.
Lady Gaga was a little far fetched for me, but she sure is pretty!"
By : Horse Up
"I'm glad Megan went home. She was acting beeyotchy by not caring.. yaknow? I loved Simon for his comment! :]
& I loveee David Cook! He is the best; therefore I loved "Come Back To Me". <3
& I hate Lady GaGa. Ew, to the maxx."
By: angel michelle
"I was very pleased with Megan going home, she definitely needed to. I liked David Cook's performance, but not Lady GaGa, it was just weird. But I have to say that was one awesome piano."
By :MrsBloom...
"I was so glad to see Megan go. And her smug attitude bit her in the a*ss. I loved what Simon said to her!
Lady Gaga sucked and David Cook was okay."
By : beespost
"I'm sooooo glad Megan is gone - her ridiculous bird thing that she does, her horribly anorexic body wiggling all over the place. Gross.
Gaga was scary. I mean, that was a really scary performance. I hate her music, and that Halloween-freak-show-performance sealed the deal.
David Cook - what a cutie!!"
By:♥♀ Dee ♀♥
"I do like the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" but last nites version was a bit odd. I liked David Cook's new song. Love him!
YES I do believe America finally got one right. Megan was the one to go, and if they want to get it right next week, Scott will be going home too. He really isn't that good, and I don't know why he is still there, unless he is getting the sympathy votes for being blind, which is wrong if thats the case. This is a singing competition, and for that he gets like a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale."
By: BoosGram...
"Do I think America made the right choice by eliminating Megan? Absolutely! I'm soooooooooooo glad she's gone! Good grief! I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. Plus she's made bad song choices every week and she's very arrogant when she receives criticism from the judges. "Well, I have a big fan base and they'll still vote for me." I was appalled when she said that (or it was something to that affect) last week. Perhaps her "fans" had a wake-up call. Oh, and when started cawing and flapping her arms when Ryan announced she was in the bottom three I literally exclaimed out loud, "What the hell?!?!?!?!?!" And when she told Simon that she basically didn't care what he thought, that further confirmed to me how egotistical she is. She was becoming a bit of a nuisance so I'm thrilled that she's gone.
And I thought Lady Gaga's performance was a bit odd. I noticed towards the end that it looked like she had a blue glittery lobster claw over one of her eyes and thought that was strange. Now, I've always been a fan of David Cook, but I thought his performance was just okay. It didn't "WOW" me, but I still love him."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
Here are what some Yahoo users have to say about this particular subject....what do you think? Do you agree with them or disagree please comment.
"I liked that it was only 1 hour long."
By : indee
"i love lady gaga so thats the only reason i watched it"
By: Sean
"Yes Megan needed to go. Ladt GaGa Horrible. David Cook Great."
"They made the right choice. Meghan can sing, she just doesn't picks good songs.
David Cooks song was boring.
Lady Gagas song sucked."
By : Scooby
"meghan said she didnt care about the judges advice so she obviously thought she to good for advice... so yes she shouldve left. Lady Gaga looked like a crackedhead... David Cook I fastforwarded thhrough cause it was boring"
By : kaylapar...
"no i dont think so, america voted totally wrong.idk what happened.megan was one of my faves. and she looked really cool! =(
david cook, he's a good singer..but idk kinda boring
and lady gaga,, i think its okay.i mean, we all know she's not the best at singing live..but, she is Lady Gaga!"
By : Andy
"yeah megan needed to go, it should've been either her or scott, only because if he wasnt blind i dont think he would be there. idk lady gaga to me seems like shes insane and i hated the music, but david cook is hot in more ways than 1"
By : xoxochee...
"Well I didn't like Lady GaGa and I honestly don't care for that David Cook song. I'm glad Meg went home. Matt Giraud is still the best."
By :Jerry's Girl
"Megan needed to go, she overstayed her welcome already... David Cook's performance was pretty good.. I fast forwarded through the other one's.."
By: cz73kz
"It was Megan's time to go. To me Lady Gaga is a MaDonna wannabe.
Really do not care for her music at all. She needs to come up with her own style and not use MaDonna's style. MaDonna wannabe all of the way. David Cook is really great!"
By : bratbrat...
"i want meghans tatoo's"
By: Donna
"I think Scott needs to go. He is very boring and never takes chances and never does anything different. Boring. That is why Adam is the best. He has shown he can sing anything and listens to the advice the judges give him. That's why he will win.
David Cook was better than what I expected.
Lady Gaga was a little far fetched for me, but she sure is pretty!"
By : Horse Up
"I'm glad Megan went home. She was acting beeyotchy by not caring.. yaknow? I loved Simon for his comment! :]
& I loveee David Cook! He is the best; therefore I loved "Come Back To Me". <3
& I hate Lady GaGa. Ew, to the maxx."
By: angel michelle
"I was very pleased with Megan going home, she definitely needed to. I liked David Cook's performance, but not Lady GaGa, it was just weird. But I have to say that was one awesome piano."
By :MrsBloom...
"I was so glad to see Megan go. And her smug attitude bit her in the a*ss. I loved what Simon said to her!
Lady Gaga sucked and David Cook was okay."
By : beespost
"I'm sooooo glad Megan is gone - her ridiculous bird thing that she does, her horribly anorexic body wiggling all over the place. Gross.
Gaga was scary. I mean, that was a really scary performance. I hate her music, and that Halloween-freak-show-performance sealed the deal.
David Cook - what a cutie!!"
By:♥♀ Dee ♀♥
"I do like the Lady Gaga song "Poker Face" but last nites version was a bit odd. I liked David Cook's new song. Love him!
YES I do believe America finally got one right. Megan was the one to go, and if they want to get it right next week, Scott will be going home too. He really isn't that good, and I don't know why he is still there, unless he is getting the sympathy votes for being blind, which is wrong if thats the case. This is a singing competition, and for that he gets like a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale."
By: BoosGram...
"Do I think America made the right choice by eliminating Megan? Absolutely! I'm soooooooooooo glad she's gone! Good grief! I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. Plus she's made bad song choices every week and she's very arrogant when she receives criticism from the judges. "Well, I have a big fan base and they'll still vote for me." I was appalled when she said that (or it was something to that affect) last week. Perhaps her "fans" had a wake-up call. Oh, and when started cawing and flapping her arms when Ryan announced she was in the bottom three I literally exclaimed out loud, "What the hell?!?!?!?!?!" And when she told Simon that she basically didn't care what he thought, that further confirmed to me how egotistical she is. She was becoming a bit of a nuisance so I'm thrilled that she's gone.
And I thought Lady Gaga's performance was a bit odd. I noticed towards the end that it looked like she had a blue glittery lobster claw over one of her eyes and thought that was strange. Now, I've always been a fan of David Cook, but I thought his performance was just okay. It didn't "WOW" me, but I still love him."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
Tip Of The Day!!!!
Career Development: Necessary Skills
The most important skills to develop most careers are not actually downright technical and related to the actual job you are doing (particularly in modern office based jobs).
Rather they are more generic:
- the ability to get on well with others
- a capacity for change without grumbling (maybe not as strong as 'embracing change' - that's just for HR people)
- resourcefulness
- ability to work through uncertainty
- good time management, and working to deadlines
- clear and calm communicator
- excellent team working ability
- general adaptability
If you possess all of these skills, then the truth is that you can fit into and do most jobs. Sure you need to learn the knowledge specific to that job, but they just employ the same skills on a different knowledge set. Therefore the skills are more important than the knowledge.
The most important skills to develop most careers are not actually downright technical and related to the actual job you are doing (particularly in modern office based jobs).
Rather they are more generic:
- the ability to get on well with others
- a capacity for change without grumbling (maybe not as strong as 'embracing change' - that's just for HR people)
- resourcefulness
- ability to work through uncertainty
- good time management, and working to deadlines
- clear and calm communicator
- excellent team working ability
- general adaptability
If you possess all of these skills, then the truth is that you can fit into and do most jobs. Sure you need to learn the knowledge specific to that job, but they just employ the same skills on a different knowledge set. Therefore the skills are more important than the knowledge.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tip Of The Day!!!
How To Advertise Your Online Business
If you have an online business, then you will need to advertise it to get people to come.
The only exception may be as a well known and established company, but for anyone else and certainly the small internet shop looking to sell information and make money online, then you need to advertise.
Good places to try include newsgroups that are related to your target audience, giving you so-called warm leads, and also bulletin boards and forums related to your topic.
The beauty is these are nearly always free to join and you know that other people who come are actively interested in your target market - persistence over time therefore means a great opportunity.
Key tip: take an active part in the forums don't just see them as somewhere to advertise. Get to know the regulars and help out where possible and they might turn into customers themselves and recommend you to others.
If you have an online business, then you will need to advertise it to get people to come.
The only exception may be as a well known and established company, but for anyone else and certainly the small internet shop looking to sell information and make money online, then you need to advertise.
Good places to try include newsgroups that are related to your target audience, giving you so-called warm leads, and also bulletin boards and forums related to your topic.
The beauty is these are nearly always free to join and you know that other people who come are actively interested in your target market - persistence over time therefore means a great opportunity.
Key tip: take an active part in the forums don't just see them as somewhere to advertise. Get to know the regulars and help out where possible and they might turn into customers themselves and recommend you to others.
What did you think of American Idol last night?
Who do you think or want to get eliminated tonight? How come the show only run 1 hr and 25 minutes, not the full 1 and half hour? Do you have any suggestions for that?
Here what are some Yahoo users have to say about this particular subject.....
"the blind dude or the red headed girl needs to go. They are somewhat annoying. The show was only that long so the new Ozzy show can have an extra 5 minutes."
by : Puffins
"It was better than I expected it to be. I was really worried that the show would suck because, let's face it - most new music is trash. Anoop and Meghan were awful, Matt, Allyson, and Adam were tolerable. Danny, Lil, and Scott were very good. Kris Allen stole the show.
I'm hoping that tonight we finally see Meghan get the boot."
By : kitchens...
"I thought Kris was the very best last night. Danny was my second favorite. Adam performed as expected-well.
I think that Megan need to go home tonight before Anoop or Matt."
By : ackwyork
Here what are some Yahoo users have to say about this particular subject.....
"the blind dude or the red headed girl needs to go. They are somewhat annoying. The show was only that long so the new Ozzy show can have an extra 5 minutes."
by : Puffins
"It was better than I expected it to be. I was really worried that the show would suck because, let's face it - most new music is trash. Anoop and Meghan were awful, Matt, Allyson, and Adam were tolerable. Danny, Lil, and Scott were very good. Kris Allen stole the show.
I'm hoping that tonight we finally see Meghan get the boot."
By : kitchens...
"I thought Kris was the very best last night. Danny was my second favorite. Adam performed as expected-well.
I think that Megan need to go home tonight before Anoop or Matt."
By : ackwyork
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Tip Of The Day!!!
How To Ask Questions To An Interviewee
If you are asking questions to an interviewee, there are some things you can do to make your job, and theirs, much easier in the efficient exchange of information.
The first is to ask direct questions, with as few words as possible.
Don't beat around the bush and say:
"Please could you tell me a little bit about the key things that you might have done in situation X to achieve a desired target of Y"
But keep it simple and direct:
"Tell me how you achieved Y in situation X".
The filling words just give more for the candidate to think about and don't help; always ask the question in simple and succinct terms.
Notice the use of a clear leading word: HOW. Always couch questions with a word like how to allow focus for the candidate to answer. Rather than 'a little bit about' which is more vague and doesn't lead so much.
Also remember not to ask questions negatively. Don't ask:
"Tell me the things that didn't go right in the situation?" but rather
"What went well, and what could have gone better?"
Questions asked in the negative are proven not to be as effective at getting good quality responses as those couched in positive terms.
If you are asking questions to an interviewee, there are some things you can do to make your job, and theirs, much easier in the efficient exchange of information.
The first is to ask direct questions, with as few words as possible.
Don't beat around the bush and say:
"Please could you tell me a little bit about the key things that you might have done in situation X to achieve a desired target of Y"
But keep it simple and direct:
"Tell me how you achieved Y in situation X".
The filling words just give more for the candidate to think about and don't help; always ask the question in simple and succinct terms.
Notice the use of a clear leading word: HOW. Always couch questions with a word like how to allow focus for the candidate to answer. Rather than 'a little bit about' which is more vague and doesn't lead so much.
Also remember not to ask questions negatively. Don't ask:
"Tell me the things that didn't go right in the situation?" but rather
"What went well, and what could have gone better?"
Questions asked in the negative are proven not to be as effective at getting good quality responses as those couched in positive terms.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tips Of The Day!!!
Aloe Vera And Skin Care
Many people will have heard of aloe vera in the context of skin care. But what is aloe vera?
Well, aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the well known Lily family of flowers. It looks a little like a cactus, and has been used for its medicinal properties over the years - though only a couple of varieties have medicinal properties.
Much of the plant is water, but the outer leaf contains a sap that is used for lotions and gels and is beneficial. Rich in many vitamins and minerals, all together, these can have a powerful help in skin care.
Aloe vera can be used on the skin to help with many conditions, for instance bires or scrapes, eczema or mild burns.
Many people will have heard of aloe vera in the context of skin care. But what is aloe vera?
Well, aloe vera is a plant that belongs to the well known Lily family of flowers. It looks a little like a cactus, and has been used for its medicinal properties over the years - though only a couple of varieties have medicinal properties.
Much of the plant is water, but the outer leaf contains a sap that is used for lotions and gels and is beneficial. Rich in many vitamins and minerals, all together, these can have a powerful help in skin care.
Aloe vera can be used on the skin to help with many conditions, for instance bires or scrapes, eczema or mild burns.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Movie Reviews
Here are what some top movie critics have to say about this particular movie.
"March 21, 2009 | If Alex Proyas' "Knowing" were reasonably entertaining -- instead of just dour, pointless and tedious -- it would be a camp classic. My favorite moment is the one in which Nicolas Cage, as an MIT professor who's acquired a special sheet of paper that gives him the inside scoop on upcoming dire catastrophes, rings his estranged parents to warn them of impending global doom. He urges them to head underground: "The basement, the sewers, the T!" he offers helpfully.
Although I've ridden Boston's subway system many times and can vouch for its safety and relative efficiency, I wouldn't recommend it as a place to hide from the apocalypse. But according to the logic of "Knowing," well, why not? This is also a movie in which the Angel of Doom shows up in a black raincoat that looks as if it came from the sale rack at Brooks Brothers. (With his bleached-blond quiff, he also looks like Spike, from "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," except with zero sexual charisma.)
No fewer than five people are credited with having worked on the script of "Knowing," though if it were left to me to guess, I would have put that number closer to 17. There's a lot going on in "Knowing," and important themes crisscross and swerve with abandon: Cage's character, John, has recently been widowed, and he and his son, Caleb (Chandler Canterbury), are still mourning her loss. We learn early on that John, a man of science, doesn't believe in heaven, or even in -- gasp! -- God. Then a page full of mysterious numbers falls into his possession: A troubled little girl scrawled them out in 1959; they've been locked away in a time capsule ever since. When John looks carefully at the numbers, he notes a terrible sense of logic to them: They make specific references to the dates of past disasters -- 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, any number of plane crashes and train derailments -- and John fears they may point to future catastrophes as well. Can he stop these tragedies? Will he regain his faith? And will he meet a cute babe -- one played by Rose Byrne -- in the interim?
You probably already know the answer to at least one of those questions. As for the others, Proyas ("I, Robot") makes sure we get to see a good selection of massive disasters, including a plane crash in which victims, burning to death, scream in pain. There's also a wildfire in which assorted moose, deer and bears -- also in flames, and clearly suffering -- stampede in fear. But hey, it's all CGI, so who cares? And it's all in the service of a greater idea: We must have Faith, with a capital F.
Cage used to be a pretty consistently terrific actor, and often he's been good even in the dumb, schlocky movies he's been choosing over the past 10 years or so. But in "Knowing," he mostly just stumbles around with his mouth hanging open, dumbstruck by his realization that he knows very little about the universe and, worse yet, has almost no control over it. Thus, he must put his faith in a power greater than his own. I hope that doesn't mean his agent."
By : Stephanie Zacharek
Knowing is a portentous numerological global-warming-to-the-nth-power thriller, in which Nicolas Cage plays an MIT professor who figures out that The End is near. If you want to know how inept the movie is...well, it's so inept that you may wish you were watching an M. Night Shyamalan version of the very same premise. At least Shyamalan, in his dud The Happening, is a compulsive audience-gooser, whereas Alex Proyas (The Crow), the director of Knowing, has no idea what to do between calamitous set pieces. There's one terrifying moment (it's featured in the television promos), where a jetliner comes hurtling out of a stormy sky with a nightmare suddenness that is up close and vivid. But Cage, gaunt and haunted (or maybe just vacant), spends far too much time doing his antsy-perturbed thing as he tries to decipher a sheet of numerals dug up from a time capsule — a code that foretells every global disaster of the past 50 years, as well as a few that have yet to happen.
As he ponders and marinates, we have time to consider questions like: Why, in the midst of this vaguely millennial muddle, does Cage's prof live in a mansion that's lit like the setting for a Disney ghost story? And what are those nicely attired blond alien attachés, who could be refugees from a Depeche Mode video, up to? You may also wonder what Cage, at this point in his career, does to psych himself up for a scene in which he's driving and screaming lines like, ''We have to go where the numbers want us to go!'' Knowing is a trash-compactor hodgepodge of Deep Impact, The Number 23, Close Encounters, and The Day the Earth Stood Still. Too often, though, it's the movie that stands still, as it counts down to one of those ''mind-blowing'' digital cataclysms that dissipates the moment you walk up the aisle
By : Owen Gleiberman
UH-UH. Non. Nein. Neg ative. Sept. 11 is not to be used as the setup for a cheesy disaster prophecy flick.
In the fiercely ridiculous "Knowing," Nicolas Cage plays John, a widowed MIT professor looking at a page of random digits when the series 91101 leaps out at him. It's followed by the number of people killed that day. Other disasters listed include 041995, for the Oklahoma City bombing, and 022307, the day "The Number 23" was released.
The numerals, dropped into a time capsule by a disturbed little girl 50 years ago, include the date, location and death toll of every natural disaster in that period, plus a few into the future. The next one's here, so naturally John zips from Boston to Manhattan by the most logical method: the Brooklyn Bridge. He knows the disaster could be anything including a plane crashing on that spot, yet he thinks he has a scientific, MIT-ish method for foiling danger: to stand around looking for suspicious characters. Soon he's randomly chasing a guy whose crime appears to be wearing a jacket.
John's an agnostic who doesn't believe life has any meaning. "I think s - - t just happens," he says. I can vouch for that, having seen "National Treasure 2," but someone is sure helping to make it happen. Like Cage, who sticks to his habit of shouting punch lines, like a 16-year-old at a midnight screening of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." (Example: "I'm just trying to understand why THIS IS SAYING THEY WILL!")
John, in world-saving mode, winds up in the middle of more disaster areas than Anderson Cooper. Did you know that when a plane slams into the ground at high velocity, everyone on it initially survives? Yep, apparently they all get out and run around yelping as they burn. Now I know why the stuntmen call these scenes "fire gags."
Amid chatter about global warming, the sinister doings of whispery figures pursuing John's son, and the secrets known only by the daughter (Rose Byrne) of the girl who originally wrote the prophecy, the movie, directed by Alex Proyas ("I Robot") at least manages to keep you interested, if your eardrums are in the mood for a pummeling and your eyeballs like to drink up apocalyptic images.
At one point a woman on one side of me at the screening had both hands over her ears, while the girl to the other side had both hands over her eyes. I felt like the speak-no-evil monkey in the middle, but speak I must. The movie begins shameless, grows stupid and winds up silly. If the ending had less of the air of a crackpot religion and more pretentiousness, you could almost call it Shyamalanish.
Tips Of The Day!!!!
Get Great Hair
No matter how much effort, time or money you spend on the perfect hair cut or a color job, nothing is more attractive than a head of healthy hair. For healthy , shiny hair, you need to:
Eat healthy ? fresh vegetables, salads, fruits and fish.
Avoid cigarettes
Take vitamin supplements ? Vitamin B, C and E
Wash your hair regularly ? be gentle, use a mild shampoo and scrub with the pad of your fingers
Condition your hair regularly
Get a cut to complement your face, body, hair texture and lifestyle. Spend time deciding your cut ? consult your hair dresser and be confident and comfortable before you get your cut.
If you decide to color you hair, think about the colors you wear and are comfortable with. Remember to use color-specific shampoos and to do regular protein treatments.
No matter how much effort, time or money you spend on the perfect hair cut or a color job, nothing is more attractive than a head of healthy hair. For healthy , shiny hair, you need to:
Eat healthy ? fresh vegetables, salads, fruits and fish.
Avoid cigarettes
Take vitamin supplements ? Vitamin B, C and E
Wash your hair regularly ? be gentle, use a mild shampoo and scrub with the pad of your fingers
Condition your hair regularly
Get a cut to complement your face, body, hair texture and lifestyle. Spend time deciding your cut ? consult your hair dresser and be confident and comfortable before you get your cut.
If you decide to color you hair, think about the colors you wear and are comfortable with. Remember to use color-specific shampoos and to do regular protein treatments.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
10 Great Reasons to Exercise
Here is a great article which I found in Yahoo that I want to post in my blog and share it with whoever is reading it.
Provided by Caroline Biron
Need some motivation to get you exercising? Here are 10 great reasons that are sure to move (literally) you!
1. For more self confidence: when you feel more comfortable in your own skin, you gain self assurance and have a higher confidence in your abilities to surmount any obstacles that come your way.
2. For better sleep: Studies show that people who engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 or 40 minutes on a regular basis, fall asleep twice as easily as their sedentary counterparts.
3. For more energy: your body absorbs and processes oxygen more easily, which releases tension from your muscles (and head).
4. For better sex: great sex depends on good overall health and high cardiovascular endurance (among other things, of course). Being comfortable with your own body also helps you feel more liberated and open with your partner.
5. For your savings: people who don’t exercise on a regular basis pay, on average, 10% more for their annual medical expenses. Tack on an additional 8% if they are obese.
6. For long life: by exercising on a regular basis, you reduce your risk of health problems and disease, thus increasing your life expectancy.
7. For friendship: by engaging in physical activity (particularly team sports) you create bonds with other people who share your interests.
8. For less stress: when you exercise, your body releases the day’s stress and tension, and allows you to clear your mind and stop thinking about your problems, if even for a little while.
9. For snack control: new studies show that exercise is your best ally in the fight against snacking. It’s simple, regular physical activity reduces stress; by reducing stress, you reduce cravings.
10. For fun: physical activity should be enjoyable, that’s main reason to get moving.
Here are 10 slightly less great reasons :
1. To stop your arm from jiggling when you wave goodbye.
2. To pick up the sexy trainer at the gym.
3. To have an excuse to buy an iPod.
4. To look like Anna Kournikova.
5. To strut around in a bikini with pride.
6. To make your ex really sorry that he dumped you.
7. To fit into your skinny jeans.
8. To look hot for your new beau.
9. To buy the cute Madonna track suit at H&M.
10. To run after the bus (or the garbage truck) without passing out.
Provided by Caroline Biron
Need some motivation to get you exercising? Here are 10 great reasons that are sure to move (literally) you!
1. For more self confidence: when you feel more comfortable in your own skin, you gain self assurance and have a higher confidence in your abilities to surmount any obstacles that come your way.
2. For better sleep: Studies show that people who engage in moderate-intensity physical activity for 30 or 40 minutes on a regular basis, fall asleep twice as easily as their sedentary counterparts.
3. For more energy: your body absorbs and processes oxygen more easily, which releases tension from your muscles (and head).
4. For better sex: great sex depends on good overall health and high cardiovascular endurance (among other things, of course). Being comfortable with your own body also helps you feel more liberated and open with your partner.
5. For your savings: people who don’t exercise on a regular basis pay, on average, 10% more for their annual medical expenses. Tack on an additional 8% if they are obese.
6. For long life: by exercising on a regular basis, you reduce your risk of health problems and disease, thus increasing your life expectancy.
7. For friendship: by engaging in physical activity (particularly team sports) you create bonds with other people who share your interests.
8. For less stress: when you exercise, your body releases the day’s stress and tension, and allows you to clear your mind and stop thinking about your problems, if even for a little while.
9. For snack control: new studies show that exercise is your best ally in the fight against snacking. It’s simple, regular physical activity reduces stress; by reducing stress, you reduce cravings.
10. For fun: physical activity should be enjoyable, that’s main reason to get moving.
Here are 10 slightly less great reasons :
1. To stop your arm from jiggling when you wave goodbye.
2. To pick up the sexy trainer at the gym.
3. To have an excuse to buy an iPod.
4. To look like Anna Kournikova.
5. To strut around in a bikini with pride.
6. To make your ex really sorry that he dumped you.
7. To fit into your skinny jeans.
8. To look hot for your new beau.
9. To buy the cute Madonna track suit at H&M.
10. To run after the bus (or the garbage truck) without passing out.
Tips Of The Day!!!!
Jet Lag
Travelling long distances overnight to different time zones by air can have your body complaining bitterly! You can experience extreme fatigue, vertigo, nausea and general irritation. To help prevent jet lag, start preparing at least a week before:
* Go to bed early to make sure you are well rested.
* Eat light meals and drink lots of liquids.
* Once on the plane, avoid coffee and alcohol.
* Skip the movies and try to sleep.
Travelling long distances overnight to different time zones by air can have your body complaining bitterly! You can experience extreme fatigue, vertigo, nausea and general irritation. To help prevent jet lag, start preparing at least a week before:
* Go to bed early to make sure you are well rested.
* Eat light meals and drink lots of liquids.
* Once on the plane, avoid coffee and alcohol.
* Skip the movies and try to sleep.
Friday, March 27, 2009
How did you like last night's episode of American Idol?
Do you think America made the right choice by eliminate Michael from the competition?
Here is what some Yahoo have to say about this particular you agree with them? Please comment!!!
"That show is hella overrated"
By :Let'sRav...
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By : Mrs. Jeter
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By :Mrs. Jeter
"Well, I kinda figured Michael would go, I think it was his time. I was VERY suprised that Matt was in the bottom three and Megan wasn't, however Megan is my favorite and so I'm glad she was safe.
I found the performance of Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson creepy and uncomfortable for some reason. Lol.
Stevie Wonder was awesome."
By : Sara
"I kinda figured Micheal was going home but I think he was happy he was going home because of the coment his daughter made and his life is never going to be the same and he still get's to go on tour so that is cool but he knows that if god didn't want him to go farther he would have
I was glad Megan,Allison,Adam,Scott,and Danny were safe I like them
the perfomance by Stevie wonder was mind blowing but the performance by Joss Stone and Smoky Robinson was kinda weird overall I thought it was a good night"
By : Samantha <3's Dylan
"I think that they did - but I also think that Megan should've been in the bottom 3 instead of Matt. She should be the next to go."
By : Austin's mom
"no! i think megan should of gone home and i was so mad and surprised Matt was in the bottom 3. he didnt deserve to be there"
By : katt
Here is what some Yahoo have to say about this particular you agree with them? Please comment!!!
"That show is hella overrated"
By :Let'sRav...
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By : Mrs. Jeter
"No, I thought that Megan should have gone home. She wasn't even in the bottom 3, but Matt was. I wasn't too happy about that."
By :Mrs. Jeter
"Well, I kinda figured Michael would go, I think it was his time. I was VERY suprised that Matt was in the bottom three and Megan wasn't, however Megan is my favorite and so I'm glad she was safe.
I found the performance of Joss Stone and Smokey Robinson creepy and uncomfortable for some reason. Lol.
Stevie Wonder was awesome."
By : Sara
"I kinda figured Micheal was going home but I think he was happy he was going home because of the coment his daughter made and his life is never going to be the same and he still get's to go on tour so that is cool but he knows that if god didn't want him to go farther he would have
I was glad Megan,Allison,Adam,Scott,and Danny were safe I like them
the perfomance by Stevie wonder was mind blowing but the performance by Joss Stone and Smoky Robinson was kinda weird overall I thought it was a good night"
By : Samantha <3's Dylan
"I think that they did - but I also think that Megan should've been in the bottom 3 instead of Matt. She should be the next to go."
By : Austin's mom
"no! i think megan should of gone home and i was so mad and surprised Matt was in the bottom 3. he didnt deserve to be there"
By : katt
Thursday, March 26, 2009
How did you like last night's American Idol?
Did they do a good job in Motown music? Who do you think or want to get eliminated?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject, do you agree or disagree with them?
"for the most part, i liked last nights show. i think the bottom 3 should be megan, michael, and scott. i hope megan goes home, but i doubt it will be her, probably michael. i think he is better than her, just picked some bad songs recently."
By: hannahs mom
"For the most part is was overall okay. Some did bad, some did okay, some did good.
My favorite is Megan who did bad."
By : DT [=
"Allison and Adam did great. But Allison for me was amazing.
Kris and Matt were great.
Danny, Lil and Anoop were alright.
Megan (too bad though), Michael and Scott were TERRIBLE.
I want Michael S. or Scott be eliminated."
By :Denim ™
"Last night was more about the judges and their antic's then the Talent in the show, especially how they ignored the little 16 yr. old that sang last and was terrific. But the judges were tied up in coloring books and crayons."
By: kb8mmd1
"Well some were great and some were horrible! Over all it was OK last week was better.
Matt Giraud - Lets Get It On **** kara's crush did great
Kris Allen - How Sweet It Is *** still cute lol
Scott Macintyre - You Cant Hurry Love ** eh
Megan Joy - For Once In My Life NO STARS HORRIBLE
Anoop Desai - Ooh Baby Baby *** good
Michael Sarver - Aint too Proud To Beg ** not good, good attitude though
Lil Rounds - Heatwave *** stop sreaming at me
Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears ***** fave, falsettos were amazing
Danny Gokey - Get Ready **** great as always
Allison Iraheta - Papa Was A Rollin Stone *** sounds good but I just dnt like her
Bottom 3 will be Michael, Scott and Megan or maybe even Allison I hope
Michael will probably go but Megan deserves to go home but I doubt it."
By :aseret_m...
"With all the songs Motown has done I was expecting a lot more old school soul with lots of room for vocal interpretation. I was kinda disappointed with a few of the song choices. My favorites were Adam, Anoop and Danny.
I hope Megan goes this week."
By :beespost
"I think Megan was pretty awful, but I think Scott or Michael will go--hopefully Scott, he's really boring lately"
By:Julie V
"I think Megan, Michael, and Scott should be in the bottom 3, with Megan going home.
Yeah she's pretty but so what? Girl can't sing, and that's all there is to it. She gets on my nerves with her attitude.
Im pretty sure Michael will be going home though. His last few performances have been mediocre at best."
By :εϊз ıғ ÿọű ѕєєқ αღỹ εϊз
"I think for the most part the contestants did a good job. I think Megan will get eliminated. Her performance was just awful. I also don't know what Paula was doing for the majority of the performances but it wasn't really paying attention, she is just wacky,lol."
By : jessiely...
"I'm a huge Motown fan and I thought for the most part the show was good. But I wish someone had picked Just My Imagination (Runnin Away With Me)...that's my favourite Motown tune. Maybe too difficult, who knows?
I was disappointed in Lil Rounds. She should have shone on that stage and she was just ordinary for her standards. Not a good song choice for her vocal ability.
Megan was horrible. Michael was almost as bad and Scott was below average too. They were clearly the bottom 3. I don't know what the big fuss is over Kris Allen, he's just an alright singer yet people keep singing his praises.
Adam was friggin' amazing...I love that song so much. And his rendition is almost record worthy. I thought Anoop did well as did Matt and Allison, especially hitting her note at the end."
By : Kevin D (D. Original)
"Motwon music was gay, they need to let them do what they want. I love Megan the best, then Danny and Alison and Matt."
"Overall I think Motown night went fairly well. Contrary to what the judges said I actually like Danny's rendition of, "Get Ready." I personally thought he was the best last night. I have a strong feel he's gonna make it to the final two.
And I've never really be a fan of Adam, but I have to say that he sang REALLY well last night. It was refreshing to actually hear him sing as opposed to previous performances where I felt like he just screamed during the songs.
I also thought Anoop did well. His falsetto was very nice sounding. And I've been a fan of him since the day he auditioned and sang, "Thank You," by Boyz II Men. After he auditioned I searched for clips of him on You Tube and discovered that he sang in an all male a cappella (sp?) group for the University of North Carolina. After watching those clips it made me want him to succeed even more.
As for the bottom three, Dial (a website the makes Idol predictions based on the busy signals a contestant's voting phone number receives) shows that Scott, Michael and Megan are in the bottom three. And I agree with the site's predictions as well. Scott is actually a much better piano player than a singer because his voice is just mediocre. Michael has a good voice, but he doesn't stand out nor have the caliber to compare to contestants like Danny or Allison. And as for Megan...good grief. I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. If it were up to me, she'd be the one who goes home tonight, but unfortunately it's not. And of course, Dial Idol's predictions are not 100% accurate so we'll just have to wait until tonight to see the results."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular subject, do you agree or disagree with them?
"for the most part, i liked last nights show. i think the bottom 3 should be megan, michael, and scott. i hope megan goes home, but i doubt it will be her, probably michael. i think he is better than her, just picked some bad songs recently."
By: hannahs mom
"For the most part is was overall okay. Some did bad, some did okay, some did good.
My favorite is Megan who did bad."
By : DT [=
"Allison and Adam did great. But Allison for me was amazing.
Kris and Matt were great.
Danny, Lil and Anoop were alright.
Megan (too bad though), Michael and Scott were TERRIBLE.
I want Michael S. or Scott be eliminated."
By :Denim ™
"Last night was more about the judges and their antic's then the Talent in the show, especially how they ignored the little 16 yr. old that sang last and was terrific. But the judges were tied up in coloring books and crayons."
By: kb8mmd1
"Well some were great and some were horrible! Over all it was OK last week was better.
Matt Giraud - Lets Get It On **** kara's crush did great
Kris Allen - How Sweet It Is *** still cute lol
Scott Macintyre - You Cant Hurry Love ** eh
Megan Joy - For Once In My Life NO STARS HORRIBLE
Anoop Desai - Ooh Baby Baby *** good
Michael Sarver - Aint too Proud To Beg ** not good, good attitude though
Lil Rounds - Heatwave *** stop sreaming at me
Adam Lambert - Tracks Of My Tears ***** fave, falsettos were amazing
Danny Gokey - Get Ready **** great as always
Allison Iraheta - Papa Was A Rollin Stone *** sounds good but I just dnt like her
Bottom 3 will be Michael, Scott and Megan or maybe even Allison I hope
Michael will probably go but Megan deserves to go home but I doubt it."
By :aseret_m...
"With all the songs Motown has done I was expecting a lot more old school soul with lots of room for vocal interpretation. I was kinda disappointed with a few of the song choices. My favorites were Adam, Anoop and Danny.
I hope Megan goes this week."
By :beespost
"I think Megan was pretty awful, but I think Scott or Michael will go--hopefully Scott, he's really boring lately"
By:Julie V
"I think Megan, Michael, and Scott should be in the bottom 3, with Megan going home.
Yeah she's pretty but so what? Girl can't sing, and that's all there is to it. She gets on my nerves with her attitude.
Im pretty sure Michael will be going home though. His last few performances have been mediocre at best."
By :εϊз ıғ ÿọű ѕєєқ αღỹ εϊз
"I think for the most part the contestants did a good job. I think Megan will get eliminated. Her performance was just awful. I also don't know what Paula was doing for the majority of the performances but it wasn't really paying attention, she is just wacky,lol."
By : jessiely...
"I'm a huge Motown fan and I thought for the most part the show was good. But I wish someone had picked Just My Imagination (Runnin Away With Me)...that's my favourite Motown tune. Maybe too difficult, who knows?
I was disappointed in Lil Rounds. She should have shone on that stage and she was just ordinary for her standards. Not a good song choice for her vocal ability.
Megan was horrible. Michael was almost as bad and Scott was below average too. They were clearly the bottom 3. I don't know what the big fuss is over Kris Allen, he's just an alright singer yet people keep singing his praises.
Adam was friggin' amazing...I love that song so much. And his rendition is almost record worthy. I thought Anoop did well as did Matt and Allison, especially hitting her note at the end."
By : Kevin D (D. Original)
"Motwon music was gay, they need to let them do what they want. I love Megan the best, then Danny and Alison and Matt."
"Overall I think Motown night went fairly well. Contrary to what the judges said I actually like Danny's rendition of, "Get Ready." I personally thought he was the best last night. I have a strong feel he's gonna make it to the final two.
And I've never really be a fan of Adam, but I have to say that he sang REALLY well last night. It was refreshing to actually hear him sing as opposed to previous performances where I felt like he just screamed during the songs.
I also thought Anoop did well. His falsetto was very nice sounding. And I've been a fan of him since the day he auditioned and sang, "Thank You," by Boyz II Men. After he auditioned I searched for clips of him on You Tube and discovered that he sang in an all male a cappella (sp?) group for the University of North Carolina. After watching those clips it made me want him to succeed even more.
As for the bottom three, Dial (a website the makes Idol predictions based on the busy signals a contestant's voting phone number receives) shows that Scott, Michael and Megan are in the bottom three. And I agree with the site's predictions as well. Scott is actually a much better piano player than a singer because his voice is just mediocre. Michael has a good voice, but he doesn't stand out nor have the caliber to compare to contestants like Danny or Allison. And as for Megan...good grief. I cannot stand her voice. It's like listening to nails on a chalk board every time I hear her sing. I get the fact that she's unique and different, but unique and different doesn't make someone a great singer. If it were up to me, she'd be the one who goes home tonight, but unfortunately it's not. And of course, Dial Idol's predictions are not 100% accurate so we'll just have to wait until tonight to see the results."
By : Kori: despiser of trolls
How did you like the appearance by Barack Obama's appearance on The Tonight Show?
Here is what some Yahoo users are saying about this particular topic....
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
"I personally enjoyed it, and I look forward to hearing him again tonight when he speaks again. Thank you."
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American.
BUT his comment about bowlling was funny.....poltical correctedness is for the birds."
He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
"I think it was fine. We all wanted a president concerned with Main St and it was just another way for him to show that he's open minded. I don't think he personally wants to portray a movie star. I think our over dramatic media makes far too much out of nothing, just to get a story. I also think that he meant no harm when joking about his bowling game and that was blown way out of porportion! I have special needs children that are very close to my heart and I was not offended! Once again, media makes a mountain out of a mole hill!"
"I personally enjoyed it, and I look forward to hearing him again tonight when he speaks again. Thank you."
"he did very well, very reassuring performance. when bush tried to be funny he always just ended up being a dick."
"Republicans hate it and Democrats like it. I'm an Independent, and I liked it."
I thought his comment on his bowling skills are like the Special Olympics were disgusting, anytime you make a joke about Handicap people it is just horrible, but I am sure since all of the Idiots in our country love this moron then he will get away with saying it. Imagine if it was Bush he would have been crusified but Bush would never say that because he has too much class."
"I think it is disgusting you would think he was a movie star instead of a kenya imposing as an American.
BUT his comment about bowlling was funny.....poltical correctedness is for the birds."
He's "just doing what he's told to?". He's the President. Who told him to go on Leno? He's addicted to the rock star status and attention he got on the campaign trail.
Regardless of my opinion of him and his policy direction for the country, I find him very fun to watch.
However, if I hear the words "I inherited this situation... yadi yadi yadi... but the buck stops here!" I will vomit. It's like a worn record.
I liked the look on his face after Leno told him that everyone throws the basketball games when they play with him. Obama hammed that up pretty good pretending like his feelings were hurt. He's a funny guy. :)"
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What do you think Victoria Secret really is?
We have all seen Victoria Secret's commercial on TV, which showed sexy ladies in sexy lingerie. However, what do you think Victoria Secret really is?
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic.....
"like what the secret is? i have no idea but my opinion is that the women's lingerie should be a secret (like bras and such) because it's hidden. but it's honestly just a store that sells lingerie and undergarmets for women that are high quality."
"victorias secret is she dosen't wear any panties, cause she sells them all :)"
By :Cassandra Got Suspended
"That Victoria is a guy...maybe named victor."
By: Jason Mesnick is stupid
"well it is a lingerie store. it is in the malls if you dont believe me, you can go see for yourself."
By: trixie
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this particular topic.....
"like what the secret is? i have no idea but my opinion is that the women's lingerie should be a secret (like bras and such) because it's hidden. but it's honestly just a store that sells lingerie and undergarmets for women that are high quality."
"victorias secret is she dosen't wear any panties, cause she sells them all :)"
By :Cassandra Got Suspended
"That Victoria is a guy...maybe named victor."
By: Jason Mesnick is stupid
"well it is a lingerie store. it is in the malls if you dont believe me, you can go see for yourself."
By: trixie
What did you think of Barack Obama's presidency so far?
Here are what some Yahoo users saying about this topic.
"He's a jerk. Ask me in 4 more years if still have Freedom of Speech and my firearms."
By: HunterFi...
"It's getting worse by the minute. Wont be long until we have another Revolutionary War."
By:There and Back again
"We'll use taking care of big business special want to give them lots of money for the election so they're happy .done nothing for a little people .if people are working making products that would be no foreclosures ."
By: dennis w
"TERRIBLE!!!!!.Barack Obama is most likely the WORST president any country could have!!!!!!!"
By :Calvin79
"He has catalyzed the collapse of the United States."
By :Jordan A
"Hopes ran high when he was elected but now the truth comes out that he is worse than the former president Jimmy " Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter!"
By: fatboysd...
"He's a jerk. Ask me in 4 more years if still have Freedom of Speech and my firearms."
By: HunterFi...
"It's getting worse by the minute. Wont be long until we have another Revolutionary War."
By:There and Back again
"We'll use taking care of big business special want to give them lots of money for the election so they're happy .done nothing for a little people .if people are working making products that would be no foreclosures ."
By: dennis w
"TERRIBLE!!!!!.Barack Obama is most likely the WORST president any country could have!!!!!!!"
By :Calvin79
"He has catalyzed the collapse of the United States."
By :Jordan A
"Hopes ran high when he was elected but now the truth comes out that he is worse than the former president Jimmy " Hamas is not a terrorist group" Carter!"
By: fatboysd...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Interesting Article Which I Found In Yahoo
This is an very interesting article which I found in Yahoo, I am sure a lot of people are going to find it interesting. Some of you might read this already.However I am sure a lot of your have not!!!
9 Reasons People Cheat
* by Rich Santos, Marie Claire, on Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05am PDT
Why do I find it so easy not to cheat?
Maybe I'm not very attractive, so my options are limited. Maybe I'm too jaded to go for the cheating opportunities. Maybe I still have some mental wounds lingering from when my dad temporarily moved out because he had met another woman. Maybe I'm too afraid that I've reached my sin quotient and one more big sin will keep me out of heaven.
Cheating is not a caught in the moment thing if you are really into your significant other, you miss them when you are not with them, you don't look for a way to hurt or deceive them.
I am just now patching up a friendship with someone I was seeing while they had a boyfriend (that may make me a cheater). At different points she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend, that they were back together, and that he was boring and I was fun. It was total confusion.
I told her she wasn't being fair to herself, me, or him.
Finally, she said, "you just don't understand, there are things you don't know." Thing is she's been cheating on him for a couple of years with different guys, and he keeps taking her back.
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored
I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.
I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
Posted by Rich
9 Reasons People Cheat
* by Rich Santos, Marie Claire, on Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:05am PDT
Why do I find it so easy not to cheat?
Maybe I'm not very attractive, so my options are limited. Maybe I'm too jaded to go for the cheating opportunities. Maybe I still have some mental wounds lingering from when my dad temporarily moved out because he had met another woman. Maybe I'm too afraid that I've reached my sin quotient and one more big sin will keep me out of heaven.
Cheating is not a caught in the moment thing if you are really into your significant other, you miss them when you are not with them, you don't look for a way to hurt or deceive them.
I am just now patching up a friendship with someone I was seeing while they had a boyfriend (that may make me a cheater). At different points she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend, that they were back together, and that he was boring and I was fun. It was total confusion.
I told her she wasn't being fair to herself, me, or him.
Finally, she said, "you just don't understand, there are things you don't know." Thing is she's been cheating on him for a couple of years with different guys, and he keeps taking her back.
So, are cheaters born cheaters, or do certain situations cause people to cheat? Probably a little bit of both. Here are some situations that make people cheat:
1. Bored
I'd say this is the most common reason that people cheat.It's tough to keep that edge throughout a relationship. Things start off grand and then level off and then you both realize that it's still real life. When you meet someone else, that inaugural excitement of a new relationship kicks back in.
2. Dependence
At first glance, cheating seems like independent behavior. It could be interpreted as doing what you want, when you want. But I would argue that cheating is a dependent behavior. A cheater is dependent because they are not strong enough to break up with their significant other in order to get with the new person.
3. Confusion
Sometimes life or a particular situation can get to you. When the perfect storm of confusion is going on in your head, you make mistakes.
4. Because They Let You
If any girl ever cheated on me, I'd break up with her immediately. Forgiving a cheater is putting up with it, and starts a vicious cycle. That person who cheated may lose respect for you and might continue to cheat-because they know they can get away with it, because you'll continue to take them back.
5. Nurturing
If someone is mistreating you, then your first instinct is to get away from him or her. But sometimes it's not that simple-maybe you are raising kids together. If you feel trapped in a bad relationship, it's only natural that you will run to the open arms of a person who treats you well.
6. Revenge
This is quite simple- an eye for an eye. Cheat on them if they cheat on you. If they continuously hurt you or abuse you in some way, you do it to get them back.
7. Confirmation of Attractiveness
Sometimes when you're in a long relationship, or if your significant other is taking you for granted, you begin to wonder if you're still attractive. Perhaps, because you were out on the dating circuit, you felt more attractive when you were single. If you have an affair, you've proven that a new person can be attracted to you.
8. The Thrill
Some people just enjoy the thrill of cheating: running around secretly, risking getting caught, andcreating thrilling moments with a forbidden romance.
9. They Don't Consider It Cheating, Even Though You Might
Relationships have that grey area, usually right before you become exclusive. He thinks date #4 is when you're "together," and you think date #2 is when you're "together." If you haven't talked about exclusivity, someone may think they are well within their rights to see other people, even though the other person in the relationship may not.
I don't understand why people don't break up as soon as they have an urge to cheat. Is it natural to have temptation, or is temptation a sign that the relationship is losing its fire? What reasons would you add to this list, and do you disagree with any? If you've ever cheated, why did you do it? Could you forgive a cheater? If you are single, but seeing a person who is in a committed relationship, does that make you a cheater?
Posted by Rich
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